


I pulled my thick green coat around my body as I walked along the sidewalk in the cold winter breeze. It was a week later and I was walking down the street approaching Nick's house, clutching my shopping bag with Nick's game in my hand.

"What an amazing house," I breathed as I stopped at number 16. It was set back from the road and guarded by brass railings and a gate. The house was pretty big and very expensive looking, although not over the top. I lived in a pretty expensive house too but Nick's was way nicer.

I stopped at the gate and opened it. A beep when off and a light flashed. I wasn't surprised Nick had security like that, I mean, he's very famous.

As I walked the path, feeling very nervous of seeing my favorite guy again, the front door opened. Nick stood there and waved, smiling. He looked like he had not long woken up, he wore a crumpled T shirt and his hair was messy and sticking up, kinda like it had been at the Billboard awards recently!

"Hey," I said. "I got your game!".

Nick grinned and let me inside. "Thankyou so much Lila. Hey it's cold out, come in and have a hot drink,".

Thrilled by his invitation, I stepped inside his hallway. On the walls hung gold disks. Everything was decorated in a cool modern way. "Nice house," I commented. I wondered if he lived with someone... a girlfriend..? I knew he had split up with his girlfriend in the summer and he seemed really down about it. I hoped he was happier now.

I stood in the kitchen while Nick poured me out a coffee. "Thanks," I said to him as he handed me the cup. I took the video game from my bag and handed it to him.

"Thanks! I'll play this later. I've got plenty of time on my hands now the tour has ended. I had a good sleep-in this morning, I need as much as I can get after that long tour!",

I nodded. "Didn't you get ill during it? Bad flu? You poor thing!".

Nick nodded sadly. "Yeah. But I'm over it now. I'm glad to have all these two months off. But it's back to work just after my birthday. More touring,".

"But you enjoy it, yeah?".

"Oh yeah. I love performing. And the guys are great. I just get tired and enjoy having a break,".

"I can understand,". I took a sip of coffee. "So have you filmed the video for Show Me The Meaning yet?".

Nick nodded. "Yup. We filmed it just a couple of days after the tour ended. You'll love it, it's not our usual kind of video,".

"Cool,". I finished my coffee and put the cup on the counter. "I better let you get back to your sleep now!" I said. I didn't want to invade on his privacy and stay longer than I should. I had given him the game which was the reason I came for.

Nick waved his hand. "No, stay! You don't have to rush off! I enjoy the company. So, tell me about this video game,".

I smiled, glad he didn't mind me staying. I loved being around Nick, he was really nice. "Oh, you buy restaurants and make pizzas. You'll see for yourself when you play. Hey, have you got the original Tomb Raider game? That's my all time favorite!".

Nick laughed. "Have I?! That's one of my old favorites too! I love Final Fantasy Seven too,".

"That's cool, and I like Spyro The Dragon lots too".

Nick grinned. "I can always complete Spyro, though it was pretty hard at first,". He flicked on the radio. It was playing Pretty Fly For A White Guy, one of my favorite songs.

"Hey, how do you and the guys feel about the Offspring bashing the BSB dolls on stage?!". I laughed. "It's pretty nasty, but funny!".

"I don't mind, yeah it's funny!" Nick laughed. "Actually, I'm going to see them play in Orlando on Saturday night...".

"Oh I really wanted to go but tickets sold out too fast... I've seen them play before, back in Europe,".

"You like that kind of music? Like, alternative?".

I nodded. "Love it. BSB is my favorite band..." I smiled at him shyly "...But I love all music. Rock, rap, heavy metal, grunge, pop...".

"Hey, me too," Nick said. "I like just about every type of music there is...".

There I was, in Nick's house. I'd always dreamt of meeting him one day and I had now. But I wasn't nervous. Nick was a wonderful guy. And very down-to-earth. He was ever so nice...



"...And then they smashed up their guitars, then the drums! We were going crazy in the crowd!". I was sitting at my kitchen table with Lila talking music. She had dropped round the video game and an hour later, we were still talking. We had a lot in common. Especially taste in music.

"Wow!" Lila said, smiling. "I remember once I was at this weird rock band's show in this little venue in London, I can't even remember what they were called! Anyways one was really mean and spat into the crowd and it went on this girl, well her boyfriend jumped up on stage and started punching the band member and the drum kit got destroyed!".

"Poor drums!" I laughed.

I heard somebody's footsteps and I turned around. Mary-Anne, my wonderful girlfriend, walked through the doorway, dressed in my bathrobe, looking like she'd only just woken up.

"Morning baby!" I said to her. "Mary-Anne, this is Lila, remember I said she was coming?".

Mary-Anne gave Lila her sweet smile. "Hi Lila!" she said, shaking hands.

Lila returned the smile. "Um, hi!" she said. She was silent for a moment then stood up. "Well I don't want to outstay my welcome. Nice speaking to you Nick, see you around!".

"You don't have to leave right now!" I said.

"I'd better," she replied. "Bye Nick, bye Mary Anne,".

I showed her to the door and waved as she made her way down the path and out of the gate.

"She's really nice," I said to Mary Anne, closing the door. "She's not like those fans that come banging on the door wanting autographs,".

"Yeah, she seemed nice," Mary Anne said. "I had some fans come knocking yesterday when you were out, it took me half an hour to get them to leave! I couldn't just ignore then , I let them in for coffees and chatted with them,".

"Typical you, Mary Anne! You're too sweet for your own good!".

We went and sat in front of the TV. Mary Anne sneezed.

"Bless you! I hope you're not coming down with a cold,".

She frowned. "I hope not! Actually I sneezed a lot yesterday, maybe I have caught something,".

I hugged her. "Poor baby!".

She gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Aww Nick, even if I do get ill, with you by my side I'm sure I'll feel OK!".

What a sweet thing to say! "Aww Mary Anne, I'll make sure you'll be OK!".


