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Taylor's Breastfeeding Story

Taylor was born on June 28, 1997 at 8lbs 11oz after 13.5 hours of labour. He had a very big head and I hemorraged for 45 minutes afterwards. Since I was very weak after delivery I only began breast-feeding him about 3 hours afterwards. We had quite a few latching problems, and my nipples hurt for the first few days.

When my milk came in on the third day I was very engorged. My milk flow was so strong I was constantly choking him. This got worse as time went on. I wasn't able to feed him without paper towel on hand and 10 breast pads. I had to put diapers on my breasts at night or I would soak the bed. Taylor got used to my flow at around three months old. After five months I still wake up in the morning with engorged breasts.

Even after all the problems Taylor and I have had (choking, crying at the breast, not latching on properly...), I would never trade in the experience of breast feeding my baby. I don't know how long I'll feed him at the breast, but he's rejecting the bottle now so it may be for a while. There is no better feeling than feeding your baby at your breast, knowing that he is feeling your love.

Lara Cott

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