


"I don't know how to live without your love,
I was born to make you happy,
Cos you're the only one within my heart
I was born to make you happy,
Always and forever you and me..."

I sung along with the radio as I helped Nick pack his bags the very next morning.

He was taking me on vacation. A long vacation.

Nick came back into the room with a smile on his face. "I got the flights booked!" he said. "But hurry, we haven't got long,".

"Great, I can't wait to get back to England! I love it there,".

We were going to England. I had lived there before so I knew the country well. My dad lived there too so that was another good thing about going there- I could see him again. he always welcomed me and spent time with me, unlike my mother.

"I'm excited about this you know, it will be fun," Nick said, pushing a strand of hair behind his ear. "Despite the circumstances, it will be cool. And we'll escape the heat!!".

I laughed. "It will be hot their too- it's summer!".

"But it always rains in Britain!" Nick said.

"Nickster, that's a myth. It does rain, yeah. But not every day! Trust me, I lived their half my life! Sometimes it's pretty hot- well not as hot as here,".

"Oh I see," Nick said. "Well I guess I won't be needing this raincoat," he threw the coat aside.

"Take it just in case," I told him, picking the coat up and putting it in his suitcase.

"How are you this morning?" Nick asked, momentarily stopping his packing.

"Fine thanks! My face is a bit sore but I'll be OK,". I shuddered, remembering the awful events of the previous night.

"Li," Nick whispered, noticing the look on my face. "It's OK. We're taking a nice vacation- to get away from him. You'll be safe,".

"Thanks. I appreciate your help so much Nick. You're the best friend ever,". I was about to say you don't have to do this, I'll be OK' but I didn't. Truth was, I wanted to be going away with Nick. All the feeling for Nick I had tried to push out of my mind while dating Chris were coming back to me. I couldn't help still like him. I was thrilled to be going away with him!

"Come on, we better hurry our packing!" I said, clapping my hands and standing up.

"Yeah, we better leave in under an hour!".

We packed up the rest of Nick's stuff and put it in the car. I kept looking up the street to watch out for Chris.

Nick noticed what I was doing. "Don't worry, he won't come...".

"But he threatened us! He said he would!".

"The cops are looking for him," Nick said calmly, stroking my hair. "He'll be in hiding for now,".

"I guess," I said, feeling a bit better. "The sooner we get away from here, the better. And safer,".

"That's it, come on!" Nick said, putting the last box into his car. "To the airport!".

Slipping on shades and hats for disguise, we drove in the direction of the airport.

My cell phone then rang. I turned to Nick, panicking. "It'll be him!" I cried.

"Well you better answer in case it's the cops," Nick said while driving down the road.

"Hello?" I said.


"It's him!" I hissed, covering the receiver.

"Shall I park so I can talk to him for you?" Nick asked.

"No, I'll deal with it," I said, putting on a brave face.

"What the hell do you want?!" I shouted into the phone. "Piss off!".

"Just to say I'm on my way. Say your good-byes...".

"You're nuts!" I cried. "I have the police looking for you! They'll catch you, they want to lock you away. I know about your past,".

We had discovered when speaking to the police earlier that morning that Chris had a history. He was in jail before for violence and was on a last warning. Now he had hurt me, that was it. When he was caught he would be arrested.

"Yeah right!" Chris said with a twisted laugh. "Like I said, say your good-byes,". He hung up.

"He's after us!" I cried. "I think he wants to kill us!". He was more crazy than I thought. All I did was see Nick as a friend. He was overreacting.

"Relax Li. We'll be out of the country soon. Call the cops and tell them about the call,".

I did as he said and soon we arrived at the airport. Safely.

"Good-bye, Tampa..." I said as we boarded the plane. "...And good riddance, Chris,".



"Land!" I said, pointing out of the window as the plane flew through the clouds.

"That's the UK," Lila said, smiling. "It's good to be going back. I lived there a lot. When my parents divorced... I was real young... I lived their with my dad at first. But when my mom's business took off she became rich and won me back in court,".

"Really?" I asked, interested. She didn't often tell me about her past.

"Yeah, so when I was five I went back to my mom- she had custody of me until I reached sixteen. We went back to the states where she had grown up and soon we were traveling all over the world. All over Europe and the states. We stayed in England for a few years. And of course, I was there more recently, at college...".

I didn't like to think of that period of time. For it was then when we weren't speaking.

"Wow, you've traveled! Well, so have I... so that's why your accent is a mixture of everything...".

"Yeah, kinda weird British-American. It's unique, I guess,".

"So," I said. "Where are we going when we arrive in England?". I had only been there while on tour so I didn't know much about the country.

"We could go to my dad's. He lives on the south coast, between the coastal resorts or Bournemouth and Weymouth. He'll love to have us stay. Then we could get a holiday home to stay in... how long do you think we'll be here?".

"We'll have to see," I replied. "I had no plans for the summer so we can stay as long as you like! It'll be a nice vacation. I don't have to be back with the guys until September,".

"Thanks for supporting me Nick," Lila said, turning to me.

"You've said that enough!" I said with a smile. "I don't mind coming here. In fact, I like coming here. It'll be a nice change from sitting at home alone. And we'll have each other's company,". I tried not to make it sound obvious that I was falling for her and loved every minute I spent with Lila.

She blushed and was about to say something when the plane went into landing.

Landing, I felt like this was a whole new beginning. I was going to be spending a whole summer alone with Lila!

I only hoped I wouldn't blow our friendship by telling her how I was beginning to feel about her.

