The 17th Month
Brittany & Sierra's Journal It happened faster than I thought it would. My husband and I want to get pregnant again so I thought if I cut down the feedings than we would have a better chance of conceiving. On Sunday, November 8th, we cut down from 3 feedings to 2(a morning and a nighttime). I noticed that she didn't really care about the night feedings so the next Sunday, the 15th, we cut down to just a morning feeding. She didn't even really try to nurse at other times. On Wednesday, the 18th, she just forgot to nurse in the morning. I didn't remind her even though I wanted to. She has tried to nurse only twice since and she is doing really good. She is eating a lot more. Yesterday, Sierra was a little fussy and she was trying to pull my shirt off. It was only for a second but it made me sad because I wanted to feed her. The bond between a mother and her nursing child is amazing. I wouldn't change it for the world. I would advise everyone to breastfeed for as long as is possible. No excuse could keep me from my baby. A lot of people think that nursing a baby is too constricting. It very well may be but we don't know how long we. or our children are going to be on this earth. Shouldn't we give them the absolute best possible? I have enjoyed watching Sierra grow up. It is amazing to me how much she has learned. She lets me know how she feels about everything and she is quite the little actress. I love her with all my heart and I always will. I would never trade the time I spent breastfeeding her for anything else in the world. My nursing relationship was really successful. In the beginning I agonized with pain for about 4 weeks of bleeding nipples. I stuck with it and didn't give was worth it. I wish you all the best with your nursing experiences. Stick with'll love the bond you and you're child will always share! Brittany & Sierra Rae(18 mths on Dec 2) Go back to the Breastfeeding page.