I finally started pumping at the new hospital almost 2 days after he was born. I was so determined to breastfeed my baby, I pumped with a medela double pump every three hours around the clock , even in the middle of the night.
Dylan get to have anything to eat until he was in the hospital for a week. They put a tube in his stomach through his nose, then he got my breastmilk through the tube. I was staying in an apartment right outside the hospital, so I was with him all the time. After a few days I was aloud to start trying to breastfeed him. He latched right on with no problem. After a few days we went
Everything went fine until he started getting fussy, like he had a lot of gas , he also started sounding very congested all the time. I took him to the doctor and the doctor said he probably has a lactose intolerance and that I should quit breastfeeding and put him on lactose free formula. I was devastated. I went home and cried. I thought, "how can he be allergic to my milk". I really wanted to breastfeed him. I have 2 other boys and breastfeeding didn't work out real well with them. I was really determined to do it this time.
I called the hospital and asked to talk to the lactation consultant, and told her what the doctor had said. She was a lifesaver. She told me that it is extremely rare for a baby to be allergic to their mom's milk. She told me to try cutting out all dairy products and see what happens. I did and he quit being so fussy, and wasn't congested any more.
I cut out all dairy products for about 5 or 6 months, and then tried them again, and everything was fine. He is now 11 months old and still nursing like crazy. I plan on nursing him for maybe 2 years. We are currently trying to get pregnant again. I plan on nursing through the next pregnancy, and maybe even beyond.
Feel free to e-mail me with any comments at beckib@telebyte.net
Beckie and Dylan Butler
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