Chapter Six

"Do you even know how to do this?" Ali laughed as Nick sorted his stuff.

"Well, no."

"I"m going to help you with this, can you handle that?" she asked clearly.



"How long does this take?" Nick whined.

"Oh shutup," Ali laughed. She was folding her own clothes, "It doesn't help that you had to ton of clothes to wash. I'll be back in a minute, "She headed for the restroom. She walked back out in her original clothes.

"I still think mine looked better," Nick told her.



"Finally," Nick jumped up and put all his clothes in a basket, "Lets go."

"Hold on, you have to fold these," she took the basket and set it down. She began carefully folding everything.

"Where'd you learn all this?"

"My mother."

"Maybe one day you an teach me," he smiled.

"Maybe," she shrugged knowing that she wouldn't. Their time together was almost over and she knew it.


"I"m going to sleep," Ali yawned and layed down on the couch.

"C'mon, you're not sleeping there," Nick picked her up.

"Nick, its your hotel room, so its your bed," she tried to get away, but Nick wouldn't let go.

"Al, its a king size bed, we'll both fit," he threw her on the bed.

"Nick I..."

"Have you always been this stubborn?" he laughed.

"Yeah, I have," she smiled and got under the covers. Nick got under too.

"Don't worry, I'll stay on my side," Nick joked facing her and laying down.

"I"ll stay on mine too."

"I was kinda hoping you wouldn't," he grinned at her.

"Goodnight Nick," Ali sighed and turned.

"You know you want me," he laughed and grabbed her waist.

"Nick, I'm trying to sleep," she giggled.

"You like it."

"Do not. Nick, let go."




A flashback went through Ali's mind.

"Nick, please," she cried and got up.

"Whoa, Ali wait, what happened?" Nick sat up, "Ali...come here," she checked the window. Still stormy, "Ali," he pulled her into a hug.

"Some of my past hit me, I'm sorry, you didn't do anything," she looked up at him.

"Tell me what happened," he pleaded with his eyes. She went over and sat back down on the bed. Nick followed closely behind.

"My uncle use to sneak into my room at night..." more tears formed.

"And when I grabbed your waist if brought back memories," he wiped her tears away with his thumb. She nodded.

"One night, I just got sick of it and I had Steve and Neil come over. They had known the whole time what was going on and they brought me a gun. I was scared and confused and I shot him. They helped me look innocent. The case was never solved we covered it up so well. That's why I can't let them get in trouble. They wouldn't let me then, I won't let them now," she explained growing confidence with every word.

"That's why you wouldn't tell us," Nick mumbled, "So you killed him?"

"Yes," she looked away.

"I won't tell anyone, don't worry," he hugged her tight. I probably would have done the same thing," he looked her straight in the eye, "That what that poem was about, right?"


"Well, I got you to open up," he smiled.

"You're the only one that's ever been able to," she said seriously.

"Does that mean you're admitting you like me now?" he raised his eyebrows.

"What is it with you and thinking I like you?" she laughed.

"Cuz you do."

"I'm not allowed to like you," she told him, "Its in my contract."

"Well...what if I liked you?" he asked sweetly.

"I think we better just sleep," she decided.

"And Nick gets shot down," he laughed embarrassed.

"You didn't get shot down, I just can't get involved with you. As soon as your safe, I'm gone," she replied laying back down.

"Then don't make me safe," he smiled.

"Call your family in the morning and get them here. I'll try to settle things with the guys. Goodnight," she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"Night," Nick whispered and brushed his lips against hers.


"All or you can just pick a room upstairs, they're all free," Ali told all the Carter's as they walked into her mansion.

"I"ll get the kids settled," Jane said to Bob following them upstairs. He nodded.

"Ali, we can't thank you enough," Bob told her.

"Don't thank me, its my job," she smiled. Her cellphone rang, "Excuse me," she walked away to answer it.

"What do you think of her?" Nick asked his dad.

"She seems nice, very pretty."

"Yeah, she is. Dad, she truly is the most amazing girl I've ever met," he said staring at her.

"Does she feel the same?"

"Why would she? To her, I'm a client, not a person," he said sadly.

"Steve no! Not now! I have no idea where he is. I didn't put my tracker on him...No, don't come over! I'll be over in a minute," she hung up.

"Anything wrong?" Nick asked.

"Steve's getting antcy. I have to go. Take anything you need. I"ll be back in a while," she ran out.


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