Chapter Two
Fights and Fallouts


Nick rolled his eyes as he saw Brian and Leighanne looking at him disapprovingly as he kissed Sarah. He wasn't going to take any notice of them any more.

Sarah broke away from their kiss and smiled at him. "That was lovely, baby," she said. "Let's have another,".

Nick lent forwards and they kissed again. She knew Brian and Leigh were in sight so she loved showing off to them that she had Nick back in her control.

"Time for rehearsals," Kevin said, coming into the room. They were at the venue of their first concert of the tour, which would start the next day. They had arrived the previous day and they were about to begin another rehearsal, to brush up on their act since they had been away from touring for two months.

"Go on, I'll be here watching you," Sarah said, waving as Nick joined the other guys.

Onstage the guys started to run through their moves. The guys tried to make conversation with Nick but he blanked them.

"I hoped he'd see through her and leave her during the break," Brian whispered to Leighanne as they took a quick break halfway through. "But she's gotten even more control over him now and he's even more isolated from us,".

Leighanne nodded in agreement. "Look at them now, showing affections in front of everyone. I don't know how she manages to keep him under her control, it's as if she put a spell on him,". They watched as Nick and Sarah sat making out over the other side of the room.

"She hasn't changed one bit, if only he'd see that," Howie said, joining them. "I saw her slap him yesterday, plus she was whining to him about fans hitting her when nothing like that happened,".

"I bet she's responsible for his new rebellious look and attitude," Brian said. Nick was wearing a sleeveless shirt to show off his tattoos and had his hair spiked up, trying to lose his old 'cute' images.

"He probably wants to upset his parents," Leigh said. "I heard Sarah feeding him lies about how his parents don't really care about him and that they're only interested in the money he makes for them,".

"That's stupid!" Howie exclaimed. "His parents love him dearly. Plus the one who doesn't care and only wants his money is Sarah herself,".

The guys finished rehearsing then went to lunch. "Want to join us, we're going to find a restaurant in town," Leighanne said to Sarah as everybody walked out of the arena.

Sarah shook her head. "No thanks," she said sweetly. "Nick and I have plans, but thanks for offering,".

As Sarah dragged Nick away quickly, Brian glanced at Leighanne. "She's only sweet when Nick's around,". "I was only trying to be friendly. And if I'd asked and Nick wasn't around, she'd bite my head off,".

"I know, oh I give up on him," Brian said. "He won't listen to us any more. Nothing we say will get him to see sense,". Despite saying this though, Brian knew he wouldn't give up on Nick completely. He couldn't, Nick had been his best friend for years and he couldn't just let his life be ruined by Sarah.


Nick and Sarah stayed in the venue and ate lunch in Nick's private dressing room together. "So have you asked about me opening the show?" Sarah asked Nick before taking a bite into her sandwich.

Nick nodded. "Yeah but management said no. They've already got all the acts fixed up,".

"But you asked them months ago, why didn't they fix it to be me back then?" Sarah asked angrily.

"I'm sorry," Nick said apologetically.

"No, you're the main star of the concert- everyone comes to see you. You have the power to get me to open. You must make me open,". She looked into his eyes sternly. "Understood?".

"Yeah," Nick replied. He knew he had the power to do this, when he had asked before he hadn't been at all forceful, he had just asked, gotten no as an answer and accepted it. "You told me to do what I want to do and not take other people's answers as final so I'm gonna stand up to them and demand that you open," Nick said. "I'll ask now,".

Sarah smiled with glee as Nick walked out of the room to find their tour manager. She couldn't wait to get on the stage again. Performing at the one off concert had only made her love performing even more.

Nick walked down the corridor and found the tour manager. "I want Sarah to be opening act," Nick said bluntly.

"I told you already, we got them all fixed," the manager said, walking off.

"No wait man!" Nick exclaimed. "Sarah is a talented singer with a record contract. She'll be a wonderful opener. And you have to remember, I am the star of the group, you have to do as I say!".

"Sorry but I meant it when I said no. We have more talented artists lined up already. I witnessed her performance at last month's concert and I don't think she has what it takes to entertain the crowd. her voice is too bland plus she lip syncs,". With that he walked off.

Nick went back to Sarah not knowing what to say. he wouldn't be able to persuade the management but how could he tell Sarah?

Nick told her what he had said. "Bastard!" Sarah cried. "Calling me bland!".

