


"Tonight's show was even better than last night! Well done,".

Nick thanked me. "I always like performing in New York. But we're moving on tomorrow morning. You're staying a few more days, aren't you?".

I nodded. "Yeah, if you want me to,".

"Of course!" Nick exclaimed. "Who else would play video games with me? Besides, I missed you,".

My heart fluttered, even though he didn't mean it in a romantic way. "Yeah, I missed you too. Tampa is so boring without you around!".

Nick looked out the window of the moving bus. We were traveling back to the hotel after the show. He had a dreamy smile on his face.

"Lila, you always give an honest answer. Tell me what you think of this...". He lowered his voice. "...You now Sara...".

"Yes, I know who Sara is!" I exclaimed. Not that I liked her! But I didn't say that to Nick.

"Well, I love her. And I've decided to propose to her! I want her to be my wife!".

I didn't expect that. I sat in shocked silence for a few moments as Nick waited for me to say something. He looked at me, beaming.

"Lila?" he asked when I didn't say anything.

I forced a smile, even though I wasn't happy. "Um, if you think you're ready. But Nick, isn't it a little soon? You haven't know here long! I mean, Brian and Leigh dated for a couple of years before they got engaged! You don't have to rush into things!".

"I don't care, I've known her long enough! She makes me happy, Lila. I want to be with her forever,".

I didn't know what to say. Nick was totally in love with Sara. I doubted Sara felt the same way. I guessed she as more in love with Nick's credit card than Nick himself!

"I'm buying her a ring tomorrow," Nick said quietly. "But I want to surprise her. Keep quiet about it,".

"OK," I said reluctantly, but not letting on that I was against the whole thing. I hoped he'd sleep on the idea and decide against it in the morning. "By the way, where is Sara tonight? I haven't seen her,". I had seen her that morning though. She had bitten my head off then ignored me. It made me dislike her even more.

"She's seeing a friend. This friend is staying in our hotel so she wanted to spend the day with her,".

"Oh," I said, wondering if it could be the 'friend' that Brian saw her getting close to.

The bus parked outside the hotel and we went inside.

"I'm tired," Nick yawned as we got into the elevator. "I'm going straight to bed. If you see Sara tell her I've gone to sleep,".

"OK Nick," I said, taking off my fleece. We got off the elevator and went towards our rooms. "Goodnight!" I said to him as he went into his room.

I wandered down the corridor to my own room. I let out a sigh. How could Nick be serious about marrying Sara? he had barley met her and she was nasty to just about everyone, but not Nick. I had to talk to someone about it. Brian... he was as concerned as I was. I would have to tell him.

I went into Brian and Leigh's room and told them. They were both shocked like I was.

"I don't know what to say," Leighanne said.

"We can't let Nick do this!" Brian cried loudly, startling Tyke.

"I know," I said sadly. "She'll only break his heart. Poor Nick doesn't know what she's really like... and if we told him he wouldn't believe us,".

We agreed to try and talk about it with him in the morning. Maybe we would have changed his mind about it by then.

I said goodnight to then, then wandered back to my room.

On the way back, I heard a familiar voice coming from one of the rooms.

I realized it was none other than Sara herself. Curious, I went up to the door of the room. It was open just a crack.

I got a big shock when I looked in. Sara was lying on the bed with a hot dark-haired guy, making out with him. They were practically on top of each other.

In stunned silence, I watched as they stopped making out and started talking.

"Should I be jealous of this Carter guy?" the man said, stroking Sara's hair.

"Of course not Justin!" she replied. "Nick is my latest catch but you know who I really love. Nick's OK for money and presents but you're the best for loving!".

The bitch. How could she do such a thing to Nick?!

I fled down the corridor and up the stairs to Nick's room. I banged on the door. "Nick!" I cried. "Come quick!".

Nick opened the door in his bath robe. "You woke me up!" he cried, looking annoyed. "This better be important!".

I led him to the room Sara was in.

"You're not gonna believe this!" I said as we got to the room.



I wondered what was so important to drag me out of bed.

"Lila, what is it..." I stopped when I saw Sara sitting on a bed in the room.

"Hi Nick!" Sara said. "What's up?".

"Where is he?" Lila demanded.

"Who?" asked Sara and I at the same time. I was puzzled.

"That guy you were making out with! Your boyfriend!" Lila accused, pointing angrily at Sara.

Sara looked really shocked. "What guy? I've been here with my friend Beth all day. She's just gone to the bar to see her boyfriend so I'm waiting for her come back. This is her room,".

"Liar!" Lila said, fuming. "First you lead Nick on and get him to buy you all your expensive slutty clothes. You treat everybody like dirt behind his back. Then you go and have another boyfriend behind his back!".

What?! What was Lila talking about?! Sara was a sweet, loyal girl. She would never cheat on me. And she treated everybody nicely.

Sara started to cry. "That's so not true! Oh Lila, I thought you were a sweet friendly girl, by what Nick told me. But now I see what you're really like. You're jealous of me and Nick and you want him for yourself! You can't split us up with your lies!".

Lila laughed. "You're such a good actress! Give it up!".

I sat next to Sara and wiped her tears. "It's OK Sara. I know you wouldn't do anything like that. Lila must be mistaken,".

She managed a smile. "Oh thankyou Nick for believing me. You're the best!".

I stroked her hair and kissed her on the tip of her nose. "I love you, you know that," I whispered sincerely.

"Nick, I can't believe you! She's lying and you fall for it!" Lila exclaimed.

I got up and went outside the room with Lila. "Now listen. You must be wrong. Sara is totally devoted to me. Why are you saying all this about her with another guy?" I was puzzled to why Lila had come out with such trash. it wasn't like her.

Lila was nearly crying herself. "I'm trying to help you Nick," she said. "I couldn't not tell you what I saw. She was making out with a guy and she said she loved him and not you!".

"Shut up!" I said bluntly to my 'friend'. "Sara's right, you must be jealous and want to split us up...".

"No!" Lila protested. "I'm telling the truth!".

"Forget it, Lila. I thought you were my friend... seems like I was wrong about you...".

I thought of poor Sara's sad face as she was crying. She was so upset. I couldn't believe what Lila had done!

"Nick, she's using you and two timing you! I swear, I saw it myself!".

"Get lost!" I said to her, angry. "I never want to see you again!".

"I'm going," Lila said, tears pouring down her face. "I don't want to see you again either if you don't believe me! Goodbye Nick!".

She spun on her heal and an down the corridor to her room. To pack her bags and leave, I hoped.

After what she had just done to my poor Sara, I never wanted to see Lila again.

