


I wish I could go,
Back to the time,
I hurt you baby,
I wish you were mine,

Even though it was a hot summer day, I shivered. Those words were being sung by Nick. The clothes store were playing the new BSB song I Wish. Images of Nick shouting angrily at me came to my mine and I frowned.

"Forget about him, he's not here," I muttered to myself as I took my shopping bags and walked quickly out of the shop.


I stopped in my tracks when I saw him.


I was shocked. I didn't say anything. What could I say?! Nick had told me that he never wanted to see me again!

Nick took off his shades, revealing his soulful blue eyes. He looked at me. "Can we talk?" he asked. "It's been so long...".

"I know," I replied, my heart pounding. "Well...".

He looked pleadingly at me. "Please Lila," he said softly. "I'm really sorry...".

"OK," I said reluctantly. I guessed it wouldn't do any harm.

We walked around the corner to a quieter spot. Nick looked at the ground. "I don't know how to say how sorry I am... I was so wrong saying what I said...".

"I guess you realized what that bitch was up to..." I said bitterly, remembering her nasty scheming smile.

"Oh yes!" Nick exclaimed. "You were right all along! I was such a fool, falling for her. It made me lose you, the best friend I ever had...".

"OK Nick. Can we not talk about it please? I want to forget the past,".

"Me too," he said with his cute little half smile. I couldn't help thinking he looked hot. He was wearing a lose gray/green T shirt and combat pant. His hair was pretty long, nicely soft and blond. His eyes were as bright and blue as I remembered.

"So," I carried on. "What have you been up to in the past two years,".

"Not much," Nick replied. "Touring, recording... we have the whole summer off...".

"Lucky for you," I replied bluntly, still annoyed at him. I couldn't forget what he did.

"What about you?" Nick asked nervously.

"Oh, I went to college in Europe for two years. I lived with my dad. Now I'm back here to spend summer with my mother... if she's in. I guess I'll be spending more time with Chris,".

"Chris?" Nick asked curiously. "That guy you were hugging?".

"Yes, he is actually!" I exclaimed. "How do you know?! Have you been stalking me?". How could he?!

"No of course not!" Nick protested. "I saw you hug him then when you went into the store I realized it was you,".

"Um, OK," I muttered, not being able to look into his eyes.

"You look pretty," Nick said suddenly.

My heart did a little flip. Wow, he complimented me! "Um thanks," I said with a smile. "You look good yourself. I like your pants. And your hair looks nice like that,".

"Um thanks," he said. "So, um. Do you like the new album?".

"Yeah, I love it," I said, managing to look at him this time.

This was awful. Nick and I were acting so awkward. I could tell he was sorry but I didn't know what to say to him.

"I better go," I muttered. "See you around,".

"Wait!" Nick cried.

But I didn't wait. I ran off, fast as my legs could carry me.

Seeing Nick again was too much. I didn't know what to think.



"Lila come back!" I cried as she ran down the street.

Soon she was out of sight. I sighed. What had I done?

"I guess she's still mad at me," I whispered to myself. I put my shades back on and made my way back to the car.

I thought about her all the way back. It was weird seeing my old friend. When we had been friends, I had no feelings for her in the way of attraction. But now... she was older. She had grown up. She was so pretty!

"She said I looked good," I said aloud, smiling. I was so flattered!

But she doesn't like me any more I though sadly to myself. And she has a boyfriend.

I was surprised at myself for feeling this way. Was I falling for my ex. best friend?

I parked outside my house. The same house I had lived in for three years. It seemed so cold and empty now I lived alone. I was thinking of spending summer in Cali with my family. That way I would not be alone. Although now Lila was back on the scene...

I went into my house and sat in the living room by an open window to let some air into the hot stuffy room. I felt the gold chain around my neck. Lila had bought me it for Christmas two and a half years ago.

"Lila," I muttered to myself. I couldn't get her out of my mind...

I need to talk to someone I thought. I picked up my phone and called up Brent.

"Hey Nickster," he said cheerfully. "What's up?".

"Oh, I was bored, wanted someone to talk to," I said with a sigh.

"Hey, I'll call over to your house, I'm not doing anything," he said.

"Great, see ya soon,".

We hung up and I went and set up my Playstation so we could play it. I took the CD out to put a new one in.

The game in there was the pizza game. The one Lila had gotten for me when we had first met. Another reminder of her...

"Nick, OK man?" Brent asked as I let him in the house.

"I guess," I said, running my hand through my hair.

"No, something's up. Tell me," Brent said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

We sat on the couch and I told him about my meeting with Lila.

"Nick, I think you like her," Brent said with a laugh.

"Of course I like her! She used to be my best friend!".

"No, I mean like her. Come on Nick, admit it!".

Did I? Had I fallen for Lila?


