

"I should quit," Ali said as she chomped down on fries.

"Ali, you know what you'd be giving up."

"I know, but I only id this so I could see you more, but its the complete opposite."

"I don't want to be the cause of the most famous model quitting."

"I guess I'll just think about it for a while."

"Remember our promise?" Nick asked quietly so the bodyguards wouldn't hear.


"It may be a year or two before we see each other again. I'm booked forever. I really don't see a better time then now."

"You sure you're ready? You only get one first time."

"Yeah, I am."

"Okay then."

"Kids, we better head back," One bodyguard told them.

"Back to work," Ali sighed.

"Um, I have to go to the restroom, don't you Ali?" Nick asked her signaling with his eyes.

"Yeah, I better do that before I get in that thing I'm supposed to wear."

They got up and headed for the restrooms. Ali pushed through the ladies door and Nick followed, "What are you thinking?" Ali laughed.

"I just wanted to prepare you for tonight," he whispered and pulled her in the handicapped stall. He pushed her up against the wall.

"You certainly have changed," she laughed.

"Don't talk," he kissed her neck softly and fan his hands up the back of her T-shirt.

"Nick...we have to go," Ali giggled, "This is kinda awkward anyway, c'mon."

"Five more minutes," he used his irresistible eyes on her.

"Okay," they kissed softly, "Wait, no no, we gotta go," she pulled away and walked out.

Nick sighed and followed. Ever since Ali had made it big he saw her in a new light. She was sexy, graceful, beautiful, sassy, everything he wanted. Ali saw Nick the same way she always saw him. And what he had just done made her feel dirty. Yeah, so made she he was ready, but she wasn't.

They got in the limo and all was silent. Ali started out the window. Nick couldn't help but look at her. Out of the corner of her eye Ali spotted the excitement he had in his face. She turned and faced him. He gave her a sly smiled. Ali smiled slightly uncomfortable and turned back. Nick noticed the coldness she gave him and ran his index finger across her hand. Ali snatched her hand back.

"I don't get it," Nick thought confused.

"Just ignore him and maybe he'll forget about it," Ali thought.

Remembering that he had kissed her before, she pulled out a compact out of her purse. She looked over her makeup. It looked okay except she need more lipstick, but they would think that was from eating. "Ali?" Nick asked curious.

"What?" she snapped quickly.

"We're here," he opened the door and got out of his side.

"Oh, yeah," she realized they had stopped and got out too.

"There you are Ali, c'mon, its almost show time," Jonsy ran out and escorted her in, leaving Nick behind.

*Ten Minutes Until Show Time*


"Ali, you look great," Nick spoke up. She was in front of a mirror fixing tiny things.

"Thanks," she didn't even look up at him.

"Hey, Ali, what's wrong?"

"Just nervous," she straightened the dress out. Actually it didn't even look like a dress. It looked like a piece of shiny black saran wrap was put all around her.

"Is that all?" he stepped in front of the mirror.

"Yeah, I'm nervous, that's all."

"You're not nervous for the show though. You're nervous for the other thing...."

"Am I really that transparent?"

"So is it that?"

"I just don't feel for you the same way you feel for me. Actually, I think your feelings are fake. This only started after I became a model."

"How can you say that? We agreed to try it together, not have feelings you know? Are you braking our promise?"

"No, you are," she said sternly.

"Ali, c'mon..." Jonsy called.

"Seeya after the show," she walked off.

"What is her problem?" he sighed, "We agreed when I'm ready...that's the problem. When I'M ready...Oh man," he ran his hands over his face, "I'm such a jerk." He headed out and sat in his reserved seat.

*After the Show*


"Angela, where's Ali?" Nick asked frantically looking around.

"With the other models dear, don't worry," he sat on the empty runway waiting for her. He had to apologize to her. Nick sat with his legs hanging off the edge. He waited for an hour and she didn't show up.

Angela was packed up and ready to go when she saw Nick still waiting.

"Nick, didn't Ali come get you?"

", where'd she go?"

"To an after party, it was a spur of the moment type deal. Here, I'll drive you over. C'mon."

"Oh, thank you."