

In novels you sometimes get authors notes at the start which explains about the story, characters etc... so I thought I'd make a little page about mine.



Wishing is my shortest and most popular story to date. If you haven't read it, it's a short story about a college girl called Luciana who has just split with her boyfriend because he was a user and is sad... she makes a wish for Nick- her favorite person- and her wish comes true.

I wrote Wishing back in September 1999 and it took me about a week all together to write. I got the idea from a little dream I had and it just grew into a story. I wish it would come true for me!

Luciana is partly based on myself because like her I am an artist, and I love Nick! Also, her name is similar to mine (Lucy Ann). She is one of my favorite characters that I've created.



I've always liked my story Wishing and I wanted to write a sequel but I never knew exactly what the sequel could be about. However once I was nearing the end of the three-part series and trying to think what to write next, the idea of Lucky came to me and I thought I'd give it a go. I thought Wishing was incomplete and left the reader wondering how Nick's 'new life' would turn out, so Lucky shows what happenes to him afterwards and how he copes.

I started writing Lucky in May '00 and I finished it before the end of the month, it took me, I guess, three weeks, on and off. It takes place a year after Wishing, when Luciana and Nick are dating happily but Nick starts to miss things in his past life. The story ends when Nick finally gets everything he wants and realizes how 'lucky' he is. Another reason for naming the story 'Lucky' is because when I was writing it I was listening to the new Britney album a lot, and the track "Lucky' struck me as a very relevant song to the story's concept.

I enjoyed writing this story, because Luciana has always been one of my favorite characters and I like the fact that Nick is 'normal' in this. I concentrated on Luciana and Nick's communication, to try and emphasise just how in love they are, without making it too overly-slushy. I hope you all like it! It's always hard to follow up a suscessful story and the original is almost always the best so I don't think this story is as good as Wishing. But I am pretty pleased with how it turned out.



I started this story around June 1999 but I only wrote the first chapter. I picked it up again in the Fall of 1999 and it took me about 2 or 3 weeks to complete. I'm not too pleased with the way it turned out- I could have done better. The story is about a BSB fan starting a new school back in 1997 and Nick is a student rather than a BSB member.

Summer is the main character- it's one of my favorite names that's why I named her that. I called the story Quit Playing Games With My Heart because the song appears in the story a few times and it was the song out at the time the story is set. Plus, the story is about Summer 'playing games' with Nick's heart so it fits :-)

I am concidering writng a sequel sometime.



I'm pleased with this story- it worked out better than I thought. Its my personal favorite story of mine. It's a tale of superstar Nick and fan Lila who meet in a video-game store and become friends. It takes place over several years and has a happy ending.

I wrote the story over a few weeks at Christmas at the end of December 1999 and finished it off at the start of January 2000. I named it Born To Make You Happy because the song of that name kept coming on the radio and the words fitted well with the song.

Lila is the main character- I love the name and she's another of my favorite characters that I've created. Like Luciana in Wishing, she's partly based on myself. I'm not as sweet as her though! The story has themes of love, friendship, trust, jelousy, forgiveness, sadness and happiness- a lot happens in it. If only Nick really would really find someone to make him happy like Lila!

I set the story in Tampa and England. Tampa because it's Nick's home and England because it's my home country. They stay on the south coast of England near the end of the story- the sandbanks. I went on vactation to that area last summer, passing the sandbanks and while there I was inspired to make it the setting of a romantic story- I love it there!



This story is about Nick getting held hostage in London with a girl that dislikes him. I don't like it very much to tell the truth.

I started this story in February 2000 and it's still unfinished. I set it in London because that's where I live so I know the area well.

The girl character is called Sophie- that is my ex-best friend's name. She has a dog called Dudley so I put him in there too. When I get back to writing this story, I'm going to change the names since we're no longer friends.

I will eventually re-write and finish the story, but not for a while yet.



I wrote this in February 2000. It's about Nick and his new wife Elizabeth on the run from her crazy ex boyfriend who wants them dead.

I quite like this story- it's one of the best I've written I guess. I've set it in many different countries to make it more intersting and exciting. The main character Liz is a really sweet girl who loves Nick a lot- but they end up tragicly I'm afraid! This is the first tragedy I've written.

I named the story after my favorite song Tell Me That I'm Dreaming. It fits with the storyline because they wish the whole situation was just a bad dream.

I'm starting to wish that I made this story the sequel to Born To Make You Happy- Nick and Lila on the run from her violent ex. I should have thought of that sooner!



This is a short story which took me just over a day to write! One Sunday I was bored so I decided to write a short story- it didn't take long. It's about a girl called Cindy who doesn't want to go to her school prom as she can't get a date... she ends up going with Nick. It's a kinda modern Cinderella story (her name is similar even!).

The story doesn't really have a meaning or message to it- I was writing Tell Me That I'm Dreaming at the time which is tragic so I thought a happy short story would be a nice break from writing that.

I got the idea when I was thinking about my own prom- I left school this summer and I had a leaving prom at the end of June- I was thinking to myself how I would love to go with Nick, I even wrote him a letter inviting him! Although, I didn't send it in the end. I thought the only way it would happen would be in a story, so I wrote Lucky Stars.

The story is called Lucky Stars because in it Cindy is always reading her horoscope- it actually comes truein the end. I'm a superstitious person myself and I'm always looking into my horoscope too. In the story Cindy is a Scorpio- just like me!

This isn't my favorite story but I enjoyed writing it and it turned out better than I thought, although its hardly a masterpiece.



