


Awww my ears!!

"What's up honey, you look kinda down?".

I smiled at Chris. "Nothing, just my ears are hurting because of this loud music!".

Chris led me off the dance floor of the crowded club for a moment. "Let's have a drink. What do you want babe?".

I sat on a stool at the bar, glad to be away from the loud music. "Oh, just a Coke. I've got to drive home,".

Chris got a beer and we sat drinking at the bar for a while. We were out on a date at a cool Tampa club. I don't normally like clubs but Chris had phoned me that afternoon after my eventful shopping trip asking if I wanted to go with him. Feeling guilty about having feelings for Nick, I had accepted.

"Do much after lunch?" Chris asked.

"No!" I said nervously. I couldn't tell him I had seen Nick. I had told him what happened two years ago and Chris didn't like Nick because of it. "I went straight home after you left,".

Chris then went on to tell me how football practice went. "You'll have to come and see me play soon," he said, finishing off his beer.

We walked back onto the dance floor. "Hey babe, wanna dance?" a tall and quite cute guy asked, winking at me.

"Hey, get lost! She's my girl," Chris said aggressively to the guy. "Stay away from her,".

The guy shrunk back, looking scared. "OK OK!" he protested. "I'm going,".

Chris put an arm around me. "I got rid of the creep," he said, looking pleased with himself. "If anyone gives you any hassle, tell me and I'll sort them out,".

"Um, OK Chris, thanks!" I said, even though I didn't agree with his way of 'sorting someone out'. Chris was very strong and fit, he could easily hurt someone.

We danced to some tracks then a couple of slower songs were put on so couples could slow dance.

I fell into Chris's arms and we moved gently to the music. I felt safe and secure in his arms. I really liked him.

The song ended and another slow one came on. Hey, I recognized this song, what was it...? Oh my God!

"It's not that I can't live without you,
It's just that I don't even want to try.
Every night I dream about you,
Ever since the day we said good-bye.
If I wasn't such a fool,
Right now I'd be holding you.
There's nothing that I wouldn't do,
Baby if I only knew...

Hearing Nick sing made my heart race. I froze. Tears came to my eyes. I couldn't help it.

Chris looked at me, puzzled. "Li?".

I couldn't stay in there. I tore away from Chris and bolted out of the room, out of the doors and into the dark car park, crying.

"Lila!" Chris cried, running after me. "Don't cry!".

"Sorry Chris," I said, trying to push Nick from my mind. "I just...".

"Come on babe, let's go back in,".

"No, I can't. I want to go home. Sorry to ruin your evening. You go back to the club and I'll see you tomorrow,".

"OK. Well see ya,".

I unlocked the car and got in, putting my jacket on as I was a little chilly. I shoved the key in the ignition and zoomed out of the car park.

I had lied to Chris. Again.

I wasn't going home. I had somewhere else to go.



I drew the curtains sharply then slumped down on the couch. It was only ten o' clock but I was already going to bed. I had nothing to stay up for.

I was still thinking about my surprise meeting in town with Lila. Seeing her had made a big impact on me. She had been such a good friend before Sara came along and I had been so mad at her when all along she was only trying to help me. I felt so bad. I wanted to make up with her... but she had ran off. I didn't know where she lived so I doubted I'd see her again...

"I think I'll go to Cali and stay with my family," I said to myself. "It's better than staying here, alone,".

I flicked through some TV stations but nothing was on. I stood up and walked out of the room, turning a light out after me. My new puppy Starlight- a fluffy white Pomeranian- ran to my feet and licked at them.

"Hey beautiful!" I said, picking her up and giving her a cuddle. "Coming up to bed with me?".

I carried her up the stairs and put her on the rug in my room. I was just taking my sweater off when the doorbell rung.

Who could that be? I had no idea. No-one called over that late...

I unlocked the door and swung it open. A big grin lit up my face,

"Lila! It's wonderful to see you! Come in!".

She looked awkward. "Um, thanks," she stepped inside and took off her coat. I couldn't help complimenting her on how she looked.

"You look nice," I said, taking her coat from her. She was wearing an aquamarine colored sparkly tank top and slinky white pants. She had furry white ankle boots on and her hair was curled and had glitter in. She had carefully applied make-up on, enhancing her new beauty. She looked so much older and sophisticated than the old Lila I once knew.

