


"A visitor here for you Lila!" Liz shouted from downstairs the next morning. I had not long been up and had just finished breakfast. My tutor Mr. Ferric would arrive soon to start my lessons for the day.

"Who could it be?" I said to myself, putting a warm blue sweater on as it was cold that morning.

A heard slow footsteps come up the stairs. The in the doorway appeared... Mary-Anne. She looked like she hadn't slept and her eyes were red from crying.

I got up and went over to her, giving her a hug. "Awww what happened?" I asked. "You look terrible!".

"Awww Li, it's over!" she said, sniffing. "We had a huge row and I left him. I left him! I couldn't face Nick again...".

I was shocked. "What, you had a row? Was it about your parents?".

She nodded. "Yeah. He was annoyed that I lied for all the time and said something about losing trust. Then I got angry at him and...".

"She, it's OK," I said, handing her a box of Kleenex. "Don't talk about it if you're going to get more upset,".

"I've go to get out of the area," Mary-Anne said, drying her eyes. After walking out last night I went to a hotel. As soon as I can I'm going to catch a plane to another country and have a new start somewhere,".

"Maybe that's a good idea," I said, nodding. "You can leave all this mess behind you and make a fresh start... but can't you try and make it up with Nick? Don't throw away such a special relationship over your parents. You and Nick are so good together,". I meant it. Nick was always so happy when he was with Mary-Anne.

She shook her head. "No. He doesn't trust me any more. Anyways, I didn't think we were very well suited together. I'll find someone else and so will he,".

"I can talk with him, try patch things up..." I suggested.

"No, thanks for offering but that's it. Over. Even if I did go back to him, my parents would easily find me and take me away. I need to get away from them too,".

"I guess..." I said slowly. I felt so sorry for Nick and Mary-Anne. I could imagine Nick would be just as sad as Mary-Anne was. I would have to go and see if he was OK.

Mary-Anne opened her bag and got a large envelope out. "You can have this," she said, passing it to me. "I know you're fond of Nick so you have it. It's no use me having it!".

I opened up the envelope. In it was a piece of canvas. I turned it over and saw it was a beautiful oil-painting of Nick.

"Wow, it's beautiful!" I breathed. "Thankyou Mary-Anne!".

"I painted it for him as a surprise Valentines Day present. Not that he'll be getting it now of course!". She looked really sad.

"Aww Mary-Anne" I exclaimed. "I'm sorry,".

"No, it's me that's sorry," Mary-Anne replied, blinking back tears. "You have nothing to feel bad about.... oh I better go, I shouldn't waste your time...".

"It's OK," I said to my friend. "You're always welcome here,".

"But I better be going anyway. I have to sort out my plane ticket. I came to give you the painting and say goodbye...".

"Awww, we're gonna miss you!" I cried, giving her a hug. "Take care, and make sure you write to me!".

"I will!" she said with a little smile.

"I'll be seeing Nick later, what shall I tell him?"

"Say I'm moving away and won't be back," Mary-Anne said with a sad look on her face. "Tell him I don't hate him and all the best in the future for him,".

"OK," I said softly. We said goodbye for the final time then Mary-Anne left.

I had just lost a friend. OK, we hadn't fallen out or anything like that. But she had gone. I felt so sorry for her and Nick. I had to see him, make sure he was coping OK.

"I'll call him up," I said quietly to myself, placing the painting on my dresser by my bed. I would get it framed and hang it on the wall.

My tutor arrived and we started a math lesson. I had a few hours of tutoring a few days a week- sometimes on a Saturday like that day, as I had been taught by a different system back in Europe meaning my schooling would be over in the summer. I could take exams in a few months then I would have finished school, at sixteen and a half.

At lunch time when my lessons had almost finished, the phone rang. I knew who it would be before I answered. Nick.

"Lila, are you free this afternoon? Want to come over?" Nick asked, his voice sounding wobbly as if he was holding back tears.

"Of course!" I said. "I've nearly finished today's lessons so I'll be over in a hour, OK?".

Nick was grateful I could come. We hung up and I went back to my schoolwork.

I finished it quickly then walked to Nick's. It wasn't far. I could have drove, as I had a drivers license, but I didn't have a car yet and I didn't want to take Liz's as it was hard to drive.

When Nick answered the door, my worries were confirmed. He wasn't taking it well. He looked awful.

"Nick," I said, looking into his sad eyes. "Come here,".

I put my arms around him and gave him a big hug.



"...And then she left. I was so upset, I just ran upstairs and went to bed, crying. I didn't want to get up this morning, but I had to eventually. I wish this was all a bad dream...".

