*Five Years Later*


"That's it! I quit!" Ali stormed out of the room. She had just received news that Nick had moved in with MANDY! How could he do that to her? And to top it off, he bought a house for his family in California and didn't want to move in with them, "If I had never done this it would be me! It would be me in that damn house!"

"Ali, you have a show tonight..." Angela started.

"No I don't! I'm leaving, going back to Florida. I've hated my life ever since I started! I hate modeling, I hate diets, and I absolutely hate Mandy!" she pulled her cell phone out. She dialed Nick quickly.

"Hello?" Mandy answered.

"Put Nick on."

"He can't come to the..."

"Save it Mandy, put him on the damn phone!"

"Oh, is this Ali? You must remember me. We had math class together Freshmen year."

"Yeah. PUT HIM ON!"

"Touchy touchy."

"Ali? Hey! How are you?"

"How am I? HOW AM I? I just quit my job. You know why? Because you moved in with a bitch! She's the girl that set me up in ninth grade!"

"Well, she just didn't like you. But she loves me."

"Love?" Ali asked as tears formed.

"Yes, we're in love."

"Well, if its love...then...our promise is broken."

"Which one?"

"Getting married."

"Ali. we tried the dating thing ,you know it didn't work out how we wanted it."

"I'll be home in half an hour. Came to our spot. Please? It'll be the last time EVER. I swear."


"Wait, answer me one question."


"Do you, um...nevermind, bye," she hung up. Without talking to anyone she drove back to Nick's new house. She sat there for a while wondering if Mandy really loved him. She saw Nick come out the from the door and headed for his car, "Nick?" Ali called getting out of her explorer.

"I thought we were meeting at our spot."

"I had to see the house."

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Nick, we've always been close and both of us at times have acted on more then friendly feelings...hell, we were a couple for 7 months. What I'm trying to say is...when you're with Mandy, do you feel the same about her as you do about me?"

"No, she's my significant other. I love her," he smiled thinking about her.

"Oh, um okay, she's different because you love her and not me...okay."

"Yeah, well, yeah, cuz I love her the girlfriend way and you the sister way."

"Then the next thing I saw is going to be awkward. Nick, I love you. I always have and for the rest of my life I will. SO please, take me into your home. Let me love you the way she does."

"Nobody can top the way she loves me," he said slyly.

Inside Mandy was watching. She knew Nick would never be fully hers with Ali in the picture.

'I don't trust Mandy Nick. I'm sorry, I just..."

"You want to take her place. That's why you don't trust her."

"Nicky? What's going on?" Mandy walked out and got real close to Nick so he would put his arms around her.

"Great, here we go. Now you won't listen to me," Ali sighed. "Ali! I think its best you leave. Sorry I'm not madly in love with you like you are with me, but hey, maybe Andy would take you in now. As you said in ninth grade, you and Andy were perfect together," Nick told her sarcastically.

"How can you...I only.." her eyes teared at that dreadful memory.

"That wasn't me that said that! How can I be so cruel? Wait...I can't so any affection towards Ali while she's around. Okay okay, I'm cool," Nick thought in his head.

"Since you were so popular in high school...go get your friends. Hang out with them," Mandy told her.

"Nick, I'm in love with you," she pleaded feeling hopeless and bawling.

"I made her cry, I can't make her cry! We're best friends!" Nick thought more, "No, she dumped me, she deserves this."

"I don't love you!" Don't you get it!? The whole being each others firsts...that was to use you!" He shouted at her. As soon as he said it he regretted it, but didn't lose his angry and cold face to her.

"You're lying..." she cried and ran to her explorer. She sped out of there quickly.

"Honey, can I take your car? I need to go shopping, "Mandy requested.

"Sure, have fun," he kissed her and went in the house, "I'll say I'm sorry tomorrow," he decided.

*The Drive Home*


"I'm so stupid. Why would he have ever liked me? I'm a dork and I'll remain that way until the day I die," she sobbed. Ali was driving on a very unsafe highway. It was a cliff that fell into the ocean. She hated driving on it, but there was no other way. She was being extremely careful until another car hit her from behind, "What the..." she turned to see who the driver was. The face was so clear and so full of hate Ali couldn't believe they would do this, "Please...not here, just hit me or something," she pleaded, but the driver hit again. Her car spun out of control, broke the safety fence, and her car went straight into the water.
