Chapter Ten
Taking Action


"My poor baby," Nick's mother cried, obviously distressed at the latest findings as she and her husband arrived at the restaurant to meet with Stuart, Lucinda, Brian and Leighanne.

"I know, poor Nick," Brian said, shaking his head.

"I can't believe they're going to kill him!" Lucinda exclaimed.

It was now evening and and the four had called Nick's parents to tell them what they had found out. They were eating dinner at a restaurant trying to figure what to do.

"I think we should tell him," Nick's father said. "He needs to be warned. We should go over and tell him tonight,".

"I don't think that's a good idea," Brian said. "It didn't work before when I told him what Sarah was up to," he pointed out. "He won't believe us,".

They all argued about what to do, except Lucinda, she kept quiet, thinking it over. "Stop arguing," she said eventually. "We're not getting anywhere this way,".

Everyone was quiet.

"We should try and get some evidence," she continued. "Maybe sneak around with a tape recorder so we can tape them saying something. Or secretly videoing them together, that would be better,".

"Good idea," Leighanne said with a smile.

"So how do we go about this?" Mr Carter asked.

"Well...". Lucinda wasn't sure herself. "Um, maybe we could follow them again tomorrow, get some footage. Then we go straight to Nick with it. If all goes to plan, he'll see that she's cheating on him and that they're gonna kill him, so he dumps her before it's too late,".

"I hope this works," Mrs Carter said nervously.


Lucinda sat nervously in her car, wearing shades and a hat to disguise herself. She crouched low, peeking out of the window to watch for Sarah and Andy.

"There they are!" she whispered, a smile curling on her lips as she watched them climb into Andy's fancy car. Lucinda discreetly put the video camera to the window and pressed record.

"Let's go," said Stuart, also in disguise. He started the car and they drove, following the couple.

Sarah and Andy stopped outside a bar, the same one as the day before. They walked in, hand-in-hand, all getting captured on film by Lucinda.

"It'll be hard getting this thing inside without look suspicious," Stuart said, motioning to the large video camera that they had borrowed from Nick's parents.

"Maybe we should wait here and just film them when they come out," Lucinda said with a shrug.

They sat and waited. Five minutes later the doors of the bar swung open and Sarah and Andy appeared.

Sarah looked very angry and her shirt was wet. "That guy was so damn clumsy!" she cried, looking down at her shirt in horror.

"I could have punched him for that, even though it was an accident," Andy said sympathetically.

"Someone spilt a drink on poor Sarah," Stuart said sarcastically to his sister.

Lucinda laughed, making sure all this was on film. The windows were open so that the camera managed to pick up their voices.

"Might as well go back to the set now," Sarah said as Andy opened the door to his car for her.

"Where's Carter today?".

"Don't know, don't care! Poor thing, I can't wait for you to put him out of his misery! He's such a depressing loser,".

"Bitch," Lucinda muttered, outraged at Sarah's comment.

Sarah and Andy started to drive away, but then Sarah told him to stop.

Sarah had noticed Lucinda and Stuart. "What the hell are you two doing?!" she yelled. She stormed out of the car and ran over to them.

"Drive away!" Lucinda cried in a panic.

But Sarah was too quick. She grabbed the camera from Lucinda through the open window and threw it to the ground. "Making a movie on me then?" she said with a twisted smile.

"Sorry," Lucinda muttered, going red.

Sarah stamped on the camera, smashing it to hundreds of pieces. "Planning to show Nick that then?".

Lucinda said nothing.

Sarah grabbed Lucinda by the hair. "Well?" she demanded aggressively.

"Yeah," Lucinda said in barely a whisper.

Sarah gave her a hard slap across the face. "If you say anything to Nick, you'll be dead too. And your brother,".

Lucinda bit her lip to stop herself crying. As Sarah stomped off towards Andy's car, she turned to Stuart. "What a ...".

"Never mind, we'll have to try something else," Stuart said, shaking his head sadly.


Nick sat in his living room that evening watching the news. He frowned, everything happening around the world- crime, wars, death- was so depressing... just like his life.

He heard the front doors swing open, then close loudly. "Honey I'm home!" Sarah sung happily, strolling into the living room. "How are you, my honey?". She sat next to Nick and cuddled up to him, ruffling his hair.

"OK," he said. Where have you been?".

"Just finished filming, it ran on pretty late," she said with a sigh. "On the way home I made as stop at the wedding shop to check that everything's going all right. I can't believe it's only next week!".

Nick wondered why she was acting so into him so suddenly, but he was happy about it. "I can't wait, my life can start properly then, when I marry you,".

