Chapter Ten



"Got everything?".

I nodded and hoped into Nick's car. We were leaving for the airport to fly to New York for the TV show. I was getting excited- I was about to make my big break on TV!

"Have you eaten lunch yet?" Nick asked.

"I had a sandwich,"I told him.

"We have plenty of time until the flight," he told me as we drove down the street. "So when we get to the airport we'll go have something to eat,".

"Do you remember the first time you appeared on TV?" I asked Nick

He adjusted his baseball cap. "Um... I was pretty young, I was on a commercial on local TV. It was weird seeing myself on the TV screen!".

"I'm nervous," I told him. "What if I mess up? It goes out live!".

"Relax," Nick said. "You'll be fine,".

"I hope so!".

"This will be the group's first TV appearance in a long time," Nick told me.

"The fans will be pleased, they missed you guys while you were out of the spotlight!".

We pulled onto a busy road, in the mirror I could see a big gray truck behind us. "They seem to be following us," I said, remembering that the van had been behind us back on my street.

Just as I said that, the truck started to overtake us, closing in on the side of Nick's car. "They're pushing us off the road!" I cried, getting scared.

Nick stopped the car on the side of the road, the truck stopping too. Two guys got out and went up to Nick's window. "Mr Carter?" one asked in a gruff voice.

"Yeah, that's me,".

"Can you get out of the car? We need to speak to you,".

I didn't like the sound of this. I was about to tell him to drive off, but he opened the door and got out. "What?" he asked.

"You're coming with us," the other guy said, grabbing Nick's arm and pulling him into the back of the truck. Nick's eyes were full of fear and he let out a cry, but one of the guys covered his mouth.

"What are you doing?!" I cried, undoing my seat belt to get out.

"Stay out of this babe," one of the guys said with a nasty smile.

"Mel, don't worry!" Nick shouted from inside the truck, trying to get out but the guy blocked his way. "I'll be OK. You go on to the airport, my keys are still in the car,". Before he could say anything else, the guy slammed the door and locked him inside.

"Nick!" I cried. But it was too late. The guys jumped into the truck and drove off fast.

I jumped into the driver's seat and sped off following them. Nick was in danger! I had to follow them to try and help him out.

I almost lost the truck but managed to spot it again. It was up ahead, waiting at the lights. I saw a cab at the side of the road with no-one in it. I quickly parked Nick's car at the side of the road and locked it up, then took my bag and ran to the cab. "Follow that gray truck!" I instructed the driver, sounding like someone in a movie in a car chase scene!

The cab driver nodded and we were on the truck's tail again. I was pleased with myself for the quick thinking, now in a different vehicle the truck guys wouldn't realize I was following them.

The truck finally parked outside a garage in a quiet, run-down area. I paid the driver and thanked him, then snuck out, ducking behind a hedge.

I looked through a gap in the hedge and saw the guys jump out of the truck, holding Nick. They pulled him into the garage and locked the door.

This didn't look good. Nick must have been in danger! I opened my bag to find me cell-phone, but it wasn't there. "Damn, I left it in the car!" I hissed, annoyed. I crawled along the street keeping low in case the men saw me, then when far enough away I started to run. I had to find a call box to phone the police...

It took me ten minutes to find on that wasn't vandalized. I called 911 and told the cops that Nick had been kidnapped, then tried to describe the location. They said they'd come quickly.

I rushed back to the garage and snuck up to the door. I pressed my ear to it and listened.

"We know there's something! Jade isn't spending all that money without a reason!" one of the guys snarled. "Tell us! Come on! What is she blackmailing you about?".

"How do you know her?" I heard Nick say in a scared tone. "What makes you think she's blackmailing me?".

"I used to date her," one of the guys answered. "And I see her in town and at clubs. She couldn't help showing off to me that she's got unlimited access to your cash. She hinted at her little scheme,".

"Let me go," I heard Nick plead. "This rope hurts, my arms ache,".

I gasped. They must have him tied up! I looked around the corner of the building and saw a window high up. If I climbed up the drainpipe I might be able to reach it...

"You sit here while we get something," the other guy said.

"I'll cover his mouth so he can't shout for help," the other said.

"What do you want from me?" Nick asked.

"What do you think?! Money! If Jade can get that much out of you, so can we!".

Nick started to speak but his words were muffled. I then heard a door slam.

I went around to the window and kicked off my shoes. I could climb the drainpipe if I was careful...
