


I sat in the pit next to Leighanne, watching the show. The guys were performing Quit Playin' Games and were doing a great job.

"Awww, look at my Brian!" Leighanne said. "I see the show nearly ever night but I don't get tired of it. I love watching Brian,".

I nodded. "Yeah. And it's an amazing show!". I turned to Sara but she had disappeared. She had been sitting in the pit just a few minutes ago but now she wasn't.

I looked back up on stage. Nick looked really hot. When I had last seen him, he was pale and ill. Now he was way healthier. His eyes shined with happiness and every word he sung with a smile. He looked totally gorgeous, wearing all black and his hair blond and shiny, growing longer.

At that moment Sara entered the pit, wearing a tiny little dress covered in sparkles. "Like my new dress Leighanne?" she asked.

"Nice!" Leigh said. "Did you just buy it?".

Sara nodded. "Yeah, went shopping with Nick's credit card. How could I be in New York and not shop!?". She flicked a lock of blond over her shoulder.

"It's a nice dress," I said politely, even though it was too slutty for my liking.

"Who asked you?!" exclaimed Sara, looking down her nose at me.

I was shocked. "Um, I was just saying..." I trailed off. Sara had turned her back on me rudely.

Nick came to our side of the stage singing his part of the song.

"Everything I do, is for you...".

As he sung 'you' he pointed at Sara.

She grinned at him and waved.

I wasn't sure about this Sara. She seemed sweet when Nick was about yet she was acting very rude to me...

"Sara..." I said, trying to make conversation.

"What?!" Sara snapped, her ice-blue eyes staring at me.

"Um, so how long have you and Nick been together?". I didn't know what to say really, that was the first thing that came to my head.

"Long enough," Sara sniffed, inspecting her nails as not to look at me.

"He's a real sweet guy," I said to her. "You're lucky. You know, he was really sad a couple of months ago, I'm glad he's happy with you...".

"Aww, how sweet," Sara said sarcastically, not bothering to look up.

I wasn't liking this. Sara was very cold towards me and I didn't know why. I suspected she might be jealous that I was Nick's friend... but I didn't want to make assumptions too soon.

Sara went to the backstage area while I watched the rest of the show with Leighanne.

"Do you like her?" I asked Leigh, talking about Sara, when the show had nearly ended. "She seems so cold towards me,".

"Hmmm, not really. Sometimes she is sweet and nice, but often when Nick's not around she's pretty nasty... I don't think Brian likes her,".

"I can see why!" I said. "I tried to make a bit of conversation but she practically ignored me and didn't want to talk to me,".

"I know," Leigh said, nodding. "I think Nick can do better than her. Brian and the guys agree. But we haven't said that to Nick. He's been through enough with his last two relationships so we don't want to upset him again,".

"I can understand that," I agreed. "Well if she really is as bad as we think, Nick will soon realize,".


The guys went offstage and we went backstage to join them.

"Well done Nick! Great show!" I said, patting him on his sweaty back.

"Thanks," he smiled, wiping his face with a towel. "Now I need a shower!".

I saw Tyke running around backstage so I picked him up and sat with him on my lap. Brian joined me.

"Do you and Leigh take Tyke everywhere?!" I asked, laughing.

"Of course!" Brian replied, grinning. "He's like our baby!" he said as Tyke licked my hand.

"I guess Nick can't bring all his pugs. They'd be too much of a handful...". I saw Sara leave the backstage area and shut the door behind her. "What's with Sara?" I said quietly to Brian. "She was so cold to me, yet Nick is totally crazy about her!".

"I know," Brian said solemnly. "Nick thinks she's the best thing in the world but he hasn't seen her other side. I don't mean to tell tales but I saw her talking to another guy at our hotel last night and they looked ever so close...".

"She's two-timing Nick as well?!" I exclaimed.

"I don't know," Brian said. "But she might be. I didn't want to say anything to Nick in case I'm wrong,".

Then Nick returned, holding Sara's hand. They came and sat with us.

"Nick you're looking so cute!" Sara squealed.

Nick went red. "Um, thanks Sara!" he said with a happy smile. He turned to me. "Lila, you liked the show?".

I nodded. "Excellent! I can't wait to see it again tomorrow,".

Sara smiled at me. "Yes we enjoyed it, didn't we Lila hun,".

I glanced at Brian quickly, knowing what he was thinking. Sara was all sweetness now that Nick was around!

"Yes," I said to Sara.

"Come on, Lila," Nick said to me, getting up. "Let me show you my new CDs I got recently,".

I followed him off to the bus where his CDs were. As we left the room, Sara was glaring at me.

What was I going to do about her?



"...And this dress, this bikini... oh yeah! And this pair of oh-so-cute boots!".

I smiled and took the bundle of clothes from Sara and helped her carry them to the counter. We were shopping in New York.

I loved Sara. She was sweet, funny, talented, friendly and of course, totally beautiful. She had expensive taste but I was pretty rich so I could afford to buy her whatever she wanted.

I paid for her clothes and we went through the department store into a cafe for a drink.

I got a Coke and Sara settled for a Bacardi.

"Your last New York show tonight," Sara said, sipping at her drink. "I'll miss the city, but they'll be other shopping trips in the next city of course!".

I nodded. "I like New York too... I was born upstate but I don't remember it much,".

"I was raised here. It's my home," Sara said.

As she went on to a story about her first shopping spree in the city, I dreamed away. I though back to the first day we had met. It was the very start of our tour. I was still very sad about Mary-Anne and I was backstage sitting around alone. Sara and some friends had backstage passes as one of them knew one of our wardrobe assistants. Sara had cheered me up and I had fallen for her straight away.

After finishing our drinks, Sara got out her pocket mirror. She touched up on her makeup then gave her long blond hair a quick comb. She looked totally beautiful beforehand anyways!

"Where next, baby?" I asked her as we went out of the store, carrying several shopping bags.

"Fifth Avenue!" Sara said, her bright blue eyes shining. "I always loved the shops there!".

On our way there, we passed a jewelers. Sara looked at the diamonds with large eyes. "Wow, how pretty! My birthstone is diamond, I'll have to get one some day,".

She liked diamonds? She would get one from me! Maybe a ring...

I looked at Sara, thinking. I had only known her a couple of months... but that was enough. I loved her. And of course, she loved me.

I wanted to marry her.

