Chapter Eight

Time to Tell the Truth...


I stood in my bedroom looking at my reflection in the mirror. It was the day of the party ad I'd just finished getting ready. I'd decided to go as an angel- not very original, but I liked the idea

Daisy poked her head in the door and laughed. "Mel, angels are sooo common at costume parties. You need to be a little different...".

She held up a black nail polish. "Hard Candy," I said, seeing what brand it was.

"That's the kind of angel you should be," she said. "A Hard Candy angel. What I mean is, a candy-sweet angel but with a hard edge,".

I was kinda confused. Daisy took my hand and filed my nails into a square shape, painting them in the black color. She then wiped off my pale sparkly eye makeup and replaced it with black.

She handed me some spider-shaped silver earrings and told me to put them on. "Now take the silver slippers off and put on your black snakeskin boots,".

When I'd put them on, I looked in the mirror. Daisy was right, before I'd looked like the typical costume party angel but with her alterations I looked more original. "Thanks," I told her gratefully, smoothing down my glittery silver dress, which I had attached wings to on the back.

She looked at her watch and shrieked. "The guests will be arriving in half an hour and I'm not dressed yet!". She handed me some balloons and rushed upstairs.

I pumped up the balloons and put them around the house. I prepared some food and arranged everything on the table. It was almost time for guests to arrive when Daisy came downstairs.

"Gosh!" I exclaimed when I saw her in her costume. She looked fantastic!

"Can you guess what I'm dressed as?" she asked with a smile.

"You look like one of those glamourous movie stars from the days of black and white," I noted.

"You're right!" she said, glad I had guessed right. She looked every bit her part in a stunning black gown, her hair curled in sleek ringlets, her lips crimson. She really did look liked she's stepped off the screen of an old movie. I was kinda surprised at her as I'd suspected she's dress as something more crazy!

"I hear cars pulling up!" she cried, smoothing down her dress. "Quick put the music on!".

I rushed over to the music system and pumped up the volume to a dance track. I heard Daisy opening the door and welcoming guests.

"This is my sister Sandy and her husband Paul," Daisy said as she entered the room with a girl dressed as cat and a guy that looked real cool as a robot.

Within five minutes, the room was filled with about thirty guests, mainly people Daisy knew. And there were still more to arrive! But there was no sign of Nick yet...

I was chatting to a guy dressed as a clown when I noticed Jade sipping at a glass of wine. She looked as beautiful as ever, dressed as some kind of princess, it looked like, in a shimmering green gown studded with gems. Where was Nick though..?

I excused myself from the conversation and walked over to Jade. "You look great," I told her. "Where's Nick?".

"At the food table stuffing his face of course," she said rolling her eyes.

I looked over and sure enough, he was there, wearing some kind of emerald-colored velvet gown.

"He's dressed as a king to match me cuz I'm a queen," Jade said, pointing to the extravagant diamante crown place on her head.

"Oh I see...".

Nick noticed me and smiled. He came over and handed me a present. "Hi Mel, you look great. Thanks for inviting us, happy birthday!".

I thanked him and put the gift in a pile with other presents. I wouldn't open them until my actual birthday!

We talked for a little while, then a slow song came on. Jade was no-where to be seen so Nick opened his arms. "Wanna dance?" he asked.

I jumped at the chance. I leaned towards him and put my arms around his body. As we swayed to the music, I drifted off into heaven.. well it seemed like I had, being in Nick's arms!

I was sad when the slow dance ended. But there were sure to be more later, I hoped so anyways! The time flew by and it got pretty late. Nick looked tired and was sitting on the couch with his eyes closed. Jade had reappeared by now and went up to Nick. I saw her speaking but couldn't hear what she was saying so I moved a little closer...

Nick had that scared look on his face. "OK, OK," I heard him say. He took his wallet out and gave it to her.

jade had her back to me so she didn't know I was there. "Thanks. You know what I'd do if you refused to pay," I heard her say in a nasty tone,".

"No, no don't say that," Nick whimpered in fear.

She walked way laughing and went out the door. "What was all that Nick?" I asked, puzzled.

"Nothing, she wanted to go to a club to see if her friends were there so I gave her some money for it...".

I led him out of the noisy crowded room into the quieter kitchen. "Why was she threatening you like that?" I asked. "Nick, I'm worried. You look scared whenever you give her money. What's going on?".

He looked at me silently, tears welling in his eyes. "Nothing...".

"Nick, you can tell me anything," I told him. "If something's up, I'll try and help you,".

Nick nodded. "Can we go somewhere private?".

I agreed and led him upstairs. It was quiet there and nobody could hear our conversation. I led him into my room and closed the door.

"Nick, ever since I first went to your house I noticed something was up with you and Jade..." I told him, sitting next to him on my bed, taking off my uncomfortable boots.

"Mmm..." he sighed.

"...I wasn't being nosy, I just... saw that things were strange. You didn't show affections like couples do and don't seem to have anything in common. I noticed that you had separate bedrooms... what's going on?".

Nick started to cry. I lent over and hugged him. "Let it all out, I'm here to listen," I assured him, feeling sad at seeing him cry.

"I don't love her, I don't want to live with her," he said, blinking away his tears. "I don't want to date her, I wish she'd just go away...".

"Then why are you with her?!" I asked, totally confused.

"I have to be. She tells me that I must let her live in my house and let her spend as much money as she wants, be my star girlfriend, or she'll...".

"She'll what?".

"Tell everyone about me," he uttered.

"What do you mean? Tell everyone what?".

"OK, I'll tell you," he said. "But this is secret. And please don't hate me for it. I know the world would if Jade told them...".

"Oh," I said, starting to realize what he meant. Jade must be blackmailing him!

"She's blackmailing you? You have a secret you don't want let out to the public?" I guessed. It all made sense now...

He nodded. "Yeah...".

What could it be? It had to be something bad that would ruin the reputation of the group. Could be be on drugs? That would explain his strange behaviour... Could be be gay? No, probably not but... what else? Could he...

"I'll tell you then," he said slowly, interrupting my thoughts. "Let me explain...".
