

*2 Years Later*


"Okay, now act shy...great, you're doing perfect! Perfect...okay, two more...roll it!"

"Thank God," Ali sighed, "Hey Ange...when do I get to see Nick?" she gulped down a bottle of water.

"Well, Al, you have shoots and shows booked for the next month. However, he has the week off, why not invite him to stay with you?"

"Ali! We need you in makeup..."

"Get Nick on my cell, I'll invite him now, while I get my face painted for the next 2 hours."

"Leon, get Nick on Ali's cellphone," Ange ordered.

"Right away miss."

"Why does it take two hours to get my makeup on when I was named one of the most beautiful people?" Ali sighed and satin the chair.

"Tiny strokes make the beauty," her make up artist told her.

"I guess. Isn't being a model supposed to be all glamorous?"

"It is Ali. It is. You're only 15, when you're 40 you'll realize how lucky you were," Ange patted her shoulder.

"That's right, I'm 15, I don't need a baby-sitter."

"Ali, you know your mother pays good money for me to take care of you."

"Yeah yeah."

"Ali, Nick is on and waiting," Leon handed her her cellphone.


"Hey Al, it must be months huh?"

"Yeah, I'm actually getting makeup done while I'm talking to you," she laughed.

"Yeah, I'm getting fitted for some awards show right now."

"Well anyway, Angela noticed you have the next week off and I was wondering if you'd like to join me with all my shoots and everything?"

"Yeah, I'd love too."

"Miss, I can't do your makeup."

"All right hang on a second...Nick I have to go, supposedly I'm not pretty enough and need a ton of I"ll seeya soon, okay?"

"Yeah, bye."


*At the Airport*


Nick pulled his hat over his long blonde hair, put dark sunglasses on and was surrounded by two bodyguards. He spotted Angela and expected to see Ali by her, but no. Only blank air surrounded her.

"Nick! Over here!" she called. His body guards recognized her and they escourted him over there.

"Where's Ali?" he asked disappointed.

"She had an important fitting for her runway show tonight. She's the main piece. You should see her. Gorgeous as ever."

"I do see her. She's on every channel, magazine, anything," he laughed.

"Funny, I bet she felt the same way about you a year ago."

"Maybe," he shrugged.

They hurried off to the limo and drove to the building where the fashion show would be held.

"Ali!" Nick yelled when he spotted her.

"Nick, hush, the designer is preparing her," Angela put a hand on his shoulder.

"Preparing her?"

"Yeah, pumping her up of the show. Telling her how to walk, what attitude to have, things like that."

"Weird," he commented.

"Okay Jonsy, I get it. Act tough yet vulnerable and walk asking my butt back and forth. Could we go over it before the show? My friend just arrived," she motioned towards Nick standing in the back.

"Go ahead," he sighed.

"Thank you," she ran over to Nick and gave him a big hug," I've missed you so much!"

"Same here blondie!"

"You're calling me blondie?" she pulled away.

"Yeah, they got me bleaching my hair now, its getting darker and management wants it blonde. But I can't complain when I see your hair like this," he laughed.

"Shutup! Its for the show!" she slapped his arm. Her hair was up in a million knots with spikes sticking out.

"Its suits you."

"Now comment on the makeup..."

"What's with this bright red eyeshadow? And brown blush? You're supposed to look beautiful not like dirt."

"Just wait until you see the outfit," she laughed quietly.

"You hungry? We could go get food!"

"That would be so great....Hey, Angela, me and Nick, we're going to get food. Okay?"

'Be back in an hour, and take your body guards with you. Your hair and makeup will give you two away."

"No!" Ali whined, "Can't I just wash my face?"

"Ali, don't start this, I don't have the strength to fight now."

"Fine," she sighed, "I hate my life," she told Nick softly.
