


I jumped out of the taxi and made my way through the coded gate of my house. I punched in the security code at the front door and went into the porch. I unlocked the three locks and went inside. Even though the heating was turned up to full blast, it felt shivery cold in there. I hated my home.

"I'm back," I called out, running up the stairs to my bedroom. I walked through my wardrobe and hung up my coat and took of my shoes. I went through into my room and threw myself onto the huge bed in the middle of the room.

"Mom, I'm home!" I called out since I hadn't gotten a reply.

"Oh hello Lila," I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw our housemaid Liz in the hallway, dusting the ornaments. "Your mother went to the airport half an hour ago,".

"Half an hour ago?!" I exclaimed. "What for, to fly abroad somewhere?".

"Yes, to Paris for business. She said she'd be a week or two,".

Oh typical. My mother goes on another business trip without even telling me. She never tells me anything. She hardly even talks to me. Liz is more of a mother to me than my real mom.

"She left you your allowance in the draw,".

My allowance. She thinks she can get away with being a mother by leaving me a bit of money when she jets off around the world all the time...

The doorbell rang and Liz went to answer it. Seconds later, I heard fast footsteps running up the stairs. I smiled, realizing who it was...

"Harmony!" I called.

She came in the room and sat on the end of my bed. "Hi! So, how did your visit to Nick's house go?".

I frowned. "Um, OK. I only just got back,".

"So did he ask you out?".

"Are you joking?! No of course not! Why would he ask ME out?! Anyways, he already has a girlfriend...".

Harmony patted me on the shoulder. "It's not that Mandy bitch is it? Ewww, she was nasty! I heard she hit Nick!".

I shook my head. "Nope, this new girl seems way nicer. She was wearing his bath robe when she came downstairs so I guess she's living with him. She's really sweet, they seem happy together. Nick deserves to be happy...".

"Yeah. Aww, Nick deserves someone nice. That's great. So how'd it go?".

"We talked about music for about an hour then his girl came downstairs so I left. He's just as nice as I thought he'd be, nicer actually,". I said, shrugging. "Now I know his address I could go see him whenever but I won't. I don't want to seem like a pest. He must get sick of fans coming over,".

Harmony nodded with agreement. "Yeah, but you should think of an excuse to call round again sometime...".

"Yeah, I mean... I really want to see him again. I've been a fan of his for so long... I really like him,". I stood up. "Well anyways, why'd you come over? Were you bored?".

Harmony nodded. "Yeah... I though you might want to play Tomb Raider or something. I'm in a Playstation mood!".

"Hey," I said. "Why don't we play Pizza instead, my new game. I haven't played it yet,".

Harmony was emphusiastic so I switched my Playstation on and we played my new game. I tried to forget about Nick. I really liked him but I expected that I wouldn't hear from him again...



"Awww poor baby! You stay tucked up in the warm!" I said to my girlfriend, pulling the bedcovers over her weak body.

She sniffed and managed a smile for me. "I feel bad, not being able to come with you!" she croaked. "Hey, pass the box of Kleenex baby!".

I handed Mary-Anne the box of tissues and stroked her hair. "Don't feel bad, it should be me feeling bad cos I'm leaving you here all alone while I'm at the concert!".

"What are you doing with my ticket?" she asked, before blowing her nose.

I shrugged. "I dunno. The guys are too far away to come at such short notice... and Brent is on vacation, he would go otherwise...".

"What about that sweet fan that delivered your game the other day? She wanted to go, didn't she?".

"Mary-Anne, that's a great idea! Lila would love to go! Thanks, I'll call her!". I'd never thought of inviting Lila!

I ran downstairs to find the telephone directory. I knew her second name was Minerva so I was sure to find her as it was an unusual name. I glanced at my watch. It was 4pm and to get to the concert in time I'd have to leave in less than an hour.

There were three Minerva's in the book for the Tampa area. I tried the first two but they weren't Lila. The third was answered by a woman. "Hello?" she said.

"Hi, does Lila live at this address?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes," the woman replied. "I'll just get her, hold on,".

I waited then a few moments later Lila came on the line. "Hi," she said. "This is Lila,".

"Hi Lila! This is Nick, you know, who you got the video game for...".

Lila laughed. "Um, I know who you are Nick! Hey, how are you?".

"I'm fine thanks. Only, Mary-Anne isn't. She has bad flu and can't come to the Offspring concert with me tonight. I though you might want her ticket, and come with me,".

There was silence for a few seconds. "Are you sure?" Lila finally said, sounding shocked yet pleased.

I nodded, then realized she couldn't see me. "Yeah! You said you wanted to go and I have a spare ticket... figures. I'll call round for you in half an hour, I have your address from the telephone book. Will you be ready?".

"Yes!" Lila said excitedly. "And thankyou so much Nick, you're a star!".

"No problem," I said before we hung up.

I took a shower then I got dressed in baggy pants and a football jersey,then putting on my favorite baseball cap.

I then kissed my sniffly Mary-Anne goodbye. "Will you be OK alone? Maybe I should call someone to come stay with you? Your parents..?".

"No," Mary-Anne said quickly. "My parents went abroad last week anyways...".

"Ok, well you know my cell phone number. Bye darling!".

I drove over to Lila's. I stopped at her address. I was suprised to see her house was just as expensive and spectacular as mine! She hadn't let on that she was rich...

I rung the doorbell and waited in the cold December air, rubbing my hands to keep warm.

The door was opened by a middle aged woman wearing jeans and an apron. She let me into the warm and shook my hand. "You must be Nick, I recognize you from Lila's posters! I'm Liz the housemaid. Lila will be down in a moment...".

Lila then came down the marble staircase, smiling at me. She was dressed casually in faded jeans and a black tank-top with a silver dragon on the front. Her golden brown hair was pulled up in a messy ponytail and she wore no makeup. "Hey Nick," she said, putting on her gray fleece. "Thanks again for asking me! I'm ready now but do you want a drink before we go?'.

I shook my head. "Thanks but no, we better get going," I turned to Liz. "I'll make sure Lila is home before one. It's supposed to finish by midnight. Are her parents about?". I though I better see them to let them know Lila would be safe with me.

Lila's expression turned. "Like they'd care! You see, my dad lives back in Europe so I never see him... my mother's always away on business, right now she's in Paris. She's the co-owner of an international company".

"Oh," I replied. "Well Liz, Lila will be safe with me, here's my cell-phone number in case of emergency,". I handed the housemaid a card with my number.

Liz opened the door, which had numerous locks on, and let us out. "Have a nice time," she said warmly.

We climbed into my car and set off towards the venue, a little outside Orlando.

The journey was about sixty miles, which took over an hour. Lila and I talked about music the whole ride. She loved it just as much as I did!

When we arrived, I parked my car and we went into the venue. The opening act- an up-and-coming new rock band- were already playing. I led Lila to our seats and we watched the group perform.

"Hey, they're pretty good," Lila commented loudly over the music. "I'm sure it was them that played at a festival I went to in England last summer,".

They played a couple more songs then went off stage. The crowd started chanting for the Offspring to come on stage.

I turned to Lila. "You know, the ticket would have been wasted on Mary-Anne. I mean, I love her and everything, but she doesn't like this kind of music. I know you'll enjoy it though,".

Lila's face lit up. "Thanks! How much do I owe you? I'll pay you back when you drop me home,".

"Nothing!" I said, waving my hand. "You did me a favor, getting me the game. Now I'm doing you one! That's what friends are for!".


