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The Batman Beyond Webring Fragment

When your putting this up replace the () with <> and the id with the id number you get in the e-mail, Also replace the your name and your e-mail address with your name and address, And change the second ;id with youre id # that is mailed to you. After you put it up e-mail me and I'll add you.if you have any questions just e-mail me. When done the fragment should look like the one at the bottom.

(!--Begin Batman Beyond Webring Fragment--)


(TR)(TD BGCOLOR="black")(a href="")(img src="" HEIGHT="187" WIDTH="163" BORDER="0" ALT="The Batman Beyond Webring")(/a)(/TD)

(TD BGcolor="black")(font color="white")

This(fontcolor="#66FFCC")(a href="")The Batman Beyond Webring(/a)(/font)(BR)site is owned by(br)

(font color="#66FFCC")(a href="mailto://--yourname--")--your name--(/a)(/font).(/font)


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(!--End The Batman Beyond Webring Fragment--)

This is what it will look like

Batman Beyond Webring ThisThe Batman Beyond Webring
site is owned by
--your name--.

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or you can use this one, just replace the image pic to /images/webring2.jpg

Batman Beyond Webring ThisThe Batman Beyond Webring
site is owned by
--your name--.

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