Chapter Two


Making Plans


"It's a wrap!" I said, hugging Alex as I held my completed album tightly in my hand. Three weeks was all it had taken me to finish it. All together I had recorded thirteen songs, all varying in style. Some were slow ballads, some were quite rocky, others had more of an R&B edge. Basically, it was my style. A bit of everything all mixed together.

"I must say Mel, you have a great voice! I'm sorry for laughing at you at the beginning,".

I blushed. "My voice ain't that great!" I protested. "Hey, if you see Sandy, Liz and Jon before me, tell them thanks from me. They did a great job with their instruments,". A few of our friends had lent a hand by playing their instruments for the tracks.

"Sure. So what are you gonna do with the tape now?".

"Well...". I paused. I wasn't so sure myself. "I'll take it to my cousin Craig who has a CD copier machine thingy, he'll make me some copies on CD. Then I'll try sending it to labels...".

"...Including Nick?".

I blushed. "Yeah,". It was confirmed that he had started his own record label, and so far only his girlfriend Jade was signed to it.

"I don't mean to sound horrible or anything but... will he listen to it? He must be getting flooded with tapes,".

"I know," I said, nodding. "I wish there was a way of making sure he heard it.


Two hours later I found myself at my cousin Craig's house. As we copied the CD, we listened to it. I was satisfied with the result, pleased with how it had turned out.

Craig was quiet, then turned to me with wide eyes. "This is amazing!" he raved. "I never knew my little cuz was so talented! You wrote all of these songs?".

I nodded, going shy. "Yeah,".

"You could go far. I mean, I don't know that much about the music business but, well these days there are so many puppets around, young artists that don't write anything them self...".

"I know," I agreed.

"...I betcha they're crying out for a bit of talent like you, someone real," he continued.

"I was gonna send it to Nick," I told him.

Craig laughed. "Send?! I'd go over to his house and hand it to him, force him to listen to it!".

My eyes lit up. "I should do that," I said. I grinned. "I think I will!".

Craig shook his head and laughed again. "I was kidding,".

"I'm not kidding!" I told him. "I'm serious! I'll make a trip to Tampa and hand it to him personally,". Ideas were flowing through my head at such a fast rate, overloading my brain.

"Well good luck," Craig said, patting me on the back. "If he's got any sense he'll sign you on the spot,".

I tried not to get my hopes up too much. I knew there were so many talented artists out there struggling to get heard. I might not be one of the lucky ones that would make it big. But I was going to try...

"I hope so," I replied to Craig. I stayed over for the rest of the day, chatting with my aunt and uncle while Craig ran off copies of the album. They loved it too and wished me well.

When I had enough copied, I went home and handed my parents a copy. "What you you both think?" I asked them.

They sat and listened. It wasn't long before my father started clapping. "Melody, this is fantastic. I never knew you had it in you,".

"It's good," my mother said with a small smile.

"I want to go to Tampa and give it to Nick," I told them nervously, wondering what their reaction would be.

"You're too young. Wait until after college," my mom said quickly.

"But I'm almost nineteen!" I argued, whining like a kid. "And I have this whole summer off college,".

"Let her," my father said. "This is her dream. You know how much she loves music,".

I smiled and thanked my dad. He was great. He was a music lover like myself and understood my dreams. I knew he'd be supportive.

"What if he rejects it?" my mother pressed on.

"Then the journey wouldn't be wasted," I told her. "My friend Daisy lives down there, she's asked me to stay before, so I know she'd love me to visit. I can stay with her. It'll be a vacation for me,".

My mom turned to my dad. They exchanged glances. "Very well," my mother finally said. "If you use your own money then it's OK. But be careful...".

"I'll be very careful don't worry!" I exclaimed, rushing to hug both parents. "I'll make arrangements with Daisy right now!".

By the end of the evening, Daisy and I had, online, sorted out my stay. I would fly down to Tampa the following week and we would hunt for Nick's house- Daisy though she knew where he lived. I had some savings put by for a car so I was going to use some of that money. I was getting so excited!

"So you're going to the Sunshine State?" Harmony said quietly, slipping into my room late that night as I was getting into bed.

I put on a BSB album quietly and sat next to her on my bed. "Yeah," I told her. "I'm going to give Nick my tape,".

"You have a wonderful voice," she told me. "I think Nick will agree with me...". She then went quiet.

"What's wrong, Harmony?".

"I'll miss you," she managed to say.

I frowned. I'd miss her too. I wondered if Nick felt the same about going away and not seeing his siblings. "I won't be gone for very long. I might only be a couple of weeks," I told her.

"Exactly. Two weeks alone,".

"Can't you go see your friends over the summer?" I asked.

"What friends?".

I felt sorry for Harmony. She didn't have many friends. She was grown up for her age and probably felt too old for the kids in her class. "I'm sure you'll make friends," I said encouragingly.

"I doubt it,".

"Well...". I struggled to think what to say. "...Maybe mom and dad will take you to Disneyworld and to see me while you're in Florida,".

Her eyes lit up. "I hope so!". She yawned. "I'm tired, I'm off to bed now,".

"'K," I said, opening the door for her. "Sweet dreams,".


I got under the covers and closed my eyes. But I found myself too excited to sleep. I was off to Florida! To go and see Nick!

I tossed and turned. I wasn't going to get much sleep that night!

The last thought on my mind as I finally drifted off was Nick. I couldn't wait to see him. I was so excited!
