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Bridgets Story

I am happily breastfeeding my 15 month old and I can not say enough about how much I love this and how great it has been for her. My daughter is very allergic to many things and the doctors have a habit of calling her an allergic type baby. I pump once during the day and have not introduced anyother milk. I tried once and her breathing became labored.

When she was 5 months old she got RSV and was very, very sick. Breastfeeding was the saving grace and helped her pull out of it. She has been in the emegency room for severe allergies to corn and again for two different antibiotics. The doctors still recommending that I breastfeed her to keep her healthy and happy and she is 15 months. They say almost at every visit, I am so glad you breast fed her or she would have been a very sick little baby because so many formulas have corn in them. Melissa is my second child. I breast fed my first baby for 14 months when she self weaned. Now I am in it for the long haul with Melissa. I use the pump once a day because I work 7:30 until 2 and breast feed the other times. The rental agents are wondering if I will ever return it. She especially likes to breast feed at night and will sometimes wake up at ll, 2 and 6. But she is well fed, happy and not experiencing the allergic symptoms typical to her allergic type. I feel blessed I didn't automatically bottlefeed. My mom breast fed all of her 7 children, the last until he was three. It was a great role model, as I was the oldest and l9 when she had the youngest. Thanks LLL and thanks mom!! What ever you can to to keep breastfeeding do it because it is so good for the babies.


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