Chapter One

"Nick, you see that girl over there?" Brian nudged him. He pointed out a short slender blonde sitting at a table across the dance floor, "She's hot man."

"Bri, you're engaged," he laughed and patted his shoulder.

"I know, I meant for you, look at her," he was drooling, "I love Leigh. I love Leigh," he kept telling himself.

"Whoa, good choice," Nick turned to look at her, but then went back to sip his beer. He looked back over to smile at her, but she was gone, "Bri, where'd she go?"

"Uhhh, I don't know," he replied looking around.

"Oh well," Nick shrugged. He got up and found a female to dance with. Nick was really enjoying himself until someone ran into him, "Watch it!" he snapped and looked at the person. It was her. Her pale face seemed shocked, scared, and paranoid. Her golden curls quit bouncing and stayed still like her. Her silver dress was quite revealing, but didn't seem to suit the way she showed herself.

"Sorry," she ran out.

"Wait!" Nick called, but she was gone. He shrugged again and used his seductive eyes to regain the attention of the girl he had been dancing with.

"Nick," Brian tapped him, "We have to go. Somebody spotted us here, we need to leave now," he ordered and pulled him away from the girl.

"Sorry, save me a dance for another day," Nick apologized and immediately headed out with Brian.


Nick, without telling anyone, left the hotel early that morning. He headed for a park. It seemed quiet and he had some thinking to do. He sat down on an empty bench and opened a people weekly magazine to hide his face. Inside he had secretly placed a comic book in it. A young lady sat down next to him. Out of the corner of his eye Nick looked her over. Blonde curls fell way down past her shoulders. Her skin flawless and her figure was like a models. She had a pair of black hilfiger pants on. He looked at her face.

"Hey its you!" he burst out and startled her, "From the club last night!"

"Um, I don't know what you're talking about," she pretended he wasn't there.

"Yeah, it is you. You ran into me!"

"Don't talk to me please, we're not allowed to converse," she said sternly.

"What is this the Truman Show?" he asked confused. A guy in black stood in the distance. A beeping went off on her watch and she got up and left.



"Nick you can't sneak out like that. What if fans spotted you?" Brian lectured him catching him sneak back in.

"Don't tell our manager, he'll flip," he pleaded.

"Fine, hurry up. We're meeting the guys at the cafe down the street in 10 minutes."


"What are we working on today?" Howie asked Kevin as he sipped his coffee.

"Promoting the album, we have signings and interviews today," he replied quietly.

Nick looked around the cafe. It was simple and cute. He looked at all the people sitting in there. There she was! Now in khakis and a purple sweater. A half eaten muffin was on her plate and a steaming Styrofoam cup rested by her wrist. She was writing on a pad of paper.

"Nick, are you listening?" AJ asked.

"Excuse me," he got up and headed to her table," Hey again!"

"Go away," she said quietly.

"I demand to know who you are and why you are stalking me," he sat down by her.

"Believe me when I say I can't tell you either," she said as if she were talking to her notepad, "Please don't make a scene."

"In case you don't know, I"m Nick Carter," he announced as if it had power.

"Code blue: Starlight back to base," something sounded. It was her watch.

"Starlight? Is that your name?" he asked her as she packed her things in her purse.

"I'm sorry, I have to go. Don't talk of me to anyone," she got up and left.

"What was that about?" Howie asked him as he sat down.

"Oh, nothing."

"She's hot! What's her name?" AJ asked.

"I think Starlight, but I'm not sure," he shrugged.


The BSB were doing an interview, but Nick stayed quiet. he couldn't help but think of that girl. She was so mysterious.

Nick looked out into the audience. She was there again. Now in blue and her hair up in a messy bun. Her eyes finally met his for the first time. He saw her check her watch and got up to leave.


Next chapter