Chapter One


Dreaming of Stardom


"Open up, your heart to me. And say what's on your mind...".

I sighed. Out of all the talented singers in the world that I had listened to over the years, and there had been many, Nick was the best in my opinion. He had the most beautiful voice I had ever heard.

I got off my bed and walked over to my CD player to turn up the volume. I Need You Tonight was my favorite song of all time and I always sang along.

Sitting by my open window feeling the summer warmth on my body, I sang my heart out to the tune. Singing was my biggest passion. For as long as I could remember, I had loved music. Not only did I like to sing, but I liked to write songs too. Which was what I was trying to do that afternoon.

College was almost out for summer and when I wasn't studying, I was writing my album. My friends thought I was crazy, making an album, but I didn't care what they thought. It had been my dream to be a singer, and to make an album would be my dream come true... if I had a contract. Which I didn't. But I hadn't been put off. Even if no-one but me listen to the end result, I'd be content. I was doing it for myself and if nobody heard it, then at least I had. If that makes any sense!

I picked up my notebook and stared at the empty page. I'd had so many song ideas recently, but that afternoon my mind was blank. I needed some inspiration.

Inspiration... I turned to my wall and looked at a poster of Nick that hung next to my bed. He was always my main source of inspiration. I smiled as I took in his gorgeous features and looked into his ocean-color eyes. Ideas started forming in my mind...

Ten minutes later, I had a complete song penned. I read it over and changed a few parts. I smiled, satisfied. The song was called Blue-eyed Angel which was a love song.

I still wasn't sure how I'd go about recording my album. I had little money so I'd have to do it as cheaply as possible. College would be the best place, the music rooms had a recording room with all the equipment. Then I remembered I had a friend who was taking Music Engineering that could give me a hand with the technical side of things... I grinned, realizing that would be perfect. I picked up my cell phone and called him up.


"Hi Alex?"

"Melody, hi baby! What's up?".

"Hey Alex," I said. "I was thinking... do you think the college would let me use the recording rooms to record my album?".

He chuckled. "Your album...".

"Stop laughing!" I cried. "I'm serious. Do you think they'd let me?".

"I don't see why not," Alex replied. "I mean, the room ain't in use much at the moment as most of the students are taking exams. The courses are finished for summer. You'll have to book it though....".

"Excellent!" I said happily. I walked over and opened the window further, it was so hot. "So could you lend me a hand, if or when I get the room? I don't know a thing about recording!".

"Yeah, of course babe,".

I thanked him and hung up. Alex was such a sweetie. I knew he kinda liked me but I didn't feel the same way back. I was content with being friends. And Alex was one of the best friends I had.

I wondered if I should write another song straight away but I decided against it. I'd have another shot at it later, I had some e mails I wanted to write. I wandered over to my iMac, fanning my face with a sheet of paper. The summer heat was getting to me. I switched my computer on and went to my mailbox.

In my mailbox was an email waiting for me, from my closest penpal, well e pal I suppose, called Daisy, who lived in Tampa- home of Nick! I read the mail with a smile, learning of her day at work. She had a job in a salon and she got the funniest of customers! I was laughing out loud as I read of her encounter with a lady and her poodle. The lady wanted her and her poodle to have matching perms and colors, I wished I been there to see it!

"What's so funny?" I heard from outside my room.

It was my little sis Harmony. Yeah, my parents love music! She opened the door and crept in, sitting herself on my bed.

"I was just reading an e mail from Daisy," I informed her.

"Doesn't see live in Florida?" Harmony asked me, scratching her neck.

"Yeah," I answered, putting on a new CD as Millennium came to an end.

"Can't you persuade mom and dad to take us there on vacation?" she pleaded. "I want to go to Disneyworld!".

I turned to face her and smiled. "I'd love to go there too. Maybe mom and dad will take us there one day,". I wanted to go to Florida too, one of the reasons being that Nick lived there. I dreamt of searching for his house. I lived in Kentucky not far from Lexington, home of Kevin and Brian, but I'd never seen the guys here apart from in concert a couple of times.

I carried on reading Daisy's e mail, something at the end catching my attention.

I just read on one of the Yahoo Clubs that Nick is starting off his own record label! I wonder how much truth there is in this rumor...

My eyes lit up as I got a brainwave. "Oh gosh...".

"What is it?" Harmony asked, curiously.

"Nick might have started a record label. Oh my God! Imagine if I sent my album to him and he signed me! Both of my dreams would come true, being a singer and knowing Nick!".

Harmony laughed. "You're nuts. Like Nick would sign you! Hundreds of girls would rush to send their tapes to him,".

My smiled faded. She had a point. Sometimes Harmony amazed me. She was only eight, yet she was so smart for her age. Smarter than me!

"Well it's worth a try," I said, looking over at my notebook. Suddenly, the songs that I had thought were so perfect and promising, seemed boring and ordinary. Would anyone like my songs?

"I'm not giving up," I said quietly. I would record my album and send it to Nick, despite what everyone said. Nothing ventured nothing gained, as the old saying goes. I had to at least try.

Harmony bounced out of the room to watch Pokemon and I went online to check out the rumor. Daisy was right, people were talking about Nick starting a label. Nothing was officially confirmed but it seemed pretty likely that it was true. Some fans were already saying how they were going to send him their demo tapes.

My heart sank. I wasn't the only one who wanted to be part of Nick's label. But I still wasn't put off. I wasn't about to give up on my dream quiet yet. It had only just begun...
