


I walked through the crowded mall, looking for a certain person. He had to be there somewhere...

"Ah-ha!" I said, a smile curling on my lips. I saw the guy I had been looking for and walked towards him.

This guy made me happy. He was the first person I had loved in two years. Two years...

It had been two years since the incident. I was lucky to be alive.

After fleeing from New York, I had been sad and lonely. I had attempted suicide but luckily I had survived. After recovering and being helped from my only friends- Liz and Harmony- I had left for Europe and made a new start, going to college there. I had finished college now and I was back home in Tampa, deciding what I wanted to do next- more education or to get a job.

I was eighteen now- a new person. I had grown-up so much. My boyfriend said I was very beautiful but I doubted I really had blossomed that much.

Walking towards my boyfriend, I passed a video game store. I felt a sharp pain in my heart. That was where I had met Nick. Someone I wanted to forget. The day he had shouted at me and told me he didn't want to see me again was my worst memory. It still haunted me sometimes. Despite having a new life, I still thought about him.

"Lila baby!" my boyfriend said, enveloping me in a big hug. "I must say, you look stunning today!".

I blushed. "Thanks Chris! I knew you'd like the outfit!". I forgot about Nick and smiled brightly at my boyfriend.

I was wearing a little number I had gotten in Europe just before I had returned to Tampa the previous month. It was a shimmery blue slinky sleeveless shirt with a short dark denim skirt. I wore high-healed sandals on my feet, my toenails painted blue to match. I had light summery make-up on and my hair was curled slightly. It was layered down to my shoulders with a few natural-looking blond lites.

"Come on Chris, lets go for lunch now," I said, taking his hand and walking through the mall.

Chris took me to a little Italian restaurant and we ate in style. He wasn't extra rich but had a pretty good job in the sports club. He was really into football and keep-fit. I had joined him at the gym several times, as I liked to work-out too.

We walked out of the restaurant and made our way out of the mall and down the street. Outside, the sun was shining brightly. I was May and the temperature was high. Summertime was always my favorite time of year so I loved being out in the sun with Chris.

"I've got to get back for football practice now babe," Chris said. "I'll call you tonight,".

"OK, how about a date tomorrow?" I suggested. "I'm not doing anything,".

"Sure!" Chris said, smiling and pulling me into his arms for a hug.

We kissed then he ran off down the street.

Shading my eyes in the bright sunshine, I headed off to towards a clothes shop to browse. Chris didn't like clothes stores so now he had gone I could look in there for as long as I wanted!

Just before I got their, I turned around. I little way behind I saw a tall blond guy.

"No, it can't be," I said to myself, feeling a little nervous. He reminded me of Nick, but he wasn't close enough to tell if it was him. I doubted it was.

I went into the store, pushing al thoughts of Nick from my mind. I had Chris now.



"Fairmount Plaza Mall," I said to myself sadly as I walked inside, out of the hot sunshine. It always made me feel sad, walking in the mall. I had been there before with Mary-Anne... and that was where I met Lila.

"I wonder where she is now?" I said to myself. I hadn't seen her in over two years. How I wanted to see her again. I had lost the best friend I had ever had over that stupid user Sara. If only I could go back and change things...

Lila had been right about Sara all along. I had proposed to Sara the day after the incident, but after the tour she moved into my home and a few days later I came home and found she had left me, taking a lot of money and expensive belongings from my house. I hadn't heard from her; I suspected she had ran off with the guy she was dating at the same time.

I walked through the mall, past the fountains and statue, to the cookie seller as I was hungry. Food always made me feel better... I remembered the time when Lila told me to eat to cheer myself up.

I paid for the cookie and ate it while walking through the mall. The band were taking a break from touring that summer; we didn't need to be back until Fall. I had nothing to do so a trip to the mall would pass the time. I had no girlfriend to take with me. I hadn't had a serious girlfriend since Sara...

"Forget the bitch," I muttered to myself. She had hurt me so badly, as I had really liked her but I later learnt what she was really like.

I went back outside into the sunshine, to look in more shops. It was pretty crowded that day. I saw a happy couple hugging in the middle of the sidewalk.

Lucky them I though to myself. I hadn't had any romance in a long time. The guy broke away and said something, then ran off, waving. I looked at the girl. She was so pretty! I couldn't see her too well as it was very bright outside but I could tell she was stunning-looking.

The girl was dressed in a sexy-yet-classy blue outfit and was tall and thin. She must have been about eighteen or maybe a bit older. Her hair was golden brown with blond lites. She then turned and walked away into a clothes store.

Just before the girl walked into the store, she turned and look behind her. Now closer, I could see her face clearly.

I stood in shock. "Oh my God!" I said to myself.

It was Lila.

I couldn't believe it was her! My one-time good friend, who had helped me get over one heartbreak and attempted to get me out of another, was there, just meters away from me.

She was so pretty now. Beautiful!

But she hates me now I thought sadly to myself. I said I didn't want to see her ever again. I was mad at myself for saying that; it had turned out that she was totally innocent.

I lurked around outside the store, wondering what to do. I could go and talk to her, but she might not want to see me. I could walk away, but then I would probably not see her again and the chance to make things up would be wasted.

"I'll go talk to her," I said under my breath.

