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The 4th Month

Ashley & Austin's Journal
August 1998

Austin is 4 months old now. Austin is 14 lbs 12 oz & 27 1/2 inches long. The poor little guy has his first cold. Because of his stuffy nose he has a hard time eating. He sucks a little bit, then he lets go so he can breathe. Then he gets all mad because he has to latch on again. So the past week hasn't been our easiest with nursing.

I am taking Austin for his 4 month check-up next week. I know that the doctor will want to start him on solids. I don't know if I should, or delay them like I have heard so much about.

Another thing I am starting to hear about is when I should wean him. My mom doesn't think I should breastfeed past 1 year. She thinks it is horrible when kids ask for it in public. I have tried to tell her that we are not going to call it "boob" so it won't be that bad. She still won't listen.


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