"Ali, I don't know if you should stay outside tonight. You might get scared and want to run home," Nick teased her as they packed the tent with cookies.

"Will not! I'm 3 years old Nickolas. I can take care of myself," she told him smugly.

"well, I'm 3 and a half so I know that you'll get scared!"

"Will not!"

"Will too!"

"Will not!"

"Kids do we have to seperate you?" Mrs. Carter asked seeing the brawl about to start.

"No mom! We want to camp!" Nick told her.

"Yeah!" Ali agreed.

"Okay, well, come inside and brush your teeth then you two can get to bed." They both nodded excited and ran in the house.

"Bob, are you sure they'll be okay?" Jane asked unsure.

"They'll be fine. Let them have their sleepovers while its still innocent."

"But they're only 3 Bob. Isn't that just a tad young to be having compouts in the backyard?"

"Jane, they'll be fine."

"Okay, we're ready!" Nick told his parents excited. Ali's face beamed with joy.

"Now Nicky, Ali, if anything happens or you get scared, we're right in the house, okay?" they both nodded.

"Have fun kids!" Bob called as they went in the tent.

"Goodnight!" Nick waved as he zipped up the hole.

"Our first campout!" Ali said excited.

"Ali, do you ever dream of being big?"

"Of course, we all have to grow in time," she grabbed a box of cookies.

"No, I mean like a star."

"How could I be a star?"

"Nevermind," he shrugged.

"Nick...when we get older...will you marry me? All other boys are icky!"

"Yeah, I agree, I mean all other girls are icky!"

"Where's my ring?"


"You have to give me a ring. A girl will never marry without one."

"Oh, I'll give you a ring pop tomorrow."


"Hey, pass the cookies," Nick noticed she was hogging all of them.

"Are there bears outside?" Ali asked noticing how dark it had gotten.

"Yeah, big hairy ones that can't wait to eat little girls."

"You're lying, right?"

"No, that's why I don't have any older sisters, bears ate them during their first campout."

"Noway!" Ali said shocked.

"I'm serious!"

"Then why did mom and dad let me out here?"

"They didn't know that."

"Well, maybe the bear will take you too, you look like a girl. That way we'll be together."

"Yeah, maybe...lets go to sleep."

"Okay." Ali and Nick got in their sleeping bags. Nick fell asleep with ease. Ali kept hearing little noises here and there. Nick's dog was outside and accidentally hit the tent.

"Nick!" Ali got out and shook him awake.


"The bear is after me! Can I sleep with you?"

"Ali, I made that up."


"Yeah, get in. I'll protect you from nothing," he laughed as she climbed in.

"Thanks," she cuddled up with him.

"Told ya you'd get scared."

"Its your fault."

"I'm just kidding. Night Ali."