More like, your life can end! Sarah thought wickedly, fiddling with her huge engagement ring. She was only sucking up and talking to him to keep up the act. She was starting to get scared that he'd call off the wedding.

"You going out with the girls again tonight?" Nick asked.

"No, why don't we go out together for once," Sarah suggested, keeping up her act.

Nick jumped at the chance. "I'd love to, we've hardly been out!".

As Nick and Sarah were leaving to find a restaurant, Brian, Leigh, Stuart, Lucinda and Nick's parents turned up at the beach house. They saw Nick and Sarah drive away. "That's odd, them going out together," Stuart said. "Maybe her boyfriend is busy tonight!".

"So what are we gonna do?" Leigh asked as they all walked to the front of the house.

"Look for evidence to confront them with," Lucinda said, looking at everyone.

"How?" Mr Carter asked.

"We go inside," Lucinda said. "I know it's bad, but we're doing it in Nick's best interest. I know where he keeps the spare key, come on,".

Lucinda led them to the flower bed in the front yard where a stone dolphin figure stood. She picked it up and underneath was a key.

Brian picked up the key and unlocked the doors. They all walked inside, Leigh closing the door behind them.

They all went to different rooms to search for anything important. "Love letters, answer phone tapes, that kind of stuff is what we're looking for," Lucinda called to everyone.

They rooted around for around an hour, but nobody found anything. "Sarah's too clever," Mrs Carter said sadly, sitting down on the couch.

"I couldn't find anything, Sarah's stash of drugs but that's hardly evidence..." Stuart said, putting his head in his hands.

"I'm gonna have another last look," Brian said, wandering back upstairs. He didn't want to give up yet.

"Me too," said Lucinda.

The other four stay in the living room in silence.

Just then they heard keys in the door. "Oh shit!" Stuart exclaimed. "They're back!".

"That was a cool meal," they heard Sarah say.

"Yeah, I enjoyed it," Nick replied.

The couple walked into the living room to see Stuart, Leigh and Nick's parents. "What the hell..?" Sarah exclaimed.

Nick stared at them. "What?!".

"Hi honey," Mrs Carter said, giving her son an awkward smile. "We called over to see you...".

"You shouldn't have let yourselves in!" Nick said angrily. "Get out!".

"I'm sorry," his father said, standing up. "We'll leave. Brian! Lucinda!".

They didn't come.

"Where are they?" Sarah asked, obviously annoyed at the visitors.

"Um, the bathroom?" Stuart said, not wanting them to to know that they were searching the house!

"Both of them together?" Nick raised an eyebrow.

"No!" Stuart said laughing awkwardly.

"I guess you guys can stay for coffee now you're here.." Nick started, not minding them being there.

"No!" Sarah yelled.

"But they're my friends and family!".

"So? You don't need them, you've got me!".


Sarah whacked him. "Aren't I good enough company them?".

Nick jumped back. "I didn't say that!".

Sarah laughed evilly, she wasn't in her right mind; the drugs she had taken a few hours were still controlling her. She gave Nick another hit.

"Awww!" Nick cried. "I'm supposed to be marrying you next week and you're abusing me...".

"You deserve it," Sarah exclaimed, smacking him upside the head. She then stepped back, remembering she had to keep up her nice act until the wedding.

"I'm sorry," she said softly. "I don't know what came over me,".

Nick closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Does she mean it? Yeah, she loves me.

"I know, don't worry baby,".

"How can you fall for her lies?!" Mrs Carter exclaimed.

"You want to know the truth?" Brian said loudly, suddenly entering the room with Lucinda.

"Nick, listen up," Lucinda said, standing beside Brian.

Nick was puzzled. "What?".

"Nick," Brian said, looking into Nick's wide eyes. "You better sit down. You won't like this. Sarah, be warned, you won't like this either,".

"The truth hurts," Lucinda said with a smirk.

"What is this?" Sarah demanded.

Brian moved his hands from behind his back. "This," he said simply, producing a small, pink leather book.

Sarah gasped and dropped to the floor, her head in her hands. "No!" she cried. "Nooooo!".

All eyes were on Brian.

"What's that?" Nick asked confused, running a hand through his spiky hair.

"Are you ready?" Lucinda asked.

Nick nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be,".

"This is...." Brian begun.

"Noooooo," Sarah howled again, jumping to grab the book but she couldn't reach it.

"Quiet Sarah, let me talk," Brian said, backing away. He took a deep breath and began to speak, his heart beating fast.


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