Disclaimer: All characters (except for Erica Silver and the Silver Fox) are copyright of Warner Brothers and D.C. Comics (I think). The Silver Fox Saga: Part 2 Terry sighed with relief. His mom was out somewhere, his little brother was off at a friend's house, he hadn't failed his English test, and Wayne hadn't called. Suddenly, his phone rang. Not the regular in-house phone, but, he almost moaned, the Oh-excuse-me-mom-I-have-to- go-save-Gotham-City phone. He flipped it open. "Yeah?" he asked, having learned not to say "Wayne" anymore when he answered. "Terry, there's something I need to tell you," Wayne said. His voice was soft, almost reluctant. This was definitely not a tone Terry had ever heard before. Without being told, he knew something was wrong. "Who is it?" he said quickly, cutting the older man off. "My mom? My brother? Who is it? I know something isn't right, Wayne. You know I hate it when people are slow about `breaking me the news.' So just come out and say it. Who is it?" "There was an accident," Wayne said, still evading Terry's question. "It was . . . it was Erica. She was hit by a truck. They took her to Gotham Mercy." Terry didn't wait to hear anything more. He slammed the phone shut, shoved it into his pocket and raced out the door. He burst into the hospital and practically skidded up to the Information desk. "Where is she?" he demanded of the receptionist. "You have to tell me who first, dear," she replied calmly. "Erica. Erica Silver," he blurted. "Where is she?" She typed on a keyboard for a moment, squinted at the screen, then looked up at him. "Floor three," she said. "Room . . . one- twenty four. But she's not allowed any visit-" Terry was already half-way to the elevator. He checked himself in mid-dash outside room one-twenty four. Terry looked in and saw Erica lying in a hospital bed, eyes closed. A doctor stood beside the bed, examining a chart. She didn't look up until she heard Terry come in. "Are you family?" she asked as he approached the bed. "Yea," he lied, convinced the doctor would throw him out if he said otherwise. "I'm . . . I'm her brother." The doctor nodded solemnly, almost as if she knew he was lying but had decided to let him stay anyway. "She's still borderline critical. We'll need to keep and eye on her for another week at least," she said. "I've got other patients to take care of, but I'll be back to check on her in a few minutes. I'll give you two some time alone." With that, she left. Terry smiled down at Erica, wondering how she felt. He wondered what exactly had happened to her and looked around briefly for the chart, but it seemed the doctor had taken it with her. With a sigh, Terry sat down in one of the guest chairs by the wall. He must have fallen asleep, because the next thing he knew, something hit him in the head. He opened his eyes slowly and immediately noticed two things. One, the thing that had collided with his head was a small but well aimed plastic cup that was rolling on the floor by his foot. And two, Erica was sitting up in bed, chuckling. "That wasn't a very nice way to get my attention," Terry muttered, standing up and walking to the bed. Erica just kept smiling. "It was the only way to do it without shouting and waking up the entire floor. Besides, you're kinda cute when you just wake up." "How do you feel?" he asked. "How do you think I feel, junior?" she said, answering his question with another question. "Actually, I feel like I was hit by a truck. They say I fractured some bone in my arm, bruised two ribs, cracked two ribs, and have a minor concussion. Other than that, I feel like a million bucks. Oh, out of curiosity, how long had you been sitting in that chair when I pegged you with the cup?" Terry shrugged. "I'm not really sure," he admitted. "I got here not you long after you'd been put in this room so,-" Erica shook her head slowly, smiling slightly. "Go home, McGinnis. Get some rest somewhere other than a chair. Think you can handle Gotham for a few days without me?" "I did before you showed up, didn't I?" Terry said. Erica nodded. "That you did, BatBoy," she whispered. "That you did." Released from the hospital but still not fit enough to resume her duties as the Silver Fox, Erica spent most of her time working on her bike. After being nearly completely totaled in the crash, the silver motorcycle needed work, a lot of work. One evening, she had just gotten the bike up and running when she got an idea. "You know," she remarked to no one at all, "I suppose I should take the bike out for a test run. A long test run. Maybe all the way out near . . . the edge of the city?" Grabbing her helmet, she got on, smiling at the thought of paying a surprise visit to an old acquaintance. She braked smoothly to a stop in front of the gates to the huge house. "Whoa," she whispered in shock. "I knew he was loaded, but this is incredible. But, given his . . . extracurricular activities, it makes sense." Calmly, she pressed the button on the intercom by the gates. "Mr. Wayne?" she said. "Are you busy? I'm here to see you. I know I don't have an appointment or anything, but, I'd really like to come in." "I'm afraid I'm quite busy," came Wayne's voice from the other end. "Come back some other time, please" "You wouldn't be busy sending that errand boy of yours out all over the city, now would