"Was I interrupting anything?" she asked, walking into the living room and settling herself on the couch.

"No, not at all!" I said, sitting next to her on the couch.

She moved slightly away from me, not being able to look at my face.

"What's up?" I asked her. "You didn't seem to want to talk to me this afternoon...".

"I know," she said sadly, lifting her head so she could look me in the eye. "I'm sorry. I was cold to you. I was so shocked to see you again... that's why I came here tonight, to say I'm sorry,".

"I'm glad you came, I thought I wouldn't see you again," I said.

"Well, I'm here now... maybe I should go now, I've said what I wanted to say.." she said, standing up and walking over to the door. "Thanks for listening to what I had to say,".

"Li wait! Please don't go!".

She came and sat back down. "OK, I'll stay a little longer if you want...".

"Good. So what have you been doing recently? It's been a long time...".

"Ahh your dog!" she cried as Starlight ran into the room and jumped up. She stroked her. "I haven't been back long," she told me. "I was at college all that time, studying Music, English, History and Computing,".

"In Europe, you said earlier. Somewhere nice in Europe then?".

She nodded. "Yeah, England. My dad lives there so I stayed with him. He lives on the south coast, it's so beautiful there,".

"Cool," I said. "Is it good to be back here?". I was hoping to get the conversation more interesting. We were talking like a couple of strangers!

She nodded. "I guess. The weather is good too... only being here seems to bring back bad memories,".

"Bad memories?" I asked. "What do you mean?".

She pushed a golden-blond curl behind her ear. "Oh, it doesn't matter," she said quietly. "So how about you? Seeing anyone?".

"Nope," I said sadly. I haven't been in a serious relationship in a long time. Since... Sara,".

Lila shuddered. "Ugh, don't mention her name. She was a total bitch,".

A bad taste came to my mouth. "Don't remind me! She moved in with me and just days later she ran away with my money and belongings!".

"How terrible!" Lila exclaimed. "I heard about her leaving you on the internet but I didn't know she did that!".

"Well I was pretty sad, you can understand... I thought I could tell a user after I split with Mandy all that time ago..." I shuddered, thinking of the girl I had dated for so long. She had used me for her 'career'. "...But I fell for another. Oh can't we not talk about her?".

"Fine," Lila said. "Can I have a drink please?".

"Sure! Sorry, I should have offered sooner. What'll it be?".

I got us a coffee each and we sat drinking in silence. I didn't know what to say.

"Nick," Lila finally said in a quiet voice.


"I missed not having you around. You were the best friend ever. Can we... be friends again?".

"Of course! That is, if you forgive me for being such a jerk...".

"It wasn't your fault, that girl had you under a spell. It was a long time ago, let's forget about it,".

I looked into Lila's eyes and gave her a big smile. I was so happy I had my old friend back!

"Awww Nickster, come here,". She opened her arms and we hugged.

I felt weird hugging Lila. I almost shivered even though it was a warm and humid night. I smelt her sweet perfume and fruity shampoo being so close to her. I practically melted in her arms.

Snap out of it Nick! I though to myself. She's your best friend and she's taken!

Lila pulled back and smiled at me. "I almost didn't come. I was at a club tonight with Chris...".

When she said his name I felt another weird feeling. What was it? Jealousy?

"...And I heard one of you songs... which got me thinking. I had to come over and apologize. make up with you,".

"Aww Li, I'm glad you did... now would you like another coffee?".

She shook her head. "It'll keep me awake. I'd better go in a minute,".

"Can we get together again soon? Play video-games... like the old days?". I added a little smile.

She returned the smile, her beautiful aquamarine-colored eyes shining. "Of course! I'd love to. Chris doesn't like video-games so I have to play by myself. I can't wait to challenge you again,".

"Good! Call over any time, any day,".

"Tomorrow maybe?".

"Sure!". She walked to the door, me closely behind.

"Thanks again for coming. I really liked seeing you again,".

"Me to. Well until tomorrow then,".

I stood at the doorway and waved good-bye until her car had driven all the way down the street.

I closed the door and went upstairs to go to bed. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders, making up with Lila.

I couldn't wait to see her the next day.

