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Jodie Grace's Breastfeeding Story.

By the time my fourth child arrived, I had the support of my family who had seen with the other three that breastfeeding was a "good thing". I also had the continued support of my husband and three older daughters...a long with their curiosity.

Jodie did have some latch on problems initially and mom had mastitis again due to my not getting enough rest and doing too much too soon.

Once we got past those early weeks, it was clear that Jodie was a confirmed breast fed baby. Bottles of any kind were absolutely rejected by her. My husband and I "date" each other weekly and found ourselves taking Jodie along until she was about nine months old! I think she looked forward to having mommy and daddy all to herself as much as we looked forward to it. When Jodie was six months old, I returned to work in the NICU part time two days a week. This proved to be a challenge as she still wanted nothing to do with a bottle. My husband would have to bring her in halfway through my shift for a feeding. She liked the attention that she received from my co-workers. It wasn't until she was nine months old that she would take a bottle after loudly did not matter that it was expressed was not mommy!

By the time she was nine months old she still would not take solids. Our pediatrician was okay with this but his nurse had a big problem with it. I have spent a lot of time educating her about the benefits of breastfeeding. At around eleven months, Jodie was eating table food twice a day and nursing 6-8 times a day.

When she was fourteen months old, my period resumed as she had decreased her nursings to 4-6 times a day. Jodie is now 16 months old and still nurses 4-6 times a day. Some are "serious" feedings and some are basically her checking to make sure it is till there. She is quite independent but likes knowing that mommy is close by with her warm, sweet breast milk. She is exceptionally healthy with no ear infections and one cold in her young life. Jodie and I plan on continuing with breastfeeding for as long as she likes...I like to tell people that it will be until she is ready for college...of course I am kidding!

This time has been good for her and me as well as her sisters who all know and understand that breast is best. I am sure that I will someday have breastfeed grandchildren...lucky babies!

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