Chapter Five

Cassie woke up to her telephone ringing , she picked it up angrily, "Hello ?" She yawned.

"Cassie this is Kevin Richardson," He said weakly.

"And your calling me at 3:45 in the morning why?" she said sitting up.

"Nick has been in a crash," The voice on the other line replied.

Cassie was now fully awake. After she got the details, she got up threw on some sweats, woke up Devon and drove to the hospital.

Cassie stood in front of a stubborn old woman . "Please I need to see him," she begged pounding on the counter.

"Look we don't need to be bothered by a teeny bopper like you," the woman growled.

"But I told you I'm not a fan I'm his girlfriend, that's carrying his child," The woman shook her head.

"I don't belive one ounce of it," she scowled.

Cassie burried her face in her arms.

"It's true miss this is his girlfriend, she is carring his child,"

The woman smiled. "Yes sir, sorry sir," she smiled wider, showing some missing teeth in the back.

"Take us up to see him," Kevin ordered.

The woman nodded "Right this way,"

She lead them down a hallway to an elevator up five floors and down two more halls. "Don't expect a response from him," she whispered leting them into the dim room.

Nick laid in the middle of the room surrounded by flowers and gifts. Cassie slowly made her way over. "Nick," she whispered. "Nick the baby is really active," She picked up his limp hand and rested it on her belly. Almost instantly the baby kicked. Nothing from Nick though. She let his hand slip and backed up into Kevin's arms. She felt so helpless.

1 week later .....

Nick had finally woke up, Cassie was sitting next to his bed reading him get well cards from the fans. "Is the baby really mine?" he asked.

"Excuse me?" Cassie was hurt by the question, it must have shown because Nick apoligized. "Nick! how can you say that, then apoligize and just think everything is going to be o........oh god!" she yelled her hand going directly to her stomach.

Nick was out of the bed and in the hallway screaming.

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