Chapter Four
Success for Sarah


Sarah couldn't stop smiling. She had gotten the part.

Nick hugged her proudly. "I knew you'd get it, you totally blew them away in the audition," he said, stroking her hair as they drove through Hollywood to their hotel.

"This is a dream come true!" Sarah said, her eyes shining. "Wow, in a few days we'll start filming. Gosh I have to learn the scripts first!". She thumbed through the thick wad of paper that she held in her hand.

"So what's the movie about?" Nick asked. "I wasn't there when he explained it,".

"Well," started Sarah. "It's about a girl, that's me, who plays with guys hearts. She has several boyfriends, none of which she takes seriously. She's really rich and spoilt. Basically during the movie she breaks lots of hearts and has a good time but at the end she gets her own heart broken when she falls in love for the first time but he won't have her,".

"Wow, this character doesn't sound very nice! She's nothing like you. So what happens at the end?".

"She learns her lesson and becomes a better person. The guys she loves sees this change and they eventually get together,".

"So there'll be kissing scenes?" Nick asked, not liking the thought of Sarah in a passionate kiss with some other guy.

"Yeah, but don't worry, I'll close my eyes and pretend I'm kissing you,".

Nick laughed. "That's OK then!".

They arrived at their exclusive plush hotel and went up to their room. "I hate to have to leave but I gotta," Nick said to Sarah. "I gotta leave first thing tomorrow to get back on tour so I don't miss any shows,".

"I know, well there's nothing we can do about that," Sarah said. "Well there's only three more weeks of the tour left, you can come back here then,".

Nick made the most of his last night with Sarah. "I'll miss you honey..." he whispered to her in the darkness.

"Me too," Sarah said.

But she wouldn't. She was delighted at the thought of being away from Nick. Without him around she could flirt with other guys and have some fun. She thought Nick was too boring and that meeting some new guys would be exciting. She couldn't wait to see the back of him. The only thing she'd miss would be the money...

"Nick, I have a lot of expenses to pay, being in the movie..." she started.

"Uh huh?" he said sleepily.

"...You know, accommodation, clothes and stuff. I won't get paid for the movie until it's finished. If I pay you back afterwards can I have your platinum card?". She was pushing her luck asking such a huge favor but she knew Nick would do anything she told him, he was so pathetic.

"Yeah, anything," he murmured, drifting off to sleep.

Sarah smiled. "That's great, thanks baby,".


"Look at the time!" Kevin yelled at Nick as he rushed into the dressing room. "The show is supposed to start in five minutes and you still have to go to wardrobe! Hurry up!".

Nick rushed off to wardrobe without a word.

Brian looked at his cousin. "At least he turned up. I thought we'd have to take stage without him,".

"He was supposed to be back hours ago, he didn't even call us to say he was late," AJ said in an annoyed tone.

"Maybe he had a good reason for being late," Howie suggested.

But Nick didn't. He had missed his plane that morning due to Sarah making him take her out for a champagne breakfast and had to take a later plane. He didn't really care about almost missing the show, if fact he was losing interest in the tour. He wanted to be back in Hollywood with Sarah.

Nick emerged from the dressing room in his armor for the start of the concert. They got strapped into their harnesses and 'surfed' over the audience onto the stage.

The show went fine without any trouble but backstage afterwards Nick was ready to pick a fight again.

"So I take it she got the part, as she's not here," Kevin commented.

"Of course," Nick said. "And her name is Sarah, not she,".

"Don't start," AJ muttered.

"He started, not me!" Nick yelled as they boarded the bus to go to the hotel.

"Guys, please," Brian said calmly. "I hate this fighting,".

Howie dragged AJ and Kevin away from Nick and made them sit at the opposite end of the bus before any more words could be exchanged. "I know it's hard not to fight back but really we shouldn't make things worse," he said to them.

"I guess you're right," Kevin sighed.

Nick sat at the back of the bus with his back turned to them. He put his headphones on and blasted loud music so he couldn't hear them.

"Maybe one of us should go talk to him, while she's not here," Howie suggested. "Maybe we could have one last go at making him see sense,".

"I will," Brian said. "After all, he was my best friend,".

Brian approached Nick cautiously. "Hey Frack," he said.

Nick took the headphones off. "What?" he snapped.

"Just wanted to talk," Brian said. "How about some Playstation?".

"No," Nick said bluntly. "Not with you,".

"Nick, please," Brian said pleadingly. "We were best friends well before you even knew Sarah. I've done nothing wrong yet you hate me... I hate the way you're acting, she's changed you,".

Nick looked at Brian. He did look sad and sincere. He considered saying he was sorry, but remembered what Sarah had told him. She said that he's faking it. They don't really care. They just get paid more to be nice to me.


Nick put his headphones back on and pumped up the volume. "Go away," he said coldly.

Brian walked back to the others in failure. "I tried," he said sadly. "But it's no use. She's really brainwashed him. I don't think we can break her spell,".

"Her spell... yeah she is kinda like a witch, only spelled with a B," AJ said with a weak laugh.

"I don't think there's anything we can do but wait," Kevin said. "In time he will realize,".

"You guys might give up but I won't," Brian said determinedly. "I won't just let Nick carry on like this. I'm going to keep trying,".

But how will I make him see sense? He wondered, not knowing the answer.


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