


I sat on the sandbanks and laid back, inhaling the salty sea air. "This is paradise," I murmured.

"Yeah, it's a beautiful spot," Nick agreed, laying back in the sand too.

"I'm so glad it's all over," I said with a happy sigh.

"Yeah, he's locked up now. We're safe,". Nick said, referring to Chris. We had been in England for about six weeks now and the police had recently let us know that Chris had been found and put in prison. He had committed another offense soon after, involving another girl and it had been worse than what happened with me. He was in jail thousands of miles away now!

"We could go back home to Tampa now," I said to Nick.

"I guess... I mean, it's safe. But I'm enjoying it here. I don't know about you, but I wanna stay longer...".

I grinned, glad he had said that. As much as I liked Tampa, I preferred being in England, living with Nick. We were having a great vacation! My dad had been delighted to have us visit and had let us stay with him at first. But we now had got a little rented holiday cottage further down the coast.

"It's a wonderful spot here, isn't it," I said to Nick, meaning the sandbanks. It was just a short walk from our house. It was almost like our front garden. Away from the beach resorts, there were very few people that came on our stretch of sand.

"Yep, I could stay here all day," Nick said shading his eyes while he looked out to sea. I knew he loved the ocean so I knew he would love that spot. During the past few weeks we had been there many times, just so sit and chill out. Not every day though. I had shown Nick places in England like London and other places of interest. And he had met a few old friends of mine.

"My hire boat is really cool," Nick said, smiling. "We'll have to go out on it again soon,".

I took some sun cream from my bag rubbed some on my arms. "Yeah- if I don't get sea sick again!".

"I can't believe you nearly puked on me! You went green!".

I laughed. "I don't know if it was the boat or something I'd eaten which made me sick. I'll come out on your boat if we get some sick bags!".


I looked at my watch. It was five o' clock. Time for some dinner. "How about a pizza?" I asked Nick. "I'm pretty hungry,".

"No, I'll cook something special," Nick said with his heart melting smile.

"Wow, how can I refuse that?!" I said. "But I'll make something tomorrow,".

We walked barefoot cross the sand, chatting about food. It was something we both liked. As Nick went into the kitchen and began dinner, I went into my room and switched on the TV.

Nothing good was on so I got out a special book to write in. My diary.

Dear diary. I wrote Today was another beautiful day. Nick and I sat on the sandbanks and chilled out. I love doing that. I love his company. Maybe I love him. Or is it just strong friendship? I don't want to say anything as it would ruin our friendship. But I long for a kiss. Nick is the most special person in my life right now. He has been for a while. I don't know if he likes me, I mean he compliments me and spoils me but... maybe I'll ask him if he has any feelings for me. Maybe... oh I don't know! It could spoil everything! Anyways, I'm thinking of staying here properly. I love Tampa but all memories like Chris are there. I love it here and I have my dad. He's great. When Nick goes back on tour, I guess I'll stay here...

"Lila! Can you come help me?!" Nick called from downstairs.

I jumped up and threw the diary under the covers of my bed. "Coming!".

Nick looked flustered when I got down. "The chicken is getting burnt! And the carrots won't soften! Help me please!".

"Calm down!" I said, giggling. "I'll help!".

I sorted out the chicken and turned up the heat on the carrots. "There ya go," I said. "Hey, you look cute when you are in a panic!".

He blushed and mumbled a thanks. But he did look cute! He had carrot peel down his shirt and floury hand prints on his pants.

I washed the dishes and wiped up some spills. "We're like an old married couple!" Nick laughed as we worked in the kitchen.

Wow, what a thought! Nick and I as an old married couple! "Yeah!" I laughed.

We finished the dinner and sat down to eat it.

"Nick, this is delicious!" I commented as we dug in.

Nick ate his fast then finished, pushing his plate aside. "Glad you like it!" he said, running a hand through his hair which he now had short and kinda spiky- like Kevin's, but blond. It looked really good!

"What shall I make tomorrow? You like my Spaghetti Bolognese?".

Nick nodded enthusiastically. "I sure do!".

"OK, I'll make my special spaghetti dish. You'll love it,". I finished off my dinner and licked my lips. "That was tasty,".

"I'll do the dishes," Nick said, getting up and going into the kitchen.

"I'll dry them," I said, putting our plates and cutlery into the sink then picking up the dishcloth.

We talked at we stood at the sink. Nick mentioned wanting to take his boat out the next day.

"We should sail along the coast in it, maybe to Bournemouth. We haven't been there many times so I'll show you around. I love it there," I said, wiping a plate dry.

"Haven't they got an Oceanarium?" Nick asked.

"Yep! They have sharks and all sorts of cool fish. We could go there,".

Nick looked interested. "Cool," he replied. "OK we'll do that,".

After finishing in the kitchen Nick sat in front of the TV and flicked through. I joined him. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

Nick nodded. "There's nothing on TV so OK,".

While Nick went to the video rack and searched for a good movie, I spread out on the couch and yawned. I was tired.

"What's up?" Nick asked when he saw me lying down with my eyes closed.

"I'm tired!" I told him, opening my eyes so I could see his gorgeous face. How I longed to kiss those lips... "I got woken up way too early by my phone- wrong number- and I couldn't get back to sleep,".

"Have an early night," Nick suggested. "I can watch the movie alone,".

I looked at the video he had chosen. Some boring futuristic adventure movie. "OK, I just might. I'd rather sleep in my comfy bed than in front of your movie!".

"Hey, don't diss the movie, I like it!".

"Well you're better off watching it alone, without me snoring!" I joked. "Goodnight, see ya in the morning,".

"Yeah, night Li. Sweet dreams!".

I went upstairs and got ready for bed.

I did have sweet dreams that night. About Nick.



What's on TV now I thought to myself as I rewound the movie I had just watched.

"Nothing," I muttered. Nothing on TV interested me that night.

Just then my phone rang. I picked it up and answered. "Hello?".

"Hey Nick!".

"Brent!" I cried. "What's up? How's Starlight?".

"She's fine," Brent told me. He was looking after Starlight as I could not take her to the UK very easily. "How have you been?".

"I've been great!" I told my friend. "I love Lila's company. And I love it here. I won't be coming back quite yet, I don't know when...".

"Sounds like you're trying to spend as long as possible with Lila!" Brent accused, laughing.

"Huh? Why you say that?!".

"Come off it Nick! You've fallen for her! Ever since she turned into a total babe... admit it,".

"I dunno... I guess I kinda like her...".

OK I had said it. I liked her.

"Does she feel the same way?" Brent asked me.

I stepped into the other room and closed the door in case Lila could hear from upstairs. "I don't know. She doesn't talk about guys she likes. She is real sweet to me but I don't think she likes me... if I asked her it might blow our friendship,".

"So what ya gonna do?".

"Don't know. I guess wait and see if she makes a move,".

"Good idea," Brent told me. "Well I gotta go, this call is expensive. See ya,".


I went upstairs, as I wanted to go to bed now too. I passed Lila's room and looked in. She was sound asleep.

"Good night," I whispered softly, pulling the door shut quietly. I then slipped into my own room.

I sat on my bed and flicked on my radio. As I undressed and got ready for bed, my mind was on Lila. It was nearly always on Lila now!

"Hell, yeah. I like her!" I whispered to myself. "But what should I do about it?".