Lila patted my hand. "Awww Nick! It's over now, try and forget about her. Try not to feel sad...".

"It's hard not to," I said, looking down at my coffee cup. "I was so happy with her, but she's gone. Moving away!". I tried to hold in my tears. I didn't want Lila to see me cry.

"Nick, I know it's hard, but think ahead. Into the future. In a couple of days you go off with the guys to get ready for the tour. It will take your mind off things,".

"I guess," I said, nodding. She was right- going on tour would keep me occupied. But it wouldn't be the same without Mary-Anne...

"More coffee?" Lila asked, taking my empty cup.

"Thanks," I said, managing a small smile for Lila. She was great- coming over and keeping me company.

She went into the kitchen and made some more coffee. I sat on the sofa and rubbed my eyes. I hadn't been out of bed long and I hadn't made an effort to look good. I didn't care. My sweater was crumpled and my trousers clashed with it. My hair was a big mess and I looked pale. I felt ill too- my head ached and I felt sick. At least I had a few days to rest and do nothing before going back to rehearsals.

"Here you go Nick," Lila said, returning and giving me a cup of hot coffee and a couple of cookies to dip in it.

"Thanks," I said, putting the warm cup to my mouth.

Lila looked at me with large sad eyes. "Nick, you look so pale and ill. Do you want to take something for it?".

I shook my head. "I took a headache tablet earlier but it didn't work. Nothing will work,".

"I guess a game of Rally Car won't cure it this time," Lila said with a half-smile.

I managed a laugh. "No, even that won't help!".

Lila went over and switched on the TV. "I always find music helps when I am sad and low," she said, flicking it on to MTV.

We stayed in and watched MTV for the whole afternoon. I couldn't bear being on my own so I asked Lila to stay. She didn't mind.

"No-one's in at home, I'd only be alone too," she said, drawing the curtains for me. It was dinnertime now.

"I fancy a pizza," I said to Lila, getting up. "Wanna share one?".

Lila smiled and nodded. "Please,".

I threw a pizza in the oven and soon we were eating it in front of the TV.

"Yesterday I thought it would be one of my happiest days," I told Lila as we dug into our food. "I mean, it was my birthday and I was with all my close ones. I was so happy...".

"I know, you looked really happy," Lila agreed. "But try and forget about it. It's in the past and who knows what the future holds,".

"Hmm," I said, thinking. After suffering my second heartbreak in less than a year, I was pretty sad. Things could only get better now!

"Come on Nick, cheer up!" Lila said, jumping off her chair and coming to sit next to me. "Smile! I hate seeing you sad!". She pulled my mouth up into a smile.

I laughed. "I'll try!".

"Good! Now the cure to a broken heart is to watch lots of TV, listen to your favorite songs... happy songs that is, play video-games- and I'll let you win, and eat plenty of your favorite food!".

"Maybe that'll work, come on get some chocolate and potato chips from the cupboards! I want some dessert!".

"That's the spirit Nick!" Lila said, bouncing into the kitchen then emerging a couple of minutes later with her arms full of junk food.

We ate all evening, and watched a good movie. Lila really cheered me up. I was glad she was there, I don't know what would have happened if she hadn't had called round.

"Ahhh my stomach," I moaned later on.

"That's too much crappy food!" Lila said, taking the candy bar from my hand and eating it herself. "You better stop before you puke up!".

I nodded. "Yeah, I better!".

I lay down on the sofa and yawned. I was so tired.

"I'll leave you for the evening now so you can go to sleep," Lila said, picking up junk food from all over the floor.

"OK, what about tomorrow?" I asked. "I hardly wanted to be alone. No-one else would come over as Brian and the guys were resting at home before we had to go back to work, and Brent was away with his girlfriend somewhere. Besides, I enjoyed Lila's company the most. She always cheered me and and knew what to say to make me feel better.

"Want me to come over again?" she asked. "If you want some company again I'm willing to come!".

"If you're not doing anything, that'll be cool,".

"It's a Sunday so I have no plans. I'll bring over some video-games,".

"Cool!" I said. I climbed off the sofa and went to the door with Lila. "Thanks for coming today, you really helped," I said truthfully.

"No problem, anything for a friend in need!". She put on her jacket. "Take care Nick, see you tomorrow,".

I went back inside and up to bed. I sat alone on my bed, the loneliness all coming back to me again.

"Why did she have to leave?" I asked myself. "How could she lie to me?".

I threw off my clothes and crawled under the bedcovers.

"What am I gonna do?!" I said to myself, nearly crying. It was only just sinking in. My girlfriend, who I loved and cherished, had left. I would not see her again.

I fell asleep, thinking to myself that I didn't want to wake up.


