My kids are now older and weaned a few years ago. I breast fed all 3 while working full time. Using a breast pump, I breast fed each child between 12 to 19 month. My husband was very supportive of my nursing and was blessed to find baby sitters that were also. I know that nursing while working outside the home is difficult, but oh so worth it!
When I nurse my second child, I tried to introduce some spoon-fed food to her every time that I tried, she had an upset tummy. My physician would always tell me not to worry and just breastfeed her. She nursed for a full nineteen months. My mother had bottle fed her children and would say, "Don't you think she is too old for that?" I ask her if her children were still taking a bottle at this age? Of course they were and she said that she understood.
When I brought home my third child from the hospital, her 4 and a half year old sister watched with great interest as she observed the baby nurse. I was switching the baby from one breast to the other when the big sister asked indignantly, "Is she going to get seconds?"
Nursing my children is one of the most precious memories and don't know why so many women don't take advantage of the experience and all of the benefits.
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