Chapter Two

That night Nick couldn't sleep. He was thinking about that girl. His hotel phone rang.


"Nick, you have a minute to get out of that room now. I am not playing, get out," he heard a soft female voice warn. She hung up immediately. Nick ran out of there right then. He got Brian to let him in his room.

They both stayed silent as they heard intruders raid Nick's stuff. Nick wanted to know who had called. He was grateful.


"I seriously don't know who called!" Nick yelled out frustrated.

"Calm down, its okay," Brian assured him as they sat both being questioned.

"Nick, do you know anything about the female that called you?"

"I'll say it one more time...all she said was I had a minute to get out and that she wasn't playing around," he said sternly.

"Thank you for your time, we'll let you know if we find out anything," the detective shook both their hands and they headed for the limo waiting outside.

There was a silver BMW in the parking lot. Nick stared at the driver for a moment. As soon as he got a good glimpse of her the car's brights went on. It was her again. She had been on her cell phone, but turned her brights on when she saw Nick. She drove off in a matter of seconds.

"Nick, c'mon, you need to get some sleep," Brian called knocking him out of his daze.


The next morning Nick snuck out again. He went to the park in search of that girl. He saw her sitting under a tree with a blanket wrapped around her.

"Don't leave," Nick said gently and sat by her, "Who are you?" She looked up at him with no emotion. She clasped her watch as to cover something up.

"I'm glad to see you got out of your room okay last night," she smiled.

"Thanks for called, I knew it was you," he said feeling a little better about talking to her, "What's your name?"

"I can't tell you, you have no need to know," she wrote in her pad of paper.

"Listen, you're starting to freak me out. If I know your name, then I'll be okay," he tried to see what she was writing but she covered it up.

"Um, Star, my name is Star," she didn't sound too sure of herself.

"That wasn't so hard," he grinned.

"Take this," she handed him a penny, "If you hear it beep, bet out of wherever you are. If you don't, you will be hurt, or maybe even killed."

"I'll higher a special protector," he shrugged thinking she was just some crazy fan.

"Don't get anyone else involved. Your life is in danger, trust the penny. I'm not crazy, I swear, but it will keep you safe," she gathered her things.

"Don't go yet."

"I have to. You be out of this park by...." she flipped her watch on, "By nine."

"Who is trying to kill me?" her watch started to beep rapidly.

"No time to talk, I have to go," she ran away fast. Nick checked his watch.

"5 til nine," he mumbled and left remembering what she had said.


"Her name is Star, and she's beautiful and mysterious and she seems so interesting and I can't wait to see her again," Nick told Brian. Brian had been sleeping until Nick burst in with news of a new girl.

"Cool, now let me sleep," Brian moaned. Nick looked outside the window. Someone was in the park by a tree. The same tree where Nick had talked to Star. A man approached the other person and they seemed confused as if something was missing. A young lady then joined the group. It was Star. He went out on the balcony and listened intently.

"He was supposed to be here. I don't know where he went," Star pretended to look around.

"Find him and kill him," a guy shoved a gun in her face. She took it and hid it in her belt.

"Try my best," she sighed.


Nick sat in his room thinking about what he had heard. He was startled by a knock on the door. Thinking it was one of the guys he swung the door open.

"Nick I have to talk to you," Star stood there.

"Um, okay, come on in," he opened the door more. She walked in gracefully, "Um, are you here to um, kill me? I mean I'll go quiet I swear, as long as you do it quick and though the head," he said terrified of her and closing his eyes tight.

"Nick," she laughed, "I'm not going to kill you," she smiled and stepped towards him, "I'm trying to save your life. And I will succeed." She stared at him deeply.


"First off, my name isn't Star, its Alison, but call me Ali."

"Okay...Ali," he smiled uneasily.

"Second, I've been assigned to do away with you," she pulled her gun out and aimed it at him.

"BUT YOU SAID!!!!....."


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