

Nick sat on Ali's bed reading her diary silently.

"Dear Diary, Today Nick asked me out. It surprised me too because we're so tight I didn't think he'd take that risk. He was so cute when he did it too. He kept stuttering and running his hands through his hair, well what's left of it. That was new too, his haircut. I like it. It makes him look sexy. Good thing he asked me out, I would of had to do it and he would have turned me down. And diary, i know its only been a day, but I love him so much. He's perfect. Well, I'll write ya later. Whenever I get home again. Bye for now!"

Nick wiped a tear from his eye and turned the page.

"Dear Diary, Its seven months later and well me and Nick did it. I'm no longer the big V diary. It happened a month ago, but it was so wonderful. He made sure I was ready and made it so romantic for me. I won't go into detail, but I'll remember it forever. There's only one bad thing that came out of it. I think I'm pregnant. I've taken 3 tests and two came back positive. I can't go to a clinic, they'll recognize me. I don't want to tell Nick. That would trap him with me. And its kinda getting complicated with both of us. I can't see him as much as I want to. Then again, maybe telling him would keep up closer. Diary, I"m so confused. i wish you could talk."

"If only she had told me," Nick mumbled, "I wish she didn't go." He flipped to see the last entry.

"Dear Diary, I have good and bad news this time. The good news, I'm not pregnant. My time of the month came, thank god. I never thought I'd be so happy for that! Ha ha! The bad news however is I broke up with Nick. It got too hard for me. He was never around. We were never together, but there's worse news than that. Its a month after the breakup and he's got a new girlfriend already. Her name is MANDY! Sound familiar. Yep, its her, she came back to haunt me yet again. I HATE THAT GIRL! Is he just trying to hurt me? Because it does hurt so much. I swear, the day I hear he lets her move in, I'm quitting modeling and getting him back. I love him to death."

"And that's it," he sighed. Ali's mom was right, he did learn something from the diary. That Ali had loved him all her life and that he acted like a complete jerk, "She loved me to death." He crawled under the covers and cried like a baby.



"Look! Its the loser and her boyfriend!"

"Maybe they're on a date! I bet they're going to kiss!"

"Leave us alone!" Nick shouted. It was recess during first grade and Nick was pushing Ali on a swing.

"No, Nick, they're right. I am a loser," Ali jumped off the swing and ran away crying.



Nick cried harder at that memory. It was one of the few he hated. "Ali come back," he sobbed.



"Ali, we', we're adults," he ran his hand through his freshly cut hair, "We're both adults now, and I...I was wondering...yeah I was wondreing, if we could maybe...maybe take our relationship to a new level. Not like in a video game...ugh, like dating."

"Of course," she smiled and relieved him of his stress.

*Six Months Later*


"Are you sure you're ready? No running out on me and scaring me?"

"I"m positive. I love you so much."

"Right back at you," he picked her up into his arms, "Tell me to stop at anytime," he whispered.

"Carter..." Ali giggled, "Just shutup and kiss me."

*3 Weeks Later*


"This is the hardest thing I'll ever have to do," Ali startled Nick by crying.

"Its okay Al, just let it out," Nick embraced Ali in a tight hug to comfort her.

"Things are just too hard Nick. I can't be without you and I can't be with you at the same time. I just want to be friends again. I need someone who can hold me everynight and be there when I cry."

"Oh, well then. I guess this is goodbye," he pulled away from her, "You know, I don't get you. We are perfect together."

"I'm sorry," she cried.

"So am I," his eyes filled with tears, "Because, I feel that the only way I can picture you now is as my girlfriend and I don't want to let you go. I love you so much Ali. Don't do this to me," he cried into her shoulder. The limo horn honked.

"I have to go. Please don't be mad. I'll ball you tonight, we can talk this out, okay? Bye."

*Present Time*


"I shouldn't have let you go," he whispered to himself. He cried all day and wouldn't get out of her bed. Sue tried to get him to eat, but he wouldn't budge.