you?" Erica asked, trying to sound casual. There was a shocked pause and Erica smiled as she said, "Mr. Wayne, I don't know if you remember me, but I was hoping you might. I'm Erica. Erica Silver." The pause continued for a moment then Wayne sighed audibly and said, "I suppose you might as well come in. I'm in the-" "Basement?" Erica suggested. There came no reply, instead the gates opened. As she wheeled the motorcycle up the road to the house, a huge black dog came racing forward, growling. Erica knelt down and murmured, "Easy boy," extending a hand for him to sniff. Ace growled for a moment longer, then sniffed. He looked quizzically up at Erica, then turned around and trotted leisurely back up the road. Reaching the house, Erica pushed down the kick-stand and left the bike by the front steps. She pushed the front door and, to her surprise, it opened. "He must have this whole place computerized," Erica whispered in amazement as she walked into the house and gazed up at the high-vaulted ceiling. Wayne Manor had been grand in its time, and would continue to be grand, even hidden under drop-cloths and shadows. Erica walked through the house as if in a dream, drifting from room to room. "Mr. Wayne?" she called, but there came no reply. "Mr. Wayne?" she called again, entering yet another room. Suddenly, she heard a voice, but it sounded very far away. "Mr. Wayne?" she asked, offering her plea to the faint voice. She walked around the room, trying to locate the source of the voice, when she passed a clock. As she did so, the voice, if only for an instant, seemed to grow louder. "So," she said softly. "That's where you hide your little secret." Gently prying the glass door open, the clock swung away to reveal a dark, forbidding stairway. The voice was most certainly coming from the bottom of the stairs. Heading downward, Erica's breath caught in her throat as she looked upon something she'd only seen in her wildest dreams. The BatComputer glowed huge and brilliant before her, and off to the side, she saw the Gallery. It was full of costumes and mementos of enemies taken down and friends that had to resign from their nights of freedom, hidden behind masks and cowls. Erica gazed at it all in wonder. Slowly, she turned to see Bruce Wayne seated in front of the BatComputer. He was older now, but he still had retained that presence of greatness about him. No matter what he looks like now, Erica thought to herself, he still looks like a man that has done great things. And he always will. With muffled footsteps, she walked to the Gallery, slipping from case to case, wondering at the hundreds of stories that must surely be behind each thing she saw. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something familiar. Walking up to one of the cases, she brushed some dust from the glass and tried to recognized the costume that hung inside. Of course. It was the Catwoman costume. That was why it looked so familiar. Boy, if Kitty could see this, Erica thought, reminiscing over her old friend. "I would appreciate it, Miss Silver, if you would stop acting as though you were trying to hide from me," came Wayne's voice. "Just because I invited you down here, for reasons even I don't understand, that doesn't mean you can just go skulking about like a spy." Erica smiled at the man's perceptiveness. "I wasn't trying to hide from you," she said, walking up to the computer. "I just was interested in what you had over there. You've got quite a collection, you know." She thought they saw him smile. Gazing up at the screen, she saw the world through the eyes of Batman. It was an interesting experience. He was flying over the rooftops, then over an alleyway, finally over a group of Jokers. "Hey!" Erica heard one of them shout. "There's the Bat! I say we have a little target practice. Boys?" He turned to the other members of the gang. They grinned viciously and drew their guns, taking a few shots at Terry. Most went so wide, he didn't even have to swerve to avoid them. Then, they started firing closer and closer, until something went wrong. The next thing anyone knew, he was tumbling out of the sky, head over heels. "McGinnis!" Wayne shouted, as Erica screamed, "Terry!" "What happened!" they shouted in unison. "Lucky shot," came Terry's shaken reply. "Some Joker made a few holes in the airfoils. I can't control it, I'm-" His words were cut off as he hit the ground. Hard. "Terry?" Erica asked, worried. "Can you hear me?" The only reply was a soft moan, and the chilling sound of Jokers laughing. She spun to face Wayne, anger and fear flashing in her eyes. "Where is he?" she demanded. "About five blocks from the FoxTeca warehouse. Why?" Erica was almost at the top of the stairs. TO BE CONTINUED... You like? Q&A? Comments? E-mail me at MSnyder205@aol.com. Remember: Put fanfic, Silver Fox, Silver Fox fanfic, or something like that in the subject box so I don't thinks its spam or a virus and delete it. Okay! I'll get Part 3 in as soon as I can. Of course, if Part 3 is in when you read this, that will sound pretty stupid. Anyway, I hope you like this. It's my own little (if somewhat twisted) concept. If you don't like it, I won't pay attention to you. So there! Bwahahahaha! *clearing throat* `Scuse me. Pay no attention to the psychopath behind the keyboard. Uh.I guess that's it. So.see ya!