Chapter Seven

"I'm back!" Ali called walking in. A guy followed in behind her.

"Everybody's upstairs," Nick walked in.

"Nick, meet Neil," she introduced.

"ALI? Are you crazy?" Nick panicked and turned white.

"Don't worry, he's cool," Ali assured him.

"I never wanted to hurt anyone, honest," Neil spoke up.

"Good," Nick sighed relieved.

"I told you before that I won't let anyone hurt you," Ali said seriously looking up into his eyes. He nodded slightly. She leaned up and kissed him lightly.

"Was that just to test me again?" Nick asked unsure. She shook her head and he kissed her more passionately.

"Al, I saw you and Neil..." Steve burst through the door.

"Oh God," Ali whispered.

"Al, what's going on?" he yelled, "After what we did for you ?" he pulled his gun out and aimed it at her.

"Steve I'm sorry. Nick, I'm sorry," she whispered in shock. As Steve was about to upll the trigger Nick grabbed Ali's gun and shot him. He was dead in a second.

"Oh my God! Why did you do that?" Ali yelled at Nick, "Steve, wake up, Steve," she cried shaking him, "Steve, please!"

"We should have just killed you," Neil said angry to Nick.

"STEVE! Please!" Ali sobbed, "Call 911!" she yelled at Nick more.

"I was only trying to help," he mumbled angry with himself. He reported what happened an the ambulance was on its way.

"Ali, get away from him," Neil tried to pull her away from Steve's dead body.

"No, Steve, this is all my fault! Please please please please wake up now!" she slapped his face, "Let me die instead of you, please!"

"Nick...what's going on?" Aaron asked scared and walking down the stairs.

"Aaron, go get mom and dad," Nick yelled.

"Ali...he's dead," Neil pulled her in his arms.

"Steve," she cried into his chest.

"Nick, what happened?" Bob asked walking towards the chaos.

"Dad, I killed him," he said horrified.

The ambulance finally came and took him away.

"ALi, lets go somewhere, do something, get your mind off this," Nick suggested.

"Why did you do that?" she asked calmly.

"He was going to kill you! I had to stop him!" he replied.

"I"m in this job because I don't care if I die! Nick, I don't want to ever see you again. I'm going to stay with Neil for a while, be gone within the week," she said sternly and walked out.

*** One Month Later ***

There was a soft knock on Nick's door. He went over and opened it.

"Nick, I need your help," Neil stood there. He was a little taller than Nick, brown hair, with brown eyes, and built well.

"With what?"

"Its Ali."

"Is she okay? Where is she?" Nick panicked.

"She's at her house, she has a suspension from her job right now and she's always moping around. I know she'd be better if you came over."

"I killed Steve, she hates me."

"No, you didn't kill him, you were protecting her and I thank you for that. It was only an accident he died."

"I guess I could come over today for a while, but she won't want to see me. She'll throw me out."


"Ali, I brought a friend over. I think you want to talk to him, "Neil called as him and Nick walked in.

"Who is it?" Neil led Nick into the room where ALi was watching some chick flick.

"Hi Ali," Nick walked aorund the couch to face her.


"How have you been?"


"That's good," Nick searched for things to say, "Have you written anymore poetry?"


"Still mad at me?"

"You were only trying to help," she mumbled.

"So you forgive me?"


"Ali, what did that kiss mean?" Nick asked referring to the one she gave him before he killed Steve.

"It was a mistake," she stared at the TV.

"How was it a mistake?"

"It just was. You're going back to Florida soon and you'll forget all about me. Forget about that kiss."

"I won't forget you, that would be impossible," he pleaced his hand over hers.

"When are you leaving New York?"


"Don't waste your time here," she pulled her hand away.

"ALi, you can't always worry if things will work out or not. Listen to your heart. Not your mind!" Nick said almost in a yelling tone.

"Next time your around, give me a call. We could go out for luch or something," she shrugged, "Use your watch. My cell is the way to find me."

"Not everything has to be on a schedule Ali!" he yelled frustrated.

"Leave," she said sternly.

"I'm so sorry you can't pencil me in," he said sarcastically.

"Go back to Florida," she got up and headed upstairs.

"You tried," Neil shrugged.



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