I wrote this from mid March to early April- it took me about three weeks. The story is the first in a trilogy about Nick in a bad relationship with Sarah- a girl who wants to be a star.

I heard all about Nick's relationship with his girlfriend Mandy and heard how she treated him badly so some parts of the story are based on that, however the story in general is fiction- made up. Sarah is a very nasty character- worse than Mandy- she is not really based on Mandy, so Mandy fans don't send me hate mail! OK, so Mandy is a singer, Nick helped her get her record deal and she's suppost to be a bad person, but Sarah is NOT Mandy!

The story is about how Nick helps get Sarah signed to Jive, but after that she turns nasty and he ends up discovering what she's like and they split up. It ends quite sadly, which is how the next part of the series starts off.

I named the story If You Knew What I Knew because I love the song and because Brian and Leighanne know what Sarah is like but he doesn't believe them- if he knew what they knew then he wouldn't be with her.

I quite like this story but I think the other stories about Nick being in a bad relationship (like I'll Be The One and I'll Take Care of You) are way better than this!



Part two of the trilogy. In this, Nick is very sad and lonely and ends up taking Sarah back. I wrote this in April 2000.

The title needs no explanation- basically, he's lonely. Taking Sarah back is the only solution he sees.

The story focuses on his depression and how he manages to get through it. I wouldn't recommend this to younger readers. I don't like writing about him harming himself but the point I try and put across in this is that if you are having a bad time and you feel you can't go on anymore, don't give up, get some help. In this story Nick manages to get through it, and so can anyone else who is depressed.

This is the first serious story I have written, some was difficult to write because of the scenes when he is harming himself- I've read other stories with similar secenes, like Shooting Star and I'll Be The One, but I tried to make my version original.



This is the third and final story in the trilogy. In this the situation with Nick and Sarah gets much worse and almost ends in tragedy but in the very end everything is put right- it has a happy ending!

The title may give away what happens at the end. I chose this title because I love the song and it fits with the storyline.

In this story two new characters are introduced who play important roles in helping Nick escape Sarah. They are a brother and sister called Stuart and Lucinda who get to know Nick. I named the brother Stuart because I have a good friend with that name, and the sister is called Lucinda because the name means 'light'; it is as if she is the 'light' (while Sarah is the 'dark'), and the name is similar to my own!

Although this is the last story in the trilogy, I might possibly write a fourth part sometime in the future if I get a good idea for it. But it won't be for a while!



I wrote this three days! I wrote it in mid-June '00. The idea came to me one day and I started it straight away, three days later it was done!

It's about a girl who wants to be a singer called Melody, that manages to get signed to Nick's new record label. She notices strange things going on and discovers something terrible, can she put things right and take Nick from 'darkness to light'? I won't give away the plot, it will ruin the suprise!

Melody is partly based on myself as she dreams of being a singer and meeting Nick- like me! Unfortunatly, she's a talented singer but I can't sing to save my life! I named her Melody because she is very musical.

The title comes from a line in the song The One. The One is on the radio a lot and I was trying to think of a title for the story when the song came on and it struck me as a good name.

This story includes mystery, shocks and suprises, ending in romance. I hope you like it!



I started this story in June '00 and it is not yet finished.

It's my first futuristic story, although most of it is set in present day. It's about a girl called Freyja from the next century, who falls in love with Nick and learns that he dies young. Her great-grandfather has invented a time machine so she uses it to go back and try to save him. Not only does she want to save Nick, but she wants to save the world from destruction, as the future world if ruined by war and pollution.

Freyja is your typical eighteen year-old, she likes hanging with friends, parties, guys etc... although in her future, people don't socialize like that. She's kinda based on me, as she's fun-loving and likes Nick.

I totally made up the futuristic Earth description, I haven't seen the future! This story is pure fiction as none is based on my experiences. Well, the part near the beginning when she breaks the ice with Nick by drinking is kinda like something that happened to me recently, but not exactly.

I named her Freyja as that is the name of the Norse goddess of love, and it kinda sounds futuristic. The story title is named after one of my favorite Westlife songs. It seems to fit the storyline.

I like this story as it's more meaningful and serious than most of my fanfics, and it's kinda unusual. The only thing is, I often seem to write things in my stories that later come true (creepy!), so I'm hoping that the Nick dying part doesn't come true!



This is my latest story. It's a little different from my usual happy stories. Jessica, the main character, is sad and lonely, she was a nerd at school. So she does a total turn around and becomes a party girl. But she starts a downward spiral, the partying lifestyle getting the better of her...

Nick comes into it as he meets her at a club and likes her. They get together but things are far from fine. You'll see later what happens between them.

Most of my stories are based on my own experience, but this isn't really. I'm not like Jessica! I love parties, but I hardly go to any. Although, I went to a few in the past few weeks. I enjoyed them, and they made me want to write a story about a party girl. So here it is! Another reason I wrote it was to show people that the kind of lifestyle Jessica leads is no good in the long-run and warns people of the dangers of drinking, drugs etc...

I named the girl Jessica as I think it's a pretty name. The story title comes from a line in The One.


Coming next...

Soon I might write a sequel for Quit Playing Games With My Heart or Born To Make You Happy. I'm also going to carry on adding more hosted stories, including some by Crystal which sound promising.

I'll carry on updating the page most days as I have now left school, I have the whole summer free until I start college in September. That'll give me plenty of time to write! In college, I am taking English Lit. which is sure to help me improve my writing skills.


