Chapter 3



"Dudley, it's OK boy," I whispered, stroking my pooch as we lay on the cold concreate floor. I put my jacket over him as he was shivering and wimpering.

That stupid Nick losing his phone like that, how dumb! I thought to myself, glancing over at him. In the darkness I could make out him curled up over the other side of the warehouse. He had been kicking at the doors trying to open them but had no luck. I guess he was too weak.

"Get to sleep, Duds," I said, cuddling up to him. A few minutes later he was sound asleep.

I hope we get out of here soon, I thought, thinking of the man and his gun. I had been really scared. I hoped he would let us out the next morning.

"Why couldn't it be Brian I got stuck with?" I muttered under my breath. I really didn't like Nick. Most girls would give anything to be in my position, locked in a room with Nick, but not me. I thought he was a jerk. He was so bigheaded, I could tell by seeing him on TV. Plus he was ugly. I didn't know what my best friend saw in him!

I tried to forget everything and I concentrated on getting to sleep. I was very tired as it was pretty late.

Soon I was sound asleep...



I was woken up by something wet on my cheek.

"Whatsthat?" I muttered, sitting up. Where was I?.

I was in a dimly lit building, lying on the dusty floor. What the hell?!

Then I remembered the guy with the gun, chasing me and some girl into a warehouse. My heart sunk. It hadn't been all a dream.

"Awww, you're cute!" I quietly exclaimed, pulling the cute dog who had been licking my cheek into my arms.

The dog looked at me with his big eyes. He was adorable!

I looked at my watch. Five AM. Way too early. I wondered what the guys were doing- if they were looking for me. They must have been very worried.

"Shhh," the girl hissed, sitting up looking annoyed. "It's too early, shut up!".

"Sorry!" I whispered, lying back down. The dog curled up next to me.

I closed my eyes, but opened them again when I heard footsteps. I looked up and saw the girl come and grab her dog. "Stay away from my Dudley!" she said frowning, carrying the dog over to her side of the warehouse.

What had I done?! I wondered why the girl disliked me so much. I hadn't done anything! Maybe she was an N Sync fan or something!

I was wide awake now so I decided to get up. I walked over to the doors again and tried kicking it down. It was bolted and chained up. "Help!" I shouted at the top of my voice. I hoped someone would hear me.

The girl rolled her eyes. "No-one will hear you, it's only five AM!" she laughed. "You're dumber than I thought!".

"I'm trying to help us get out!" I said, sitting back down on the floor.

"Well we could have easily got out if you still had your phone," the girl said angrily.

"Sorry," I said again. There was no pleasing this girl...


Chapter 4