*At The Party*


"Just go on in, they'll recognize you. Seeya later," Angela dropped him off.

"Okay, thanks Angela! Bye!" he walked up to a noisy house, "This place is nice. I wonder whose it is," he mumbled. He knocked several times on the door but finally got too frustrated and went in. He immediately spotted one model he had gotten to know. She was 18 and really nice.

"Hey Nick!" she called and motioned him to come talk to her.

"Hey Beth, have you seen Ali?"

"She didn't come to the party. She said she had too much on her mind and I think she went back to the hotel."

"Oh, well, I'll just call a cab then. I kinda play the role of her brother and we had a fight. I'm still upset about it."

"Oh, don't bother with a cab. I'll take you. Its the Ritz Carlton, right?"


"C'mon, I'll take you."

"Great thanks." They got in her car and started over.

"Have you and Ali known each other long?"

"I wan in the waiting room when she was born," he laughed, "So yeah, I guess you could say a while. She's my best friend."

"And its always stayed platonic?"

"Well, until she became a model yeah. Well, she sees me the same, but me, I just want to grab her and make her mine."

"I'm sure she likes you, but I mean, y you two never see each other, like ever, so maybe just wait until both of your careers have calmed down a little. Oh, and get a haircut, this is way too long," she ripped a piece out.

"OW!" he shrieked, "I guess it could be in need of a trim, but Howie's hair is getting longer than mine."

"Howie's a girl."

"How nice of you."

"All I'm saying is, you noticed Ali when she started to look good...buff up a little, cut the hair, clear the face and Ali will be yours for sure."

"Okay, well, thanks for driving me. Seeya around," he got out. Nick headed up to his room. He went through the connecting door to Ali's, "Ali?" No reply. He searched everywhere. She wasn't there, "Well this is perfect. She's gone missing," he got his suitcase out and setup his playstation. It was a way to pass time.

Around four in the morning Ali tried to sneak in her room.

"A little late?" Nick called standing in the connecting doorway with his arms crossed. She walked over to him and kissed him passionately. Something inside of her snapped and she pulled his shirt off.

"Getting excited?" she asked.

"Wait, what are you doing? Stop, this isn't you."

"Isn't this what you want?" she took her jacket off, "Its what you asked for and what I promised. Take it!" she yelled. He stood there lifeless not knowing what to do, "C'mon big boy. You want me? I'm right here. Throw me on the bed, rip my clothes off, and act on your emotions. DO IT!" she pushed him against the wall, "As I thought. You don't have the guts to do it."

"Don't you dare yell at me!" he snapped too, "I've been worried sick about you ever since before the show! I was a jerk yes and I apologize. It was all me me me and I didn't think to consider your opinion. I'm sorry. But don't come in at four in the morning and yell at me. Where have you even been?"

"Shutup and leave me alone," she walked back in her room, "Its my life, stay out."

"So, I make one mistake and you want to throw away 15 years of friendship. Real mature Ali."

"What do you want from me? Do you want to stand there and make me cry? Try to make me feel bad about sneaking out?"

"No, I just want things to be the same as they use to be. You know, just me and you, playing, or having our campouts, being able to tell each other everything," she stared in her eyes.

"Fine, they're the same," she shrugged.

"You're lying. Ali," he pulled her tightly to him, "I love you as a friend and I won't lose you."

"I'm right here. I'm always here."
