*The Next Day*


"I'm home!" Nick called.

"Oh thank God!" Mandy jumped in his arms, "Don't ever leave me alone again."


"It was just awful being without you. That's all."

"Oh, that's nice of you to say," the phone then rang. Mandy went to answer it.


"Tell him what you did!" the person on the other side yelled.

'Who is this?"

"Tell him or I will!"

"Wrong number," Mandy shrugged and hung the phone up, "How about I get you some coffee, you look like hell."

"Could you?"

"Yeah, Be right back," she left for the kitchen.

"She killed me," somebody in a soft voice whispered.

"Excuse me?" Nick looked around.

"She killed me."

"Ali? Is that you? Give me a sign, if you're here Ali, do something!" he yelled. A scratching sound came from behind him. He looked back and saw 'She killed me' written on the wall, "Who did? Who killed you?"

"Mandy," the voice said in a deathly tone.

"Ali, can I see you?" The room was silent. A video played in Nick's mind. He saw it all. Mandy followed Ali onto the cliff then hit her twice and knocked her off.



"Tell him now."

"I don't hear you." The cup of coffee fell on the floor. She looked at the ground and felt someone staring at her. Mandy turned around and saw Ali standing there, "You are suppose to be dead! I killed you! I saw it!! You're a ghost you can't hurt me," she laughed insanely, "I killed you!"

"And now, hew knows," Ali pointed behind her. She turned slowly and saw Nick standing there. His face was red with anger and tears fell steadily.

"How could you?" he asked in a saddened tone, "I loved you."

"No you didn't. She was always in the way. I would never have been first. It would always be her."

"Maybe it would, but that doesn't mean you kill her!" he yelled, "GET OUT! And don't expect me to visit your sorry self in jail!"

"Stupid bitch!" Mandy yelled in Ali's face. She left slamming the door.

"Ali, how long can you stay with me?" he asked hugging her tightly to him. Ali stared at his face. She didn't say a word, "Are you really here? Or am I going crazy?" he kissed her softly, "Take me with you, whenever you go. Please?"

"In time," she smiled.

"Meaning you can't take me," she nodded, "Stay the night?"


"Great. Oh, Ali, I'm so sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it. I really didn't. I love you to. I've always loved you. No matter who was in my life, it was always you. Nobody else. Please say you forgive me."

"I'll forgive you if..."

"If what, I'll do anything."

"If you kiss me again."

"Oh, thank you," he kissed her sweetly. Most of the day was spent in each others arms and talking things out. Nick admitted he only went out with Mandy to get back at Ali. She admitted that she knew the whole time, and behind his back tried the whole time to get her away from him. By saying he's a million bad things... anything to make her leave, but nothing worked.

"Nick, its time."

"No, Ali please. I can't go on without you."

"Yes you can, and you will, or I will come back and kick your butt."

"Okay, then I won't go on and you'll come back. Sounds like a good plan," he kissed her. He suddenly had an idea run through him, "Ali...I'm going to kill myself. That way I'll live with you forever."

"If you kill yourself, you won't go to heaven Nick, and well, that's where I am. You'll stay here, on Earth, haunting people."

"Can you visit?"

"In spirit. Here's the deal. When you feel lonely twirl your ring. Okay? That'll send an alarm off that you need me. And you won't see or hear me, but you could smell me. You know, the vanilla bean smell."

"That's not good enough."

"I'm sorry, I have to go," she walked out onto the balcony. He went to chase her, but she was gone.


*Six Months Later*


Nick sat in his and Ali's spot. He was writing songs for an upcoming record that the guys were going to record. he was having trouble writing. Nick had already used losing li too many times. The fans were sick of hearing about it. But he couldn't let go. Days were spent either in the darkness of his room or on the beach in their spot. He twirled his ring feeling lonely and empty. As promised he smelt the vanilla bean scent by his side.

"Al, I love you," he said to nobody. The wind picked up and seemed to say, 'I love you too.' He sighed and looked down at his paper.

"Here I am in Heaven about watching over the one I love (ALL THE TIME, aint I bad?) I know he thinks he can't go on, cries, weeps, and stays up till dawn. You know I love you will all my heat even though we've been torn apart (By that brat...hee hee) I know you will love again in a year or two...maybe even ten! (Better sooner than later, hun) PS: Nick...honey, when you go back on tour, you're love will be in the audience, so DO NOT wear that silly muscular blue suit for the new tour. It makes all you boys look so ridiculous! Love you! And I'm out!" It read.

"How sweet of you AL, you wrote me a poem! I love it," he smiled, "I'm gunna be okay," he decided feeling better about life in general, "I'll honor your wishes, Ali. Thanks for the support, and stop goofing around, doesn't God have some rules against talking to me?" he laughed looking over the little messages she left within the poem.

He breathed in the cool sea air and got up. He was going to be okay now.

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