Jean’s Breastfeeding Story.
As a real advocate of breastfeeding, I'll give you a short account of my experience. I have found so many benefits to breastfeeding and have had virtually no problems, but a personal account might do.
I have had the great fortune to have breastfeed all six of my lovely children. I cannot imagine having fed them any other way. The benefits of breastfeeding to a baby are clear. Many have written about the benefits to their health. I believe that the health benefits are certainly enough reason to breastfeed. There are also some great benefits for mom and the rest of the family.
The cost of baby formula is outrageous. On a fixed income, it seems way out of proportion to the quantity and quality of formula. Big companies are taking unfair advantage of moms with sales and promotion of baby formula. Breastfeeding your baby requires that you continue to eat healthy and take care of yourself. This sounds good!
My favorite perk for breastfeeding moms is the need to sit down, relax and nurse your baby several times a day. It always felt so great to tell others, "I'm sorry, I can't do that for you right now. I need to sit for awhile and nurse baby first." I was assured of time with my little one, without interruption, without stress and without guilt. I was doing the right thing for the right reason and feeling good because of it.
No bottles to wash, no midnight runs to the grocer when you run out of formula, no sanitary concerns, no bottle weaning. What an easy and wonderful way to care for your baby. Its nature's way and it could be my only way.
I'm actually nursing my 2 yr old as I write this.