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The 19th Month

Berneda & Ethan
February 1999

Ethan is still nursing, but I do see an end near. He sometimes goes 2 days without asking for his “num nums”. He’s never gone longer than about 48 hours. In a way, it makes me sad, but I think that I am more ready for it to end than I ever have been. I guess, we’ll just see because I’m going to go on his lead, as always!

He’s actually lost a few pounds in the past couple of months, but his pediatrician says that this is normal, since he’s so active. He now weighs about 23 pounds & he’s 33 ˝“ tall. He’s into everything. He’s actually started putting small sentences together. He also likes to associate everything with people in his life. For example: every time he sees a phone, he says “Pap- Pap.” He loves to talk to Pap-Pap on the phone. When he sees a dog, he says “Dido.” Our dog’s name is Dino, but Ethan calls him, “Dido.” The people in his life are so very important to him & they have made a very deep impression in his mind.

I have been a full time student since Ethan was about 6 months old, until recently. His regular baby sitter could no longer watch him. She decided to home school her 6-year-old. So, I had to start Ethan in daycare. That did not last long, because Ethan made it very clear to us that he did NOT like day care. I was very serious about listening to his cues. He never cried when I left him before. He did not mind me leaving him, because he felt very secure & he’s always been very independent. So, when he let me know he did not feel secure, I listened! I quit school & am now a stay at home Mom. I plan to start training to become a La Leche League leader. This training could take up to a year, but I am very excited about it!

I love being home with Ethan!!! I never thought it was possible to have an even stronger bond with him, but it’s happened! Ray & I have decided it’s time for another blessing! So, we’ve started to try to get pregnant just this month. I’m so very excited!!

I will go back to school as soon as the next baby is in preschool, but I feel it’s very important that I am home for them. I want them to feel secure in their lives! The first years are SO important!

Ethan has started to potty train himself. I am so proud of him! He just decided he’s a big boy now & big boys go to the big potty. We bought him a small child’s potty-chair, but he refuses to use that one. He wants to use the big boy potty. So, we bought one of those little seats that you put on top of the adult potty & he’s so proud to sit on that & pee. He hasn’t yet pooped in the potty, but we have time for that.

We are both happy with our nursing relationship now. I just let him be himself & he does the same for me. Until next time…happy nursing!

Berneda & Ethan (7-11-97)

Read my last months journal.

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