


"Your chicken salad, madam,".

"Thanks!" I said as the waiter put my delicious dinner in front of me. "Yum this looks tasty!".

I looked around the table at what everybody else was eating. The food looked real nice. The top Tampa restaurant was pretty expensive and the food was top quality. Nick had macaroni cheese and was digging into it fast.

"Is birthday boy hungry?!" his mom joked.

"Yeah!" Nick laughed in between mouthfuls.

At Nick's birthday dinner was his parents, Mary-Anne, Brent, his girlfriend and myself. Nick didn't want a huge party to celebrate his 20th birthday, he just wanted a small do with his close ones.

Mary-Anne sat opposite me and was picking at her food slowly, staring into space as if she was in another world.

By the time we had finished our main course, Mary-Anne still looked reserved. Her brown eyes which normally sparkled looked downcast.

"Are you OK?" I asked her.

"What?!" she said, looking up, snapping to attention.

"Something's up," I said.

She nodded.

"What is it then?" I asked her quietly.

"I can't say," she said. She looked like she was about to cry. She stood up. "I'm just going to the bathroom," she announced, before rushing off.

"Me too," I said, getting up and going after her.

When I got to the bathroom, Mary-Anne was sitting, her head in her hands.

I pulled up a chair next to her. "Mary-Anne! What's the matter? Tell me!".

She looked up at me with a tear stained face. "Oh I don't know what to do," she exclaimed.

"About what?" I asked, puzzled.

"My parents," she said with a frown. "They've tracked me down,".

"Tracked you down? What do you mean?" I asked. "I thought they were abroad and...".

"I lied," Mary-Anne said, looking both sorry and sad. "Truth is, when I got to sixteen I ran away from home in Connecticut and went to live with relatives in North Carolina. My parents have always been very strict and uncaring. I couldn't wait to leave,".

"You ran away?" I said, shocked. "Have you seen your parents since?".

She shook her head. "Nope. I didn't make any contact with them. They didn't know where I was. When I got to N.C. I managed to get into an art school. I lived with my cousin, who was supportive and kind. She didn't tell my parents where I was...".

"...And now they've tracked you down?".

"Yeah. They phoned up yesterday when Nick was out. My father says he's going to come and take me home. If they do that, I'll be practically locked up and never allowed any freedom, even though I've just turned eighteen! I'd have to work for them in return for no money,".

"That's terrible!" I gasped. "What are you going to do?".

Mary-Anne shrugged. "I don't know. But a bigger problem is Nick. I didn't want him to get tangled in the problem so I told him my parents were abroad and they knew all about us. I made up a lot of lies to cover up the past. He knows nothing about all of this, running away and all that. He'll be mad that I lied...".

"Nick's a nice guy, he won't be mad!" I said reassuringly.

"But I lied. He'll never forgive me!".

I handed her some tissues and she wiped her eyes. "I'll have to tell him," she said. "I'm dreading it,".

"Don't worry, I'm sure it will work out," I said kindly.

"I hope so," Mary-Anne replied. "Thanks Lila, you're a great friend,".

I felt like crying myself. I felt sad too, but for a different reason.

I was lonely. Nick and Mary-Anne were basically the only people I had. My mother had no time for me. Harmony next-door was away at school, while I learnt at home. My tutor and Liz the housekeeper were very kind but they weren't like a real family. My father was thousands of miles away from me. I was alone.

I wanted some love in my life. That was what was missing. Despite her problems, Mary-Anne was one lucky girl. She had the best boyfriend in the world. Nick was the sweetest guy alive and I was so glad he was my friend. I enjoyed spending time with him. I couldn't help feeling a little sad that he was already in love, but I was glad it was Mary-Anne he loved. She was one of the best friends I had, I wasn't jealous of her. I wished them all the best. I just wanted Nick to be happy.



I said goodbye to my parents and turn back to Mary-Anne. "Let's go home now baby," I said to her.

"I'll be off home now," Lila said, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "Thanks Nick, the meal was really nice! Happy birthday again!".

"Hey thanks. And no problem, I think we enjoyed it!". I was in a really happy mood after the wonderful evening.

As Lila walked through the restaurant to the door, she bumped into a girl about the same age as her.

"Mind where you're going, you stupid hoe!" the girl spat.

Lila looked startled. "I'm really sorry..." she apologized.

"Look what you made me do! I've lost the diamond out of my ring!".

"Oh dear! I'll help you find it...".

"No I've found it, here on the floor. You clumsy bitch, I want money to have it repaired!".

Lila looked really upset. She took some money from her pocket and threw it at the nasty girl. Then Lila made a rush for the door, not looking back.

I went after her. "Lila! Are you OK?" I said, catching her on the street outside.

She gave me a little smile. "I guess. That girl was out of order! It was an accident!".

"I know," I said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Tears were in her eyes. "I'm sick of all this," she said quietly.

"What?" I asked, worried. She always acted happy and cheerful but I always saw a sadness in her eyes. I couldn't figure it out...

"Don't worry about me!" she said, forcing a smile. "It's your birthday, be happy!".

I returned the smile. "Yeah, birthdays only come once a year! But you would tell me if something was up, wouldn't you?" I said, concerned. "I worry about you!".

Lila looked surprised. "You do?" she said.

"Of course! You're one of my best friends and I don't like seeing you sad...".

A taxi pulled up at the moment; it was Lila's.

"Nick, you're such a sweetheart," Lila said. "I know I can rely on you... and you can always rely on me. If you ever need someone to talk to,".

I was very grateful. "Thanks," I said, giving her a quick hug. "See you soon!".

She waved goodbye as the taxi drove off.

Before I could give the situation any more thought, Mary-Anne rejoined me, looking solemn faced.

"What's up?" I asked her. She looked sad as well. Why was everybody sad?!

"Can we go home?" she asked in a small voice. "We need to talk. It's very important,".

I was shocked. This sounded serious. "Tell me what!" I demanded.

She shook her head. "It'll have to wait until we're home. But you won't like it...".


