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Krista’s Breastfeeding Story.

My name is Krista and I am a 21 year old mother of three children.

I was 16 when I had my first baby, a girl, and I had no idea what I was doing. She was very small, and when my milk came in *I* was very big. She had a hard time nursing and I ended up with cracked and bleeding nipples. I stayed in the hospital for four days, fighting her jaundice and trying to learn how to breastfeed her, and I was determined to do it. We could afford one of those plastic nipple shields, so I ended up putting a bottle top (not the big playtex ones, the little skinny kind) over my nipple. It was painful, but it worked, and that she was getting my milk was all that counted.

It took six weeks to get the hang of it, but I'm glad I stuck to it. My daughter ended up weaning herself when she was 6 months old. She was an early crawler and decided that I wasn't portable enough. She didn't want to sit still to nurse.

With my second child, a boy, things were much easier. My son wouldn't even touch a bottle or a cup until after he was a year old so it was breast milk all the way. When I finally weaned him at 16 months, he was still nursing 4 times a day. He smacked his front tooth loose on the radiator one day and the dentist said no more suction, so that was the end of that.

And with my third child, another boy (oh, brother!), I stuck with nursing the longest. He was born at home, so he came into the world quite naturally and was fed nature's best food - ME! I nursed my third son up until about a month ago when I went away for the weekend without him and found upon my return that he had done just fine on his own. He turns two this month and I am glad I got to spend that extra time with him. It is hard to give each child individual time when there are three of them.

So that is my story, short and I'm proud of it. I will always nurse my babies, no matter what it takes to give them the best.

Krista & Season, Christian and Ethan (and Daddy David) Life Is A Diaper

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