Susan's Breastfeeding Story
My 18 week old daughter has been exclusively breastfed from the
beginning. We have had very little support from family as none of them
experienced the joy it brings. I have been told on many occasions to
switch to a bottle so I can get some sleep. The funny thing is, as soon
as I brought Adrianna to bed with us so she can nurse on demand I
started sleeping great. Un fortunately this solution doesn't sit well
with the same people who want me to stop breastfeeding. I have a very
supportive husband and helpful local LLL chapter who keep my confidence
up. My baby weighs 15 lb., 7 oz. Obviously she is well nourished! I
plan to allow her to self wean and am already hearing negative comments
about this. I gave birth to this baby at home with a midwife and no one
thought too much of it. It seems so surprising to us that breastfeeding
is the issue that everyone argues about. Hopefully the return to the
natural way to raise babies will stay around for my daughter's child
rearing years.
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