


"Last go, cos I gotta leave soon," I said, shifting position on Nick's bed.

"OK, well we have been playing for three hours," Nick replied while loading up another game. We were playing a new racing car game on his Playstation. I had been over all day, just playing games. In fact, I had been over all month, mainly playing games.

"I'll beat ya this time!" Nick cried as we started the cars and they zoomed off.

And he did. "Awww man, no fair!" I exclaimed.

Nick grinned, then put down his controller. "So where you going this evening?" he asked, going to the stereo and changing the CD. We had been listening to Korn really loudly, now he put on one of my favorite old albums- Nirvana's Nevermind.

"I'm going out with Chris," I said, smiling as I though of my boyfriend. "He's taking me to the movies,".

"Good for you," Nick said, his eyes down.

"Aww Nick, want me to fix you up with a date? I can see if Chris has any friends, females friends of course, to come on a double date...".

"No, it's OK," he said shaking his head.

Nick never liked to talk about dates and stuff. Even though I saw him nearly every day, he never mentioned any girls he liked. He didn't like to talk about Chris either. Maybe because Chris didn't like him. I hadn't told Chris about me and Nick being friends again. He would go nuts. Though they had never met, Chris didn't like the sound of Nick.

"I better be off to the park. That's where I said I would meet him. I said I was shopping today...".

"OK, well have a nice time at the movies," Nick said. "See ya tomorrow?". He gave me a hopeful look.

"Of course!" I said, stroking his adorable puppy Starlight who had joined us. I was concerned about Nick. When I came over or he came to my house, he acted fine, smiling and happy. But when I was leaving or he had to go, he always looked sad and didn't want me to go. I guessed he was lonely. He lived alone so I could understand he enjoyed having some company.

"Thought about going to Cali to stay with your family?" I asked him. He had mentioned the idea a few times before.

He shrugged. "Yeah. I miss them... but not yet. I'll wait a few more weeks. Wanna come out to Cali for a vacation sometime? Visit us, like?".

"Sounds cool!" I said. "I'd love to,". I hadn't seen Nick's family in a long time, I wanted to meet them again. And California. Sometimes I got a little bored of Tampa.

Nick opened the door and went outside. "Tomorrow, any time," Nick said. "I wanted to try writing some songs for the next album," Nick said as I walked onto the path in his garden. "Wanna help me? I know you're good at writing, having done it at college...".

"Yeah, I'll help. I've had some song ideas myself recently so I'll bring my note book,". I waved. "Bye-bye,".

I walked down Nick's road, looking at the sky. The fluffy clouds which were brilliant white earlier had gone pink in the sunset. It was evening time and it wasn't dark yet. That was because it was early June- the time of year with the longest days. It was still nice and warm out.

I got to the park and sat on a bench. The park was empty. I was five minutes early so I got out my pocket mirror and checked that I looked OK. I didn't have much make-up on as it was too hot a day. I wiped a smudge of brown mascara from my eyelid. I fluffed up my hair which had gone flat in the heat.

I heard a car pulling into the deserted car park. I turned around and saw it was Chris. I smiled and went over to him.

"Hey darling. Ready for the movies?" I asked him, putting a bare arm around my boyfriend.

Chris shook his head. "How about a walk around the park first as it's such a nice day..." he said with narrowed eyes.

I agreed, although I didn't like his tone of voice. I couldn't read it. I hadn't heard him like that before.

"What did you do today?" he asked me.

"Oh shopping," I said casually, my fingers crossed behind my back. I hated lying. But I knew he's be mad if he knew where I had been.

"Yeah?" he inquired. "Well what did you buy?".

"Nothing, just lunch,".

"How did you pay for lunch if you had no money on you?".

"I used my mom's card!" I said, smiling brightly to cover my fear.

"No, I saw your mom's card in my apartment. You left it at mine. Lila, give up your lying...".

My heart beat fast. Uh-oh! "I visited a friend," I said. That was totally true, as Nick was a friend. Nothing more. I loved Chris.

"Which one!" Chris yelled, grabbing my wrists suddenly.

"Ahhhh! Chris baby that's hurt!" I yelled. I didn't expect him to act like that. He was supposed to love me!

"I know which friend you saw. I saw you coming out of his house!".

"Nick's just a friend!" I cried, shaking myself free from Chris's clutches. "Nothing more! He's lonely so I went to visit him, play video games and stuff...".

"No way!" Chris said, his eyes gleaming with anger. "You stay away from him! I don't want that loser stealing my girl...".

"Chris, nothing's going on between us. I only didn't tell you because I knew you'd act like this!". I stepped back. "You can't stop me visiting my friend!". I ran off, tears flowing.

"Lila!" he yelled, chasing after me. "You bitch, speaking to me like that!". He grabbed me roughly and slapped me around the face.

"Ahhhhh!" I cried. It had hurt. My hands flew to my cheek and I rubbed it. "We're over, Chris!" I shrieked. "Don't come near me again!". In pain, I ran further away from him.

"No wait," he said gruffly, catching up with me and running along side me. "I've gotta teach you not to play around with other fellas behind my back!". He gave me another slap.

"I'll call the cops!" I cried, trying to run faster. I was lucky to be wearing Nikes and denim shorts.

When I said that, he turned away and ran to his car. "I'll sort out that Carter guy! He'll wish he never met you" Chris yelled before slamming the door and speeding off with a screech.

Sobbing, I sat on the bench. The same bench I had sat on waiting for Chris.

"I never want to see that jerk again," I shouted, even though nobody was around. I rubbed my sore cheek. It hurt but I was thankful that he hadn't done more damage...

With hands till trembling, I reached for my cell phone and dialed a familiar number.



"He WHAT??!" I yelled down the phone as I jumped into my car. "...Yeah, I'm one my way. Stay calm,".

I threw my call phone down and backed out of my driveway quicker than lightning. Lila was hurt!

I could taste fear in my mouth. I was very scared for my poor friend. She sounded like she was in a terrible state.

I pulled up at the park, driving on to the grass even though cars were not supposed to. "Li! Oh my God!".

Sobbing, she stumbled into my arms. "He was so...".

"Shhh," I told her. "Let's get in my car and we'll go somewhere safe,".

I helped Lila into my car then we drove off, towards my house. I had good security in my home so Chris would not be able to get in.

I looked at Lila, my heart pounding still. It was painful to look at her. Her face was red and her cheek very sore looking. A little blood smeared her nose. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying.

I parked and helped Lila into my house. She crashed out on the sofa.

I'll get you an ice pack!" I said, getting one from the kitchen then handing it to Lila.

"It doesn't hurt that much, nothing's broken" she said, putting the ice on her cheek, "He could have done worse,".

"Have you called the cops?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "I'll leave it this time. But if anything else happens... anything... then I'll press charges,". She looked at me. "Nick, take care. He wants to hurt you next...".

"I'm more worried about you, Li. I'm a grown man, I can protect myself,".

Lila's eyelids started to droop. "I'm tired, I better go home and straight to bed...".

"NO Lila," I told her sternly. "It's getting dark and it's not safe to go out. Chris could turn up. You must stay here tonight,".

"Thanks," she said gratefully. "That's so kind of you Nick,".

I went into the kitchen to make coffee. When I returned, she was sound asleep. I watched her lying peacefully. She was so beautiful when sleeping! I pushed a strand of her golden hair out of her eyes and propped up the cushions.

"She can have my bed," I said to Starlight, who was at my feet. As gently as I could, I lifted Lila up and carried her upstairs. She wasn't too heavy. I tucked her up in my bed and flicked off the light.

I went back downstairs so she could sleep in peace. I was just clearing up in the kitchen when the phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Is that Nick?" the raspy voice asked on the fuzzy line.

"Yes," I said nervously. I didn't like the sound of this.

"Watch your back. You totally ruined my relationship and you're paying for this!".

"Is this Chris?" I asked, my voice trembling. It must have been.

"Never mind that! This is your warning. I'm after you and your stolen property..." he must have meant Lila "So be scared!". The line cut off.

Now I was scared. I immediately called the cops and told them what had happened.

"Stay calm," the police woman said down the phone. "And stay indoors with the doors locked. Call the station if anything else happens. We'll deal with it first thing in the morning,".

I thanked her and hung up.

I drew the curtains and flicked off the light, laying on the couch- where I would sleep.

But I couldn't sleep.

"Oh Lila," I murmured. "How can we stay safe...".

If this Chris was serious, we would have to leave.

Go somewhere that he would not find us.