"I read some reviews of the concert and he's not the only one who wasn't impressed," Nick said, then when he saw the look in Sarah's eyes he regretted saying it.

"Even you're against me!" she yelled. "If you loved me you'd support my career not put me down!".

"I was only telling you what other people think!" Nick said in defence, backing away as she raised her hand.

Sarah landed him a slap around the face. "You dumbass, you don't know when to keep your mouth shut!" she yelled at him.

Nick rubbed his sore cheek. "Sarah why do you hurt me?" he asked, confused. She would often say she loved him yet she would yell at him and hit him.

"I need to release my anger," she said, sighing. "I don't mean to take it out on you, sorry. You know I love you really,".

"It's OK, I forgive you," Nick said sweetly, giving her a hug. Looking into her big blue eyes and seeing her sweet smile made him forget the slap and harsh words instantly.


On stage that night Nick performed while Sarah went out clubbing to spend his money. Nick acted like nothing was wrong while onstage but afterwards he went back to ignoring the guys.

"Where's Sarah tonight?" Kevin asked as they went backstage when the show had finished.

Nick didn't answer.

"Out flirting with other guys and spending your money?" AJ asked, rolling his eyes.

"She probably is," Brian commented.

Nick couldn't ignore them any more. "Will you guys stop this?!" he yelled angrily. "Sarah and I are in love. I love her and she loves me. I don't see why you guys have a problem with it,".

"But we're concerned about you," Brian said.

"Yeah right, like you're concerned!" Nick shot. "How much are you being paid to say these things?".

"We're not getting paid anything, we really do care," Kevin said. "Was that another of Sarah's lies?".

"Stop calling her a liar!" Nick shouted. "I don't call your slutty girlfriend anything!".

"You just did," Kevin said, hurt at the comment. "Nick, I don't want a fight but..".

"You're gonna get a fight if you guys carry on," Nick warned.

"She changing him, he never used to be like this," Brian whispered to Howie. "What we don't like is the way she treats you," he said to Nick. "She hits you, we know about that. She yells at you and calls you names. She spends all your money and only wants you to further her career, which would be non existent without you,".

"No, that's where you're wrong," Nick said. "She treats me fine and she's with me because she loves me. End of story. I don't see why you're trying to split us up. Are you jealous that we're so happy together!?".

"Guys, calm down," Howie said, trying to restore peace. He hated to see the guys fight.

"No," AJ said. "We need to talk some sense into Nick while Sarah isn't around!".

"Give it up, all of you!" Nick yelled, tears of frustration starting to run from his eyes. "You don't really care about me, you all just hate me and want to split us up because you want me to be sad,".

"Don't talk shit!" AJ yelled back.

"You're just mad at me because you're no longer the only rebel of the group," Nick said, glaring at AJ. "You'll never have as many fans as I do,". He switched his glance to Kevin. "You hate me because I get all the attention from the fans. And you want to split us up because you never got lucky in love til you were really old and you're jealous that I found love so young,".

Kevin shook his head in despair. What makes him come out with this crap!? he thought to himself. Must be stories Sarah's feeding him.

"And you Howie, everyone think's you're the sweet guy. But you're not. You'll do anything to upset Sarah, she tells me how you call her names. At least I've got more than two fans!".

Brian put an arm around Howie when he saw how upset he looked. Never had he really called Sarah anything, it was just another of her tales. "He didn't mean it," he whispered kindly.

"I meant every word of it!" Nick shot back. "And you Brian, well I thought you were my friend. But you're the worst of all of them, always scheming to make me chuck Sarah...".

"I'm not scheming, I just want you to see what she's really like and leave her, for your own sake," Brian said in his defence.

"Say what you like, I don't care," Nick said, turning his back on them. "I honesty can't wait for this crappy tour to end to get back home with Sarah and away from you phonies. Sarah told me what you're really like, I'm glad she made me see through you,".

As he stomped off to his dressing room, the guys looked at each other in amazement.

"I don't know quite what to say..." AJ started.

"He's turned into a different person... I don't like it,".

"Damn that Sarah! Nick's no longer the sweet funny guy we used to know,".

Brian remained quiet. Seeing his friend act that way had upset him. He didn't want to fall out with Nick, he really cared but Sarah had made it impossible to get through to him. "I don't know what we're gonna do about Frack," Brian said quietly. "I have a feeling things are gonna get even worse now...".


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