


"...That's the carrots, potatoes, salad... what else...?" I said aloud, checking off my shopping list. "...the apples!".

"Mommy can I have a candy bar?" my son asked me, tugging at my skirt.

"Of course Bri!" I said, looking down at him from my shopping list. "Go and chose one, darling,".

I pushed the trolley around the fruit and vegetable department of the supermarket, getting the groceries. My adorable son Brian returned a few moments later, putting a candy bar into the trolley.

"Does Melody want one too?" Brian said, looking up at me with his bright blue eyes.

I shook my head. "She's too young, Bri! Now can you see daddy anywhere?".

At that moment, Nick appeared, pushing the buggy with our new baby Melody inside it, holding a stack of pizza boxes. "Here I am!" he said, throwing the boxes into the trolley.

"Nick, got enough pizza?!" I joked.

He laughed. "Never too much pizza!". He bent down beside the buggy and checked on our daughter. She was sound asleep.

We carried on around the supermarket and filled the trolley with our groceries. When finished, we paid then went out to our car, in the hot sunshine of the car park.

"Hang on Nick," I said as we were strapping the kids in the back. "Who's that over there? Isn't it...".

"Mary-Anne!" he exclaimed. "I think so! Let's call her over!".

I couldn't believe it! I hadn't seen her in years! What was she doing back in Tampa?

"Nick! Lila!" Mary-Anne cried, coming over with a guy I did not recognize. "Wow, I didn't think I'd see you two again!".

"We didn't expect to see you either!" I laughed. "What are you doing back in Tampa? I thought you were staying in Europe,".

Mary-Anne grinned and took the guy's hand. "This is James," she told us. "We've been together since I arrived in Europe. He helped me right from the start. We got married last summer and we have a little daughter back home. We're only here on vacation,". She looked at the two rings on my finger. "And you two..?".

"We've been married almost five years," I said proudly. "We have two children- Brian is five and Melody is six months," I opened the car door so Mary-Anne and James could see our wonderful children.

"Wow," she said, wide eyed. "I always knew you and Nick were close but I didn't think you'd get that close! I heard about your marriage a while ago and I was so shocked!".

Nick laughed. "Well our friendship turned to love. We're such a happy couple!".

I turned to Nick and he winked at me with a big grin.

"Yep, and now we have the kids- they're really great. We named Brian after... well, Brian! He's the perfect son, so much like his father. Melody's a sweet little baby. How about your daughter?".

"Sophia is an angel," Mary-Anne said proudly. "I'm sure she'll turn out to be an artist like me one day,".

"Why are we standing around talking in a car park?!" Nick asked. "You two should come over and visit while you are still here on vacation. I'll give you our address,".

"Thanks," said James. "That would be lovely!".

We agreed a day then we departed.

"Woah, I didn't expect to see her again!" Nick said, rummaging around in a shopping bag for something to eat.

"I know! What a turn up! I'm glad she's sorted her life out and got a nice husband,". I steered around the corner and towards our house on the bay.

"What are we gonna do for our anniversary?" Nick said. "Five years... a long time! How about a big party... or a vacation?".

"I want to go back to England on vacation, the south coast," I said dreamily, wonderful memories of the place coming back, even though it was such a long time ago. Over seven years... "The kids will love it there and we can visit my dad rather than him come see us here like he normally does,".

"Perfect. OK, that's where we'll go. Two weeks on the coast. I'll see if our old cottage is still up for hire...".

"...By our sandbanks: our spot. I'd love to go back there again... and it would be a lovely spot to sit at and write". That's what I did. Write. I had recently gotten my first book published. It was a tale of love, hate, pain, betrayal, trust and forgiveness. I had enough experience over the last few years to write it with feeling and make it a success. Nick had read it and loved it; now I was in the middle of my second novel.

"And you could help me write new material for my solo album," Nick said, putting on some shades.

"Good idea," I said, parking in our garage as we had arrived home. The BSB had slowed things down a few years ago and were currently on their last album, before they would part ways for good. Nick wanted to have a solo career so I was helping him write songs.

We got the kids out of the back and went into the house. We were met at the door by one of our dogs, Nintendo- a black poodle. He jumped up and down when we got in the house, pleased to see us.

Brian went to play some video games and I put Melody to bed for her nap.

"I gotta rush out in a minute," Nick said, carrying our groceries into the kitchen with me. Even rushing in a great hurry, he looked gorgeous. He was now twenty-nine years old, he still looked youthful and cute, but more sophisticated and mature.

"Daddy, can I come to the recording place with you?" Brian asked from the TV room.

I looked at Nick and gave him a look of approval. "I don't see why not, he loved going there before,".

"Yes Bri, you can!" Nick called.

Brian came bouncing into the room, his sweet little face lit up in a smile. "Yay!" he cried. "I can wear those cool headphones!".

"He'll be a singer like you one day, Nick!" I said, and I meant it. Brian loved music.

I waved good-bye to Nick and Bri then went in to check on Melody.

I paused when I passed the window sill and looked at the framed photo.

Me and Nick's wedding day. The best day of my life.

I love him more than anything on Earth! I though happily to myself.



"...Brian loved it! He's so natural in the studios, even though he's only five,".

"I'm sure he'll be a singer like you one day," Lila said, pulling the covers over us as we lay in bed talking that night. I had been at the studios all day.

"I wonder what Melody will turn out like," I thought out loud. "Maybe she'll be a writer like you,".

"Maybe. But whatever she chooses to be, we'll always be behind her. Brian too,".

I gave my wife a kiss. "Oh Li you're such a sweetie! I'm so proud of you cos you're such a good mother to our kids,".

I flicked the lights out and we tried to get to sleep.

"Nick?" Lila whispered just as I was drifting off to sleep.

"What, honey?".

"Did I ever tell you I love you?".

"Yes babe, hundreds of times!".

"Make it a hundred and one. I love you Nick,".

"I love you too, Lila,".

And I really did. She had always been there for me. Like when I needed help. She had protected me and looked after me- not because I asked her to but because she wanted to- out of the kindness of her heart. She had cheered me up when I was down and shared my joy when I was happy. That's what she made me. Happy.

I was so happy with Lila and I knew she was so happy with me. And it would stay that way for the rest of our lives.


