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Abigael’s Breastfeeding Story.

My third breastfeeding experience proved to me that even experienced mommies can have trouble with breastfeeding.

Abigael was born four weeks early. Despite her pre-maturity, she was a good size (6lbs 14 ounces) and was quite healthy. She and I came home from the hospital the day after her birth. The only instruction I was given was to feed her frequently, at least every two hours. Not a problem, I thought. Actually it was a problem. She was very sleepy and often had difficulty latching on. When she did latch on, she would often fall asleep as soon as she started to suck. I found myself having to pump after most feedings to relieve the engorgement. By the second week, she and I were finally getting the hang of it.

About a week later, I found myself with mastitis in both breasts. I was so sick, weak and feverish and also in a lot of pain. My OB told me that I could continue to breastfeed through this, in fact he hoped that I would as it would promote faster healing. So I went to bed as he ordered, took my antibiotics and pain pills, drank lots of fluids and solicited help with the care of my three children. I knew that frequent nursing would help with the healing process but I dreaded each time I had to put her to breast those first couple of days. I could barely lift my then eight pound baby and it hurt so bad when she would go to breast. By the third day, I was starting to feel a little better. This time I took it easy, got lots of rest and kept up with my fluid intake. It was quite humbling for me to admit that I could not do it all.

When Abigael was 5 weeks old, I had to return to work full time unexpectedly. My husband was laid off from work so he was Mr. Mom while I was the main bread winner. I still continued breastfeeding and pumping at work. It was difficult at first as I was not keeping up with her demand but after a couple of weeks my supply adjusted.

I continued to breastfeed her until right after her first birthday. She had a nursing strike and was quite adamant about not taking to the breast. I know that we could have worked through it but I was not willing to fight with her. Experience as a mommy has taught me that you pick your battles. I am grateful that she and I had the time as a breastfeeding couple that we had.

Today Abigael is three years old. She has some allergies and asthma but it is manageable.

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