Chapter One
Growing Ambitions


Sarah sat in front of the mirror and brushed her long silky hair, singing along to the radio happily.

Nick passed her door and smiled. "Hey baby have you started packing yet? We've gotta leave tomorrow,".

She shook her head. "No, I thought you could do the packing. I don't feel too good...".

Nick smiled sympathetically. "Of course honey, I'll do it. You relax,".

Sarah left him to pack their bags and went to watch TV. She smiled smugly, she could always get what she wanted now, Nick was totally under her control. He had fixed for her to open the special one-off concert the previous month and she had loved it, and he had promised her to try persuade the guys and his management to let her be opening act in the tour which would start in less than a week.

Sarah was pretty pleased with what she had accomplished with Nick. She had drummed her ideas into him about his family not loving him and the guys not caring about him, turning Nick against them even more. Of course, she had made it all up as she knew very well that the Carters loved their son dearly and only wanted the best for him, for him to leave Sarah. She also knew very well that the other guys cared very much for Nick and wanted to protect him, but she was scared that if he remained close to them that they would persuade Nick to leave her. She didn't want to lose him again as she knew her career would get nowhere without Nick.

Sarah couldn't see anything on TV worth watching so she logged onto her laptop computer to surf the net. She had persuaded her sister and friends to start a fan club to promote her, but there were still more people against her than supporting her.

"Stupid teenies," she muttered under her breath as she read messages on a 'hate site' made my angry Nick fans. Someone who knew the guys had leaked true stories of her behavior onto the internet and the word had spread to many Nick fans who had joined together to vent their angry for her. "And Nick's to blame for them hating me," she muttered, remembering his outburst on TV on the VMAs night. That had initially started the fans hate for her.

Sarah read some of their messages with a scowl. I wish he would leave her, she is no good for him! One Nick fan said. We all know how she hurts him and only wants a career. Anyways, she can't sing. I was at the one-off concert last month and she sucked! I hate to see Nick in such a bad relationship, I wish I could help him out of it. Maybe the other guys or his family could talk to him about it, although the rumors say that Sarah won't even let them talk to him! What a bitch.

Sarah rolled her eyes and laughed. "Sorry girl but there's nothing you can do to stop me!" she said to the screen. But she was worried. The fans knew a lot about what was going on! They could be a threat to her plans.

She went to Jive's site and checked their listings of artists. She still wasn't on the list. "Damn, I'd better get Nick to call them and make them add me," Sarah said to herself. "After all, I am signed to them,". With all the excitement of performing at the show, Sarah had almost forgotten about her album. But now she was starting to get worried as she hadn't heard from Jive in a while and still had a lot of material to record.

Nick came down the stairs with some bags and placed them by the front door. "Hi honey, anything good online?".

She shook her head. "No, not really. Actually I'm going off now, it's too upsetting. All those fans hate me and keep saying mean things about me,".

Nick rushed over to her side, thinking that she was about to cry. "I'm sorry honey,".

"So you should be," she said angrily. "You started it all with that comment on TV,".

"I know, but it was the truth," he said, trying to stick up for himself.

"You should never have said it!" she exclaimed, slapping him hard around the face. "It was very immature and irresponsible of you. Didn't you think how I was feeling?".

"I'm sorry!" Nick cried, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I really am! Do you forgive me?" he pleaded.

Sarah almost smiled but stopped herself. She liked making him cry, it showed her that her plans were working. "Yes I forgive you," she said. "But I'm still mad. I don't mean to hurt you but the fans drive me to it, I get so upset,".

"I know, you wouldn't hurt me if you didn't get so stressed," Nick answered. He wiped his tears on his sleeve and went back upstairs to continue packing.

Nick was dreading the new tour. He hated the thought of seeing the other guys again. All those years I thought they cared about me but they only seemed kind because they were forced to be like that! Nick thought to himself angrily, remembering the lie Sarah had fed him and believing it. They're so false, pretending to be nice and concerned but really thinking of the money they get paid by management to be like that!

"I'd rather stay at home with Sarah," he thought outloud. "She may push me around a little and make me spend money but I don't mind, it's better than being alone,". Nick shuddered as he remembered the dark few months he had been alone and how low he had gotten. The fear of feeling like that again made him cling dearly to Sarah. "She's nicer now though," he said to himself. "She loves me,".

Sarah didn't love him though. She told Nick she did but all she loved about him was his money and his connections. Sure he could be fun sometimes and she liked bedtime with him, but she could get more fun with another guy, she found Nick boring most of the time. Sarah liked more exciting guys, although she hadn't cheated on him. Yet.

Nick took off his sweater and sat down. He looked down at his bare arms and saw his tattoos. He smiled, thinking how his parents had been less than pleased about him getting them. "That's an idea," he said with a mischievous smile. "I should do something to piss off my parents!". He was feeling rebellious now, after thinking over what Sarah had fed him about his parents controlling him to make money and not loving him. He believed it all and now wanted to do something to show that he controlled himself and didn't care what they thought any more.

Sarah came upstairs and joined him. "I didn't upset you at all did I?" she asked, worried that her words and actions had backfired on her and worked the opposite way. She couldn't care less if Nick was upset but to keep up her act she had to show an interest.

"Not at all," Nick answered. "In fact, you got me thinking. I want to prove to everyone that I'm in control of myself now instead of everyone else telling me what to do,".

"That's the spirit Nick!" Sarah said, pleased he was isolating himself from his family and bandmates even more now. "I'm glad you've been listening to me, it makes sense what I'm saying,".

"I know. What would I do without you?!".

"I don't know what I'd do without you either," Sarah answered.

Without you I'd have no career and no money, I don't know what I'd do, that's what! she added silently.


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