

*That Night*


There was a bad thunderstorm going on while Nick and Ali watched a movie.

"The weather's getting pretty bad," Nick commented.

"I hate storms. They scare me," Ali pulled a blanket around herself.

"Everything scared you."

"If the storm stays can I sleep with you?"

"Wouldn't be a sleepover without you in my sleeping bag."

"Thanks." The storm did infact stay and Ali slept with Nick. She coulnd't help but think it would be one of the last times they would do that.

"I wish you didn't have to leave," Ali whispered to him as he slept.

*A Week Later*


"I hate flying," Nick told Brian honestly.

"Just don't think about it. We've all flown before and its fine."

"I'm just nervous is all," he told him, "If Ali were here I'd have to be the brave one," he thought, "I'm not use to being the scared one."



Ali walked through her first period class. She felt so alone. Step by step she went further into a land she didn't know or trust.

"She's weird," somebody whispered. Ali looked around looking for any familiar face. Even if it were her sworn enemy Julie Brown. She would have been thankful, but no. Not even Julie was there with her pack of friends that thought they were superior to all. She noticed a foreign student sitting alone and quickly grabbed a seat next to him.

"Okay class, sit down. Welcome to your first day of high school." Ali took ourt a piece of notepaper and started to write a letter to Nick.

"Dear Nick, How's New York? I'm in math class. Its already boring. Guess what? I've made tons of friends alraedy. The most popular boy asked me out. Can you believe it? I thought I'd be all alone in this scary place, but I love it!" she wrote, "Yeah right," she mumbles to herself.

"Ms. Gellar?" a senior walked in.

"Yes Andy?"

"May I borrow one of your students for a moment?"


"Thanks, Alison?" he called. Her head popped up surprised, "Can you come here a moment?"


"You're suppose to say yes," a girl snapped at her.

"Yes," she got up and went outside with the guy.

"Hi, I'm Andy."

"Ali," she said as she studied his face. Deep set warm brown eyes, sandy brown hair, and a warm smile.

"A boy, Nick Carter, just called here and wanted to wish you well with your first day." "Oh, okay," she wished he had more to say to her.

"I know you probabbly don't want to go back to class right if you don't mind me asking, is this Nick guy your boyfriend?"

"Oh, no, we're just really close. This is one of the very rare days we've been apart."

"What's that you're holding?" he asked seeing her clutch a paper to her.

"A letter for him."

"Can I read it? I'm an aid for the front office and I could call him back and read it to him."

"Could you?"

"Yeah, I love placing long distance calls," she smiled and eased down and gave him the paper. He looked over it.

"Who's the most popular boy that asked you out? I'll have to see if I can ask him to give up because I want to take you out."

"You do?" she asked surprised.

"Yeah, you're gorgeous and nice. What do you say? Movie Friday night?"

"I say yes."

"Now who's this other guy that asked you out?"

"I lied. I'm a nerd. I heard people talking behind my back and I didn't want to make Nick think that I'm a loser now that he left."

"Where'd he go?"

"New York. He's getting a record deal."

"And, are you two almost through?" Miss Gellar asked opening the door.

"Yes ma'am, well Alison, I'll be sure to take care of this right away," he held up her letter.

"Thanks," Ali smiled and went back to class. She walked in with the biggest smile.

"Don't even think about it freak, he's mine," one of those naturally gorgeous girls hissed.

"I wasn't thinking a damn thing about that guy that just asked me out," Ali told her sharply.

"If only you knew what was coming," the girl replied in the same tone. Ali gave her an evil start and the girl just smiled, "I'm Mandy Williford....remember that'll see me again."

The room to Ali seemed as if there were a spotlight on her. Everyone seemed to be whispering behind her back. She looked asll around her. Devilish faces gave her cold feelings.

"Nick, help, I don't fit in," she pleaded in her head.




"Hi, is this Nick?"

"Yes, who am I speaking with please?" Nick scratched his head. He recognized the voice, but couldn't place it.

"We spoke a few minutes ago, this is Andy from DHS's front office," he told him knowing he was confused. He sat on a stool and turned left to right back and forth. He wondered how close Nick and Ali were. If he told Nick his plan would he tell her? Most importantly, would she believe him?

"Oh yeah, I remember. Did Ali get my message?" Nick asked excited. He hoped she had enjoyed hearing from him.

"Yes, she did and she wanted to sen you a card, but I volunteered to read it instead....Dear Nick, How's New York? I'm in math class. Its already boring. Guess what? I've made tons of friends already. The most popular boy asked me out! Can you believe it? I though I'd be all alone in this scary place, but I love it!....that's it."

"Hey thanks, tell her New York is great."

"Oh, I'll be sure too. And don't worry about it. Its the least I can do for all I'm going to do to her," Andy had let it slip. His mind scolded him, but he didn't say a word hoping the recipient of the call hadn't heard.

"Yeah...wait...all that you're doing to do to her?" Nick questioned. What did he mean? And sighed. He had heard. Might as well tel him.

"I'm going to destroy your friend, okay?

"Huh? NO! NOT OKAY!"

"Gotta go, bye," he hung up quickly. He put his hands over his face. Why was he shaking so bad. And now he was sweating, "Pull yourself together man, she wants you." And looked throught the freshemen roledex, " you are," he dialed a flower company, "Hi, Andy here...Yes the usual...nope new address of know me...send them today...thanks